- xdan#489
In textIcons - besides
, you can putfunction(key: string): boolean
var editor = new Jodit('#editor', {
textIcons: (key) => key !== 'bold'
Added maxHeight
const jodit = Jodit.make('#editor', {
minHeight: 200,
maxHeight: 500
- Fixed xdan#456
- Fixed xdan#454
- Fixed xdan#453
- Fixed xdan#451
- Fixed xdan#444
- Fixed xdan#428
- Fixed xdan#427
- Fixed xdan#426
- Fixed xdan#222
- Added Find and Preview buttons
- xdan#417
options. Possible valuespt
. By default:px
const editor = new Jodit('#editor', {
defaultFontSizePoints: 'pt'
- xdan#449
const editor = new Jodit('#editor', {
language: 'en',
showCharsCounter: true,
countHTMLChars: true
editor.value = '<p>Simple text</p><p>Simple text</p>';
const statusbar = editor.container.querySelector(
statusbar.textContent.match(/Chars: 36/)
- xdan#424
By default:false
const jodit = new Jodit('#editor', {
allowTabNavigation: true // enable tab navigation between toolbar's buttons
- xdan#408
- xdan#405
- xdan#404 See more in Features
- xdan#400
- xdan#398
- xdan#396
- xdan#393
- xdan#392
- xdan#391
- xdan#385
- xdan#378
- xdan#369
- xdan#360
- xdan#352
- Fixed unde-redo subsystem for source mode
- All
variables were replaced to css custom properties for modern browsers. - Added
plugin - it wrap all alone text node(or inline elements) insideoptions.enter
element. You can disable this behaviour:
const editor = Jodit.make('#editor', {
disablePlugins: ['WrapTextNodes']
- Added
option for ShadowDom support.
ACE source editor does not support Shadow Dom
<div id="editor"></div>
const app = document.getElementById("editor");
app.attachShadow({ mode: "open" });
const root = app.shadowRoot;
root.innerHTML = `
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./build/jodit.css"/>
<h1>Jodit example in Shadow DOM</h1>
<div id="edit"></div>
var editor = new Jodit(root.getElementById("edit"), {
globalFullSize: false,
shadowRoot: root
editor.value = "<p>start</p>";
- From
method was removedselector
argument. It wasjQuery.live
style. Example:
<div class="test">
Earlier, you can use something like this
editor.events.on(document.querySelector('div'), 'click', function () {
}, 'button')
Now, you should use event.target
editor.events.on(document.querySelector('div'), 'click', function (e) {
was renamed toSelect.applyStyle
const editor = Jodit.make('#editor');
editor.s.applyStyle({color: 'red'}) // will add to all selection text - red color
etc. modules which extendView
has only one argument in the constructor - options. Before:
const editor = Jodit.make('#editor');
const fb = Jodit.modules.FileBrowser(editor, {
ajax: {
url: 'https://xdsoft.net'
fb.open(); // error, fb is already destructed
const editor = Jodit.make('#editor');
const fb = Jodit.modules.FileBrowser({
ajax: {
url: 'https://xdsoft.net'
fb.open(); // Normal
editor.e.on('beforeDestruct', () => {
- Split
plugin onselect-cells
was removed. Instead, use
Jodit.make('#editor', {table: {
allowCellSelection: true,
selectionCellStyle: 'border: 1px double #1e88e5 !important;',
allowCellResize: true,
useExtraClassesOptions: true
- All
files were moved near with TS. Class naming was changed closer to BEM. - Removed
. Instead, use onlyPopupMenu
. - Added
for working with buttons.toolbar.button
. UIButton - is reactive:
const button = new UIButton();
button.state.activated = true; // will automatically change setAttribute('area-pressed', 'true')
button.state.icon = 'plus'; // will add `svg` icon in container
// or use `setState`
text: "Click me"
.onAction(() => {
.appendTo(document.body); // will append it inside the body
- In
added decorators supports. Methods that need binding binds with@autobind
decorator. - Added
decorator. - All filenames were renamed to kebab-case.
- Added short aliases for. Can be used as chain -
- Change name
- Remove
field and instead addedJodit.createInside
- In popups added position strategies:
'leftBottom' | 'rightBottom' | 'leftTop' | 'rightTop'
- Added
const editor = Jodit.make('#editor');
const a = editor.createInside.element('a');
const br = document.createElement('br');
Jodit.modules.Dom.isTag(a, 'a') // true
Jodit.modules.Dom.isTag(br, 'br') // true
- Added
const f = Math.random();
Jodit.modules.Helpers.call(f > 0.5 ? Math.ceil : Math.floor, f);
- Added
method - Helper function to get an element's exact position
- In
plugin addedformTemplate
options #333
const editor = getJodit({
link: {
formTemplate: function() {
return '<form class="form_url"><input ref="url_input" type="url"><button>save</button></form>';
formClassName: "some_class"
- Added deprecated mechanism. Some methods will not be removed and only will be marked as deprecated until major release. #330
Added createAttributes
option #243
All elements which will be inserted in editor will be created with these attributes
const editor2 = Jodit.make('#editor', {
createAttributes: {
div: {
class: 'test'
ul: function (ul) {
const div2 = editor2.createInside.div();
const ul = editor2.createInside.element('ul');
Added editHTMLDocumentMode
in order to allow the user to edit the entire document #241.
Also added iframeTitle
and iframeDoctype
const editor = Jodit.make('#editor', {
iframe: true,
iframeTitle: 'Hello world!',
iframeDoctype: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
editHTMLDocumentMode: true,
iframeStyle: ''
// <html dir="" class="jodit" lang="en" spellcheck="true" style="min-height: 113px;">
// <head>
// <title>Hello world!</title>
// </head>
// <body class="jodit-wysiwyg" style="outline:none">test test <a href="#">test</a></body>
// </html>
Fixed xdan#316 Fixed bug when Jodit was initialized inside iframe.
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const win = iframe.contentWindow;
const doc = win.document;
doc.write('<html><body><textarea id="editor"></textarea><' + 'script src="./build/jodit.js"><' + '/script></body></html>');
Jodit.make('#editor', {
ownerWindow: win,
ownerDocument: doc
Fixed bug with ProgressBar - it simply does not work(
Source plugin was separated on several classes. Now you can choose SourceEditor or make yourself (xdan#242)
Jodit.make('#editor', {
useAceEditor: true
Jodit.make('#editor', {
sourceEditor: 'area' || 'ace' // || 'mirror' in PRO
In PRO version you can choose mirrror&
- Added Async module for control asynchronous operations
const editor = new Jodit('#editor');
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
editor.async.setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
After destruct the first timeout will throw the error, but second will be cleared.
Added two methods setPanel and addPlace
<textarea id="editor"></textarea>
<textarea id="editor2"></textarea>
<textarea id="editor3"></textarea>
<div id="toolbar"></div>
const editor = new Jodit('#editor');
//add id instance to editor
Added afterRemoveNode
const editor = new Jodit('#editor');
editor.events.on('afterRemoveNode', (node) => {
if (node.nodeName === 'IMG') {
fetch('delete.php', {image: node.src});
Jodit.plugins.insertText = function (editor) {
editor.events.on('someEvent', function (text) {
editor.s.insertHTMl('Hello ' + text);
Jodit.plugins.add('insertText', function (editor) {
editor.events.on('someEvent', function (text) {
editor.s.insertHTMl('Hello ' + text);
Inside plugin you can use several fields:
// emoji.js
class Emoji {
hasStyle = true; //
requires = ['autocomplete'];
init(editor) {
// this code will be execute only after autocomplete.init
Jodit.plugins.add('emoji', Emoji);
And inside you init code
Jodit.make('#editor', {
basePath: 'https://sitename.com/somepath/',
extraPlugins: ['emoji']
It will try to download
hasStyle = true;
means try download and include in page style file:
In plugins/example
folder you can find an example.
extraPlugins option allows appending in editor extra plugins from npm, bower etc.
In Build system was added gulp subsystem to build extra plugins.
You can make extra plugins like plugins/example
and after build,
this plugin will not be inside jodit.min.js
file. It will be in separate
folder (eg build/plugins/emoji/
Also in root you can find make.js
file for install your plugin
in build system.
Added zIndex
var editor = new Jodir('.editor', {
zIndex: 10000
- Fix table editor in iframe mode
- Fix styles
- Added
option for resize IFRAME tag - Added
option. For example, in Joomla, the top menu bar closes Jodit toolbar when scrolling. Therefore, it is necessary to move the toolbar Jodit by this amount
var editor = new Jodit('#editor', {
offsetTopForAssix: 74
Without affix offset
With affix offset
Added Embed video
button. Added vimeo
or youtube
video embeded code.
When you insert text into the editor from another site, all the images are from a remote site. Before Jodit, it was quite uncomfortable: first I had to download the image from a remote resource, and then upload it to your site, then replace the image in the editor. In 2.5.54 it can be done in 3 clicks
. Need update PHP Connector
Added Jodit.focus method
var editor = new Jodit('.redactor');
Added OK
button in Alert dialog
Jodit.Alert("File was uploaded");
Jodit.Alert("File was uploaded", "Message");
Jodit.Alert("File was uploaded", function() {
Jodit.Alert("File wasn't uploaded", "Error", function() {
Jodit.Promt("Enter your name", function (name) {
if (name.length < 3) {
Jodit.Alert("The name must be at least 3 letters");
return false;
// do something
Jodit.Promt("Enter your name", "Promt Dialog", function (name) {
if (name.length < 3) {
Jodit.Alert("The name must be at least 3 letters");
return false;
// do something
Jodit.Confirm("Are you shure?", function (yes) {
if (yes) {
// do something
First step for Mobile-friendly sizeLG,sizeMD,sizeSM and sets of buttons for different sizes editors.
. this is not the width of the device, the width of the editor
- buttons The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on large places (≥ options.sizeLG).
- buttonsMD The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on medium places (≥ options.sizeMD).
- buttonsSM The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on small places (≥ options.sizeSM).
- buttonsXS The list of buttons that appear in the editor's toolbar on extra small places (< options.sizeSM).
var editor = new Jodit('#some-editor', {
sizeLG: 900,
sizeMD: 700,
sizeSM: 400,
buttons: [
'source', '|',
'italic', '|',
'ol', '|',
'paragraph', '|',
'link', '|',
'justify', '|',
'undo', 'redo', '|',
buttonsMD: [
'source', '|',
'italic', '|',
'ol', '|',
'paragraph', '|',
'link', '|',
'justify', '|',
'undo', 'redo', '|',
buttonsSM: [
'italic', '|',
'ol', '|',
'paragraph', '|',
'link', '|',
'right', '|',
'undo', 'redo', '|',
buttonsXS: [
'image', '|',
'paragraph', '|',
'right', '|',
'undo', 'redo', '|',
- More comfortable colorpicker
- Added Helper.normalizeColor
- Fixed Helper.colorToHex now for transparent color it will return NaN
- Fixed bug in Image Resizer when border was less than Image
- Rename Selection.setCursorTo to Selection.moveCursorTo
- Fixed style for Dialog resizer
Fix a few bugs in JJE
- In Helper module added [isHTML] method. Used plugin
- Added simple plugin
and him optionaskBeforePasteHTML
- Ask before paste HTML in WYSIWYG mode. Try insert in WYSIWYG mode some HTML source
(function ($) {
"use strict";
Jodit.defaultOptions = $.extend(true, Jodit.defaultOptions, {
* @property {boolean} askBeforePasteHTML=true Ask before paste HTML in WYSIWYG mode
askBeforePasteHTML: true
* Ask before paste HTML source
* @module insertHTML
Jodit.plugins.insertHTML = function (parent) {
if (parent.options.askBeforePasteHTML) {
parent.events.on('beforePaste', function (event) {
if (event && event.clipboardData && event.clipboardData.getData && event.clipboardData.types[0] === 'text/plain') {
var html = event.clipboardData.getData('text/plain');
if (parent.helper.isHTML(html)) {
Jodit.Confirm('Your code is similar to HTML. Paste as HTML?', 'Paste as HTML', function (agree) {
if (agree) {
} else {
return false;
Fix #issue 11 in file:
mode CDN CodeMirror not working
- Added
in FileBrowser - Added
in FileBrowser
- Fixed bug in
plugin. When insource
mode, start comment enter<!--
Browser stops responding. - Added
switcher in filebrowser
- In PHP FileBrowser connector added MaxFileSize option
- Fixed popap error in filebrowser
Fix Splitmode autohaight
Fix syncronize code in TableProcessor module
Fix bug in Dialog.Confirm
Jodit.Confirm("Are you shure?", "Confirm", function (success) {
if (success) {
- Fixed IE11's bug http://xdsoft.net/jodit/doc/module-Jodit.html#comment-2866837441
- Added textIcons options - Use text instead of icons. In IE9 it is default - true Example
var editor = new Jodit("#example2_0", {
textIcons: true,
removeButtons: [
Dom Module is now compatible with jQuery objects
var a = jQuery("<a href="#link">Link</a>");
But you must remember that Jodit.modules.Dom! = JQuery
- Added
expand button
In filebrowser - Added fullsize and fullsizeButton options
- Fix Dom.prev method
- Added navigation and select in preview
- Added showSelectButtonInPreview and showPreviewNavigation
Added cleanHTML.allowTags option.
var editor = Jodit('#editor', {
allowTags: 'p,a[href],table,tr,td, img[src=1.png]' // allow only <p>,<a>,<table>,<tr>,<td>,<img> tags and for <a> allow only `href` attribute and <img> allow only `src` atrribute == '1.png'
editor.val('Sorry! <strong>Goodby</strong> <span>mr.</span> <a style="color:red" href="http://xsoft.net">Freeman</a>');
console.log(editor.val()); //Sorry! <a href="http://xsoft.net">Freeman</a>
Or you can use PlainObject. This code equivalent to the top
var editor = Jodit('#editor', {
allowTags: {
p: true,
a: {
href: true
table: true,
tr: true,
td: true,
img: {
src: '1.png'
Fixed bug in Image plugin
Fixed bug in JJE
- Fixed a few styles
- Fixed
- Added in FileBrowser sort options
- Jodit.Promt and Jodit.Alert by default set focus to OK button
Jodit.Promt('Enter your name', function (name) {
if (!name.length) {
Jodit.Alert('You need enter 3 chars');
return false;
//... some logic
- Fix
bug in JJE - Added a few options in JJE plugin
Added edit button in Image Properties Dialog
- Added file info in filebrowser
- Added showFileName,showFileSize,showFileChangeTime
- Dom module was rewrited and was fixed afew bugs
- In OEM and Pro added Image Editor module resize and crop image. You can try here
- Added contextmenu module.
- Added context menu in FileBrowser
- Added preview in FilwBrowser
- Fixed TableProcessor's bugs. In a situation did not appear resizer cells and the resizer throughout the table.
- Fixed z-index Popap
- Fixed behavior of selection table cells
Fixed copy-paste html behavior
Fixed bug on after type Enter
Fixed bug with insert OL
tag and Fixed Dom module work with Text node
Added toolbarButtonSize Size of icons in the toolbar (can be "small", "middle", "large")
var editor = new Jodit("#editor", {
toolbarButtonSize: "small"
- Added node.create method
var editor = new Jodit('.jodit'),
node = editor.node.create('text', 'Hellow world');
- Added link plugin. And its options
- processPastedLink Wrap inserted link in
<a href="link">link</a>
- openLinkDialogAfterPost Open Link dialog after post
- removeLinkAfterFormat When the button is pressed to clean format, if it was done on the link is removed like command
- processPastedLink Wrap inserted link in
- Replace format icon
Fixed Base icons issue
Fast Fixed in JJE Fixed a lot of bugs in Jodit
- Fixed a lot of bugs in Dom module
- Fixed a lot of bugs in TableProcessor module
- Replace PNG icon on SVG sprite
- Added new module Icons
- Added theme
- Fixed bug Popap's module
- Divide one less file by modules
- Added Cookie module
- Added saveModeInCookie if it is true that the current mode is saved in a cookie , and is restored after a reload of the page
- In Joomla Jodit Editor(JJE) added corresponding option saveModeInCookie Download Jodit Joomla editor
- Fixed issue with
and Dom.attr method - Release Joomla Jodit Editor (JJE) Download JJE
- Added option cleanHTML.cleanOnPaste The plugin cleanHTML automatically cleans up content from Microsoft Word and other HTML sources to ensure clean, compliant content that matches the look and feel of the site.
- Added beforePaste,processPaste,afterPaste events
Added iframeBaseUrl option - Base URL where the root directory for iframe mode
Added spellcheck option specifies whether the editor is to have its spelling and grammar checked or not
Added removeEmptyBlocks option - Remove empty blocks
var editor = new Jodit('#editor', {
removeEmptyBlocks: false
editor.val(' ');// add space in editor
console.log(editor.val()); //<p> </p>
editor.options.removeEmptyBlocks = true;
editor.val(' ');
console.log(editor.val()); //''
- Fixed critical bug in Safari (window.performance)
- Fixed bug when editor can get selection from another place
Added direction option. The writing direction of the language which is used to create editor content. Allowed values are:
- '' (an empty string) – Indicates that content direction will be the same as either the editor UI direction or the page element direction.
- 'ltr' – Indicates a Left-To-Right text direction (like in English).
- 'rtl' – Indicates a Right-To-Left text direction (like in Arabic).
Fixed styles bugs
When filebrowser.showFoldersPanel === false show 4 colums in filelist
- Added filebrowser.moveFolder option. Allow/deny move folder
- Added filebrowser.moveFile option. Allow/deny move file
- Added filebrowser.showFoldersPanel option. Hide/show folders panel in filebrowser
Fixed Filebrowser uploader's options bug. Previously , you had to either use a general Uploader module settings , or override them completely
var editor = new Jodit('.redactor', {
filebrowser: {
uploader: null
uploader: {
url: 'uploader.php',
format: 'json',
// or
var editor = new Jodit('.redactor', {
filebrowser: {
uploader: {
url: 'uploader.php',
format: 'json',
filesVariableName: 'fils',
//... all options from [uploader](http://xdsoft.net/jodit/doc/Jodit.defaultOptions.html#uploader)
Now you can just override some of your settings
var editor = new Jodit('.redactor', {
filebrowser: {
uploader: {
url: 'uploader2.php',
uploader: {
url: 'uploader.php',
- Fixed i18n bug
- useSplitMode set default false
- Fixed toolbar width after fullsize mode
- Fixed #issue5
Fast fix
- Added plugin
. Now you can change fullsize mode
var editor = new Jodit();
editor.events.fire('toggleFullsize', [true]); // fullsize
editor.events.fire('toggleFullsize', [false]); // usual mode
- Added globalFullsize (default
) if true, afterfullsize
- all parents element getjodit_fullsize_box
class (z-index: 100000 !important;) - Fixed focus bug
- Fixed placeholder style
- Fixed Dom.css then
<div class="idclass" style="margin-top:20px;"></div>
Jodit.modules.Dom('.idclass').css('margin-top');//has returned string `20px`
Jodit.modules.Dom('.idclass').css('margin-top');//now it returns int `20`
- Fixed placeholder style. Placeholder placed in a separate module Placeholder
- Added showPlaceholder option
- Added useInputsPlaceholder option
- Added placeholder option
Added uploader.data option. Data to be sent to the server like POST parameters
Added editorCssClass option - Class name that can be appended to the editor Fixed internacionalization
Added triggerChangeEvent option Fixed uploader's options - When the uploader is not configured, the editor still displays images upload button
Add Dom.defaultAjaxOptions.async By default, all requests are sent asynchronously (i.e. this is set to true by default). If you need synchronous requests, set this option to false
Added headers
option in {@link module:FileBrowser|FileBrowser} and {@link module:Uploader|Uploader}. But primarily in {@link module:Dom|Dom}
var token = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content'),
editor = new Jodit("#redactor", {
uploader: {
url: '../connector/index.php?action=upload',
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': token
filebrowser: {
ajax: {
url: '../connector/index.php',
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': token
// or replace global options
Jodit.modules.Dom.defaultAjaxOptions.headers = {
headers: {
'X-CSRF-Token': token
url: 'data.json',
headers: {
'Accept-Language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8,ru;q=0.6,de;q=0.4,ja;q=0.2'
success: function (resp) {
Fixed #issues1
Fixed dialog's module when was opened Promt window, after Enter submit the form and the page reloaded. Fixed connector's bugs Update Jodit.i18n method. Now it can be used staticly
var editor = new Jodit("#redactor", {
langusage: 'ru'
console.log(editor.i18n('Cancel')) //Отмена;
Jodit.defaultOptions.language = 'ru';
console.log(Jodit.prototype.i18n('Cancel')) //Отмена
Jodit.lang.cs = {
Cancel: 'Zrušit'
Jodit.defaultOptions.language = 'cs';
console.log(Jodit.prototype.i18n('Cancel')) //Zrušit
Jodit.lang.cs = {
'Hello world': 'Hello 1$ Good 2$'
Jodit.defaultOptions.language = 'cs';
console.log(Jodit.prototype.i18n('Hello world', 'mr.Perkins', 'day')) //Hello mr.Perkins Good day
Fixed Jodit.destroy method
var editor = new Jodit('.jodit');
Fixed bug when Dialog module was used without Jodit context
Jodit.Alert('Hello world!!!');
Fixed dialog's module zIndex manage. Fixed Dom.css method bug. That example has not worked.
Jodit.modules.Dom('.someelement').css('z-index', 1000)
Fixed bug in Uploader module when http://sitename.net/jodit///files/fg.jpg
was replaced http:/sitename.net/jodit/files/fg.jpg
Added afterInsertImage
event - triggered after image was inserted selection.insertImage.
This method can executed from Filebrowser or Uploader
var editor = new Jodit("#redactor");
editor.events.on('afterInsertImage', function (image) {
image.className = 'bloghead4';
Fixed bug with inserting table
Work with table became faster
- Fixed filbrowser bug. When a new file is uploaded file list has not been updated
- Added dialog.zIndex option
Fixed toolbar width fot fullsize mode
- Fixed CodeMirror bug on download XML parser
- Fixed CodeMirror bug endless cycle
- Fixed overflow behavior in fullsize mode
Fixed connector problem and Fixed item's style in filebrowser
Switched on FontAwesome icons
Added copy-paste image file for FireFox
Fixed copy-paste for FireFox
Added copy-paste support by clipboard image. Try paste print screen.
Added the ability in the file browser to obtain data about the file not as a string and as an object with parameters {file: 'name.jpg', thumb: '_thumbs/name.jpg'}
Fixed conflict between textProcessor and Beatyfier plugins
Fixed BACKSPACE entering behavior. And Fixed ie10 support
Added iframe, iframeStyle, iframeIncludeJoditStyle, iframeCSSLinks, width, height, minHeight.
by default false. When this option is enabled, the editor's content will be placed in an iframe and isolated from the rest of the page.
and height
you can set size fot editor
Added internationalization. Read more http://xdsoft.net/jodit/doc/Jodit.defaultOptions.html#.language
Added Split mode. Added useSplitMode options (default true) Example here
Fixed dialog bug
Added CodeMirror plugin. Enable by default {@link defaultOptions~codeMirror.|options.codeMirror}
We got rid of jQuery
Fixed bug in filebrowser
Fixed bug when selection.insertHTML dosn't work without focus
Fixed bug with uploader and filebrowser
If source textarea
has placeholder
attribute then Jodit use it how placeholder
Added About button
First release