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File metadata and controls

87 lines (57 loc) · 3.64 KB

Demo @wordpress/data

This project uses @wordpress/data to manage the state of a simple marketplace site

This project shows the use of things such as:

  • Store creation w/ createReduxStore
  • reducers
  • selectors
  • actions and action creators
  • resolvers
  • controls

This project was bootstrapped with Vite and it uses Docker for the backend services implementation


From the root of the project you have to:

  1. Run docker compose up -d to launch backend docker services
  2. Go to the JsonBox server URL (http://localhost:3010) and take note of the JsonBox URL (some URL like http://localhost:3010/box_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
  3. Create a .env file to set the Environment Variables needed for the project
  4. Run npm install to install the dependencies
  5. Run npm run dev to launch the React App

After running npm run dev a browser window should be automatically opened with the React App

Backend Stack w/ Docker

This demo requires the following backend stack to work:

  • A JsonBox Server (Node + Express) → A HTTP based JSON storage. It lets you store, read & modify JSON data over HTTP APIs.
  • A MongoDB Server → To persist the data handled by the JsonBox Server

This backend stack can be easily implemented with Docker. So, by having Docker installed in your machine, you can execute (from the root of the project)

docker compose up -d

This docker compose up -d command should launch the proper services and connect them to the proper ports so the Frontend app can do its requests properly

You can check the backend services are properly up with the command docker compose ps or just docker ps

(base) ⬢  cra-wp-data  master ⦿ docker compose ps
NAME                SERVICE             STATUS              PORTS
jsonbox             jsonbox             running   >3000/tcp, :::3010->3000/tcp
mongo               mongo               running   >27017/tcp, :::27017->27017/tcp
(base) ⬢  cra-wp-data  master ⦿ docker ps
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                                           NAMES
4679567d4d61   c5cb90be991e   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours>3000/tcp, :::3010->3000/tcp       jsonbox
de058bbc19e8   0e120e3fce9a   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 hours ago   Up 5 hours>27017/tcp, :::27017->27017/tcp   mongo

Once the docker containers are up we'll have available both JsonBox & Mongo services


JsonBox is a HTTP based JSON storage that lets us store, read & modify JSON data over HTTP APIs

This service will be available under http://localhost:3010. If we go to this URL we'll se how it generates a JsonBox we can use to store our data

The JsonBox URL will have a URL like http://localhost:3010/box_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (take note of this URL as you'll need it for the Frontend settings).

Frontend w/ Create React App

The React App has been created using Create React App

Environment Variables for React App

You'll have to set these two environment variables

  • SKIP_PREFLIGHT_CHECK → to avoid CORS issues
  • REACT_APP_RESOURCE_ADDRESS → to set the URL of the JsonBox (as explained above)

To do that you can create a .env (in the root of the project) file with those environment variables definitions

.env example
