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To join a existing session go to File → New → Other
Then, in the COLLECE 2.0 category select Client
Here you can create a new user or log-in with an existing one. If you already have a registered account click Log in... and next
Fill in the credential fields and the server, then click Log in, wait some few seconds and a message indicating success should appear.
Then, click on Next to see a list of the available sessions
Select a session and click Join Keep in mind that you can only join sessions you belong to. Then, a message should appear indicating that the log-in was sucessful.
Finally, click on Finish, wait a few seconds while Collece clones the corresponding repository
NOTE: By default, Eclipse shows a wellcome screen, to close it simply click the x next to Wellcome, so you can see the Collece's client perspective
If you followed this guide correctly, you should see the following user interface:
NOTA: If you close by mistake some of the Collece perspective windows, you can reopen them by clicking: **Window → Perspective → Open perspective → Other ** y seleccione Collece-2.0 (client)