- Completed a Master of Library and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia (graduating in May 2018).Graduated in 2013 with an Honours Bachelor of Arts with specialization in Ethics and a minor in Philosophy from Saint Paul University and University of Ottawa. Awarded with the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) scholarship in 2010 and a bursary to study German language in Munich by Goethe Institut in 2013. The Person:
I am from Bogota,Colombia. I have been living in Canada for more than 8 years.
- 4 years in Ottawa.
- 1 year in Calgary.
- 3+ years in Vancouver.
When I am not working, I like to hike and meditate. I am ofently reflecting about happiness, goals in life, travels and dreams. I love drawing, daydreaming (which I think it is the richest source of new ideas) and programming. In my studies, I learned to do data analysis using Python and R and enjoy learning new libraries, functions and creating new projects.
In the future, I see myself working with a team of knowledgable people doing research and learning something new everyday.
This repo has diffrent folder with projects that I made to practice
- Data mining
- Data cleaning
- Visualization
- Document Design
- Datacamp's course on cleaning data.
- Datacamp's course on writing functions by Hadly Wickham
- https://www.rstudio.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/RegExCheatsheet.pdf
- http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Data-structures.html
- https://www.statmethods.net/input/missingdata.html
- http://r4ds.had.co.nz/strings.html
- https://github.com/siskavera/r4ds_exercises/blob/master/strings.R
- https://github.com/jrnold/e4qf/blob/master/strings.Rmd
- http://stat545.com/block022_regular-expression.html