Last updated: 17th January 2017
Python: Python Reference CLI tool and API (docs)
Enigmail: Enigmail autocrypt branch
Android K9: K9 autocrypt branch
Mailpile: XXX to-be-filled-in
Notmuch/Alot: XXX to-be-filled-in
Bitmask/LEAP: ongoing refactorings
Go: Go Autocrypt
Please-fill-in-your-development-branch here
We deploy a preliminary auto-responder which accepts and sends mails
with Autocrypt headers. Just sent a mail to bot at autocrypt dot
and wait for the reply and look at the headers. As of Janury
2017, the Bot does not implement the full level-1 protocol.
You can login to IMAP/Dovecot (port 993, TLS mandatory) with the
username "bot" and the password as stored in gitcrypt/credentials.txt
Ask on IRC or the mailing list and provide your gpg public key for access to
the password credentials using git-crypt.
You can ssh to the bot account: ssh -l bot
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:4RWh81zOd/Pgq3mHhKpyLdVZJfOpq+DgqKheUIhJgWQ
Ask on IRC to get your SSH key added (anyone already with access
to the account can add it to .ssh/authorized_keys