Releases: jump-dev/HiGHS.jl
Releases · jump-dev/HiGHS.jl
HiGHS v1.14.0
Diff since v1.13.0
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Modify-after-free bug (#202)
- Highs_getRowsByRange is slow (#207)
- Add a way to trace the C API (#257)
HiGHS v1.13.0
Diff since v1.12.2
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Add support for ObjectiveFunction{VectorAffineFunction} (#262)
HiGHS v1.12.2
Diff since v1.12.1
Merged pull requests:
- Fix dual objective value with free variable (#255) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.12.2 (#256) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Caculation speed in Julia is a bit slower than that in the direct execution of HiGHS binary (#253)
- Error when querying dual objective value for an unbounded model with at least one unbounded variable (#254)
HiGHS v1.10.2
Diff since v1.10.1
Merged pull requests:
- Fix supports_constraint(::Optimizer, ::Type{VariableIndex}, ::Type{ZeroOne}) (#242) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.10.2 (#243) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Bad error for small time limit (#240)
notworking if solver = ipm
HiGHS v1.10.1
Diff since v1.10.0
Merged pull requests:
Closed issues:
- Debug Benders decomposition tutorial with latest HiGHS (#236)
HiGHS v1.10.0
Diff since v1.9.3
Merged pull requests:
- Fix ObjectiveBound and RelativeGap for LP models (#229) (@odow)
- Add CallbackFunction to MOI wrapper (#230) (@odow)
- Fix performance of DualObjectiveValue when a ray is present (#233) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.10.0 (#234) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Various problems extracting results for some models (#223)
- Support the HiGHS callback in MOI (#228)
- Option "qp_iteration_limit" is unknown (#231)
- Slow calculations for dual_objective_value() (#232)
HiGHS v1.9.3
Diff since v1.9.2
Merged pull requests:
- Remove unneeded init function (#222) (@visr)
- Use HiGHS to compute the dual objective value (#226) (@odow)
- Prep for v1.9.3 (#227) (@odow)
Closed issues:
- Bugs: Optimizer stucks in an infinite loop when solving a small size problem (#221)
- Add a flag to write out models on solve (#224)
- Don't use fallback for DualObjectiveValue (#225)