All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Update python libraries to latest versions
- Docker image push logic was broken and did not push on new tags or schedules
- Update security policy with supported versions
- Added weekly builds
- Fixed actions to use the latest versions
- Added logic to test docker builds on release branches
- Added devcontainer for docker based local development
- Python version upgrade to 3.12
- Update dependency versions
- Dependabot updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Setup improvements.
- Production build improvements.
- Bookworm Debian base for Docker image.
- AWS CLI V2 support for AWS Docker image.
- Workflow updates for pullrequest support.
- Dependabot updates.
- Docker container testing and workflow.
- Changelog fix.
- Dependabot updates.
- Documentation updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Integrated BBHelper. Removed requirement to use external package.
- Support for multiple architectures amd64 and arm64.
- Documention update.
- Linting support.
- Dependabot updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Check output path for forward slash. Append if not present.
- Dependabot updates.
- Update docker image to use bullseye
- Update docker image to use Python 3.11
- Dependabot updates.
- Dependabot updates.
- Fix type in environment setup.
- Add time to output file.
- Dependabot updates.
- Security policy.
- Issues templates.
- Code of conduct.
- Dependabot updates.
- Update docker file.
- Workspace name to output file.
- Add dependabot file.
- Delete output directory.
- Test counter thas is useful for testing.
- AWS CLI support.
- Documentation
- Initial version.