Because of the data leak eHac, the "feature" of the eHac is moved to this Application, so people will always be catius to install any application that include KTP, photo, name or phone for register requirement.
So here the PeduliLindungi mobile app, currently available for android and iphone.
I do check the apps and I'm not doing full analyze, because there is so many source that I need to analyze, probably this is enough, So here is what I found
and yeah I made a video about this on youtube
What I do to get this information, is a public information, anyone can get it and this is a public information, I'm not use any hacking attempt or breach to get into the system to get the information, this is pure the public information that extracted from the internet without alter the application.
- Technology
- Application Permissions
- Weird Traffic
- HTTP Traffic Caputre Log
- SQLite
- CPU, Storage and RAM is stored on firebase
- Force close application on mock location
- Locally saved location on your device
- Some page will store your access token
- Some of the URL is visible at source code
- some old feature is not deleted
Technology: Kotlin
(get from the Koin App on the source)
package ID : com.telkom.tracencare
All Version :
Third Parties:
- google map
- firebase
- Safetynet (probably the security nodes)
access location while the apps in the backgroundandroid.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION
get the very accurate your locationandroid.permission.ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION
explore the media such us photo and video (gallery)android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
which internet you used ? Mobile Phone internet or Wirelessandroid.permission.CAMERA
Open the camera, found this on the take a picture to update your photoandroid.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
on the notification bar you can see the application statusandroid.permission.INTERNET
Internet acces (?)android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
read external storage, probably for used to get the imageandroid.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
run the application when the device is bootedandroid.permission.WAKE_LOCK
prevent the device from sleep or lock it selfandroid.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Allows an application to write to external
Cloud to device messaging probably
is used by Firebase to recognize where the app was installed from.
This data will be recorded and stored at firebase peduli lindungi
the data will be sent to firebase (manually by application) when you are trying to login, register, verify login and verify register
why they need the CPU, Storage and RAM, what for ?
Just try to decompile the application and search with keyword CPU
within the directory of com/telkom/tracencare
, you will get the result like this
initialize firebase -> get the data -> go to activity
if you go to this link, it mean peduli lindungi application intentionally sent those data to firebase.
when I did the Dynamic Analysis and get a long time to use all the function on the application, I capture the traffic and get this weird data transfer to unknown
so the data that contain "privacy" user is actually is sent to the
a weird website that goes nowhere, here is log of the data weird-data-capture.txt
I do a simple tracking to understand what is the
- check the domain response, nothing
- check the main domain
- google check
- nmap scanning
- location of the domain
- OSINT - theHarvester or you can see the result here
- OSINT - shodan
- Virustotal
store file SQLite
- identity_hash
- uid
- PfRla7pqHv5
inside this table stored data like this
after decoded will become like this
"appName": "ZDNmOGFkYTgtZjQ2MC00YzQ3LThhZGYtNzM0NjIzMjU4MjE2\n",
"event": "TGF1bmNoIFJlc3VtZQ==\n",
"date_time": "MjUtU2VwLTIwMjEgMDU6MjQ6MjI6NzA0\n",
"device_id": "NGRkM2Y3MzgtOWVjOC00ODk2LTk1M2MtNDk4Y2FjMTBiNGFh\n",
"user_id": "LQ==\n",
"launch_type": "Rmlyc3QgTGF1bmNo\n",
"device_name": "VW5rbm93bjtHb29nbGUgUGl4ZWw=\n",
"ram": "Myw5NTIgTUI=\n",
"storage": "MTIsNzU2IE1C\n",
"cpu": "dmJveDg2\n",
"fw": "OC4wLjA=\n",
"country": "LQ==\n",
"city": "LQ==\n",
"longitude": "LQ==\n",
"latitude": "LQ==\n",
"time_spent": "LQ==\n",
"activity_1": "LQ==\n",
"activity_2": "LQ==\n",
"activity_3": "LQ==\n",
"custom1": "LQ==\n",
"custom2": "LQ==\n",
"custom3": "LQ==\n",
"email": "LQ==\n",
"name": "LQ==\n",
"phone": "LQ==\n",
"gender": "LQ==\n",
"ip_address": "LQ==\n",
"carrier": "QW5kcm9pZA==\n",
"network_type": "QWlyIFBsYW5lIE1vZGU=\n",
"platform": "QW5kcm9pZA==\n",
"version": "My40LjY=\n"
when the value is decoded will be like this
"appName": "d3f8ada8-f460-4c47-8adf-734623258216\n",
"event": "Launch Resume\n",
"date_time": "25-Sep-2021 05:24:22:704\n",
"device_id": "4dd3f738-9ec8-4896-953c-498cac10b4aa\n",
"user_id": "-\n",
"launch_type": "First Launch\n",
"device_name": "Unknown;Google Pixel\n",
"ram": "3,952 MB\n",
"storage": "12,756 MB\n",
"cpu": "vbox86\n",
"fw": "8.0.0\n",
"country": "-\n",
"city": "-\n",
"longitude": "-\n",
"latitude": "-\n",
"time_spent": "-\n",
"activity_1": "-\n",
"activity_2": "-\n",
"activity_3": "-\n",
"custom1": "-\n",
"custom2": "-\n",
"custom3": "-\n",
"email": "-\n",
"name": "-\n",
"phone": "-\n",
"gender": "-\n",
"ip_address": "-\n",
"carrier": "Android\n",
"network_type": "Air Plane Mode\n",
"platform": "Android\n",
"version": "3.4.6\n"
this is different with firebase crashlytic, this data is encoded into base64 even the value encoded into base64
why.. stored data acvity like this (?) is this even necessary ?
- name
- set_timestamp
- value
- origin
- app_id
- rowid
- rowid
- type
- entry
there is some detection that the application will force close if you mock the location with the other tools
This data is stored into sqlite (a file that contain specific information into local device, usually hackers will do everything to get the legit information as many as possible)
when you want to access the feature "List Faskses Vaksinasi Mandiri" you will redirected to page
and store access_token
to the local storage, it meant your access token is stored locally on the browser WebView
when we check the decompiled application, its easy to see all the URL included the main feature of the application
some of the old feature is still on the apps