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Setting up Grafana

Install Grafana using a Helm chart with the customized values.yaml file.

Deploy the PV and PVC YAML file.

kubectl apply -f grafana/persistence.yaml

Create the Grafana administrative credentials.

kubectl --namespace monitoring create secret generic grafana-secret --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=12345678

Install the Grafana chart.

helm install --wait --name grafana --namespace monitoring --values grafana/values.yaml stable/grafana


Wait until the Grafana pod is running.

kubectl -n monitoring get pod -l app=grafana


NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-7bc95b7545-dz8dg   1/1     Running   0          26h

Check the Grafana sevices.

kubectl -n monitoring get svc -l app=grafana


grafana   NodePort   <none>        80:31000/TCP   26h

Now you can access the Grafana web UI in your browser at http://<HostIP:31000> with the user name and password, admin:12345678.

Creating a Data Source and Dashboard

Using the Grafana web UI

Refer to the Grafana docs:

To create a Prometheus data source:

  • From the Grafana menu, select Configuration -> Data Sources, then click Add Data Source.
  • On the Choose data source type page, click Prometheus.
  • Use the following values to add the Prometheus data source:
    Name: Prometheus
    Default: true
    URL: http://prometheus-server:80
  • Click Save & Test.

Now the Prometheus data source is created.

To import the WebLogic dashboard:

  • From the Grafana menu, select Dashboards -> Manage, then click Import.
  • On the Import page, click Upload .json File, then select the WebLogic dashboard file to import.

Using the Grafana REST API

Alternatively, you can create the data source and dashboard using the Grafana REST API.
Create the Prometheus data source with the predefined JSON file.

curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST http://admin:12345678@$HOSTNAME:31000/api/datasources/ \
  --data-binary @grafana/datasource.json

Create the WebLogic dashboard with the predefined JSON file.

curl -v -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -X POST http://admin:12345678@$HOSTNAME:31000/api/dashboards/db \
  --data-binary @grafana/dashboard.json


Use the Grafana web UI to confirm that the resources were created successfully.

Check the data source.

Check the WebLogic dashboard.

Now you can monitor the WebLogic domain with the dashboard.

Next: Setting up a Webhook