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Tackle Box
A tackle box of libraries for golang.

GitHub tag CI License

All packages have ZERO external dependencies outside the standard golang library. The only exception is for tests which depend upon Tackle is intended as a place for small, but useful packages which any golang developer may find useful, without a needing a dependency review.


  • Set - Avoid the if/else spaghetti of configuration defaults
  • Random - Functions to generate random data for testing
  • Clock - Freeze, Set and Advance time during testing
  • Color - Add colorized output to slog messages
  • AutoTLS - Generate TLS certificates automatically
  • Wait - Simple go routine management with fan out and go routine cancellation

SET config values

Simplify setting default values during configuration.

package main

import ""

var Config struct {
    Bang float64
    Foo  string
    Bar  int

config := Config{}

// Sets Bar to 200 if Bar is not already set
set.Default(&config.Bar, 200)

// Supply additional default values and set.Default() will
// choose the first default that is not of zero value
set.Default(&config.Foo, os.Getenv("FOO"), "default")

// Sets Bang to the environment variable "BANG" if set, else sets the
// value to 5.0
set.Default(&config.Bang, set.EnvNumber[float64]("BANG"), 5.0)

// Use set.Override() to assign the first value that is not empty or of zero
// value. 
argFoo = flag.String("foo", "", "foo via cli arg")

// The following will override the config file if 'foo' is provided via
// the cli or defined in the environment.
set.Override(&config.Foo, *argFoo, os.Env("FOO"))

// Returns true if 'value' is zero (the default golang value)
var value string

// Returns true if 'value' is zero (the default golang value)


Is a collection of functions which are useful in testing

package main

import ""

// Generates a random alpha/numeric string that starts with `prefix-`
// and 10 random characters
str := random.String("prefix-", 10)

// Generates a random string of ONLY alpha characters that starts 
// with `prefix-` and 10 random alpha characters
alphaChars := random.Alpha("prefix-", 10)

// One returns one of the strings randomly
one := random.One("string1", "string2", "string3")

// Runes returns a random string made up of characters passed. In this case, uses the
// AlphaRunes and NumericRunes.
str = random.Runes("prefix-", 10, random.AlphaRunes, random.NumericRunes)

// Duration returns a random duration not exceeding the max duration provided
d := random.Duration(time.Millisecond, time.Second)
// Returns a random duration between 1 minute long and 60 minutes long.
d = random.Duration(time.Minute, 60*time.Minute)

// Slice return a random item from the provided slice
type pair struct{ Key, Value string }
p := random.Slice([]pair{{Key: "key1", Value: "value1"}, {Key: "key2", Value: "value2"}})


Is intended as a drop in replacement for the golang standard time package. It allows any package using clock to freeze, set and advance time during testing.

Thread Safety

Freezing time presents a race condition when time is frozen. This is because clock.Freeze() replaces a standard time singleton private to the clock package with a frozen time singleton. If clock.Freeze() is called at the same time as it's being accessed in another go routine, a race condition occurs.

Provided you only use clock.Freeze() in tests -- which is how it is intended to be used -- you can provide a build tag -tags clock_mutex which will build clock with a mutex that protects the singleton. You can safely omit the build tag when building your application for production to avoid mutex contention.

Scheduled Functions

Scheduled functions are called from within the go routine which called clock.Advanced() unlike standard time package which calls them in their own goroutine.


We have successfully used clock in very high concurrency applications with no impact on performance. The only overhead introduced by clock is a single pointer deref and an inline method call to time.X(). All method calls to Time and Duration structs are not affected by clock only the package level functions.


  • Gubernator A high performance rate limiting service
  • Querator An efficient reservation queue
package main

import (

func main() {
    // Freeze freezes the current time
    // UnFreeze restores clock to current date/time.
    defer clock.UnFreeze()

    // You can also use a one-liner in tests
    // defer clock.Freeze(clock.Now()).UnFreeze()

    // Set a function to run in 100ms
    var fired bool
    clock.AfterFunc(100*clock.Millisecond, func() {
        fired = true
    // Advance the clock 201ms into the future

    // Advance() forces all events, timers, tickers to fire that are scheduled for the
    // passed period of time.
    if fired {
        fmt.Println("We have arrived in the future!")

    // Create an isolated clock provider for localised time control
    p1 := clock.NewProvider()
    defer p1.UnFreeze()

	// Advance the provider by 10 seconds.
    p1.Advance(10 * clock.Second)
    future := p1.Now().UTC()
    now := clock.Now().UTC()
    fmt.Printf("%s is ten seconds ahead of %s\n", future, now)


Is intended as a drop in replacement for slog.NewTextHandler() when developing locally or running tests. The colorized output of log messages can make spotting errors in walls of text much easier.

package main

import (

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("\n--- Default Options ---\n")
    log := slog.New(color.NewLog(nil))
    log.Debug("This is a debug", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Info("This is a info", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Warn("This is a warning", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Error("This is an error", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Log(context.Background(), slog.LevelError+1, "This is a error+1")
    log.Log(context.Background(), slog.LevelError+2, "This is a error+2")

    log = slog.New(color.NewLog(&color.LogOptions{MsgColor: color.FgHiWhite}))
    log.Info("This is color.FgHiWhite message", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log = slog.New(color.NewLog(&color.LogOptions{MsgColor: color.FgHiBlue}))
    log.Info("This is color.FgHiBlue message", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")

    fmt.Printf("\n--- color.SupressAttrs(slog.TimeKey) ---\n")
    log = slog.New(color.NewLog(&color.LogOptions{
        HandlerOptions: slog.HandlerOptions{
        ReplaceAttr: color.SuppressAttrs(slog.TimeKey),
    log.Debug("This is a debug", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Info("This is a info", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Warn("This is a warning", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Error("This is an error", "attr1", 2319, "attr2", "foo")
    log.Log(context.Background(), slog.LevelError+1, "This is a error+1")
    log.Log(context.Background(), slog.LevelError+2, "This is a error+2")

color package screenshot


Provides functions which can generate TLS certificates suitable for both client and server certificates. The package can configure a ready to use *tls.Config for both client and server depending on the autotls.Config provided.

With Support For

  • User provided certificate files *.pem
  • Client side TLS configs
  • Automatic generation of valid client and server TLS configs
  • Client side TLS authentication
  • Skip insecure

See autotls.Config for all available options.

package main

import (

func main() {
    tls := autotls.Config{
        // Optionally provide your own certificates
        //CaFile:           "certs/ca.cert",
        //CertFile:         "certs/auto.pem",
        //KeyFile:          "certs/auto.key",

        // Optionally setup client side cert authentication
        //ClientAuthCaFile: "certs/client-auth-ca.pem",
        //ClientAuth:       tls.RequireAndVerifyClientCert,

        // Generate both client and server certs on the fly
        AutoTLS: true,

    err := autotls.Setup(&tls)
    if err != nil {

    // After Setup() returns without error `tls` will be populated with
    // relevant TLS config information.
    // tls.ServerTLS <-- the server certificates
    // tls.ClientTLS <-- the client certificates

    srv := http.Server{
        Addr: "localhost:9685",
        Handler: http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            _, _ = fmt.Fprintln(w, "Hello, client")
        // ServerTLS is the TLS certificate for use by the server
        TLSConfig: tls.ServerTLS,
    defer srv.Close()

    go func() {
        // CertFile and KeyFile are provided via autotls.ServerTLS
        err = srv.ListenAndServeTLS("", "")
        if err != nil && !errors.Is(http.ErrServerClosed, err) {
            fmt.Printf("server listen error: %v", err)

    c := &http.Client{
        // TLSClientConfig is the client side TLS certificate
        Transport: &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: tls.ClientTLS},

    resp, err := c.Get("https://localhost:9685/")
    if err != nil {
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    b, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Client: %s\n", string(b))


Wait.Group is a simplification of golang standard sync.Waitgroup with item and error collection included.

NOTE: You should not use wait with golang 1.21 or less. 1.22 fixes closure scope issues with previous golang versions. See for details

Run many routines over a collection with .Go()

import ""
items := []int{0, 1, 3, 4, 5}

var wg wait.Group
for _, item := range items {
    wg.Go(func() {
        fmt.Printf("Item: %d\n", item)
        time.Sleep(time.Nanosecond * 50)


Loop .Until() .Stop()is called

import ""
var wg wait.Group

wg.Until(func(done chan struct{}) bool {
    select {
    case <-time.Tick(time.Second):
        // Do some periodic thing
    case <-done:
        return false
    return true

// Close the done channel and wait for the routine to exit

Group API

  • Group.Go() - Runs the provided function in a goroutine
  • Group.Loop() - Runs the provided function in a goroutine until the function returns false
  • Group.Run() - Runs the provided function in a goroutine collecting any errors which is returned by Group.Wait()
  • Group.Until() - Runs the provided function until Group.Stop() is called


FanOut spawns a new go-routine each time .Run() is called until size is reached, subsequent calls to .Run() will block until previous .Run() routines have completed. This API allows the user to control how many routines will run concurrently. Calling .Wait() then collects any errors from the routines once they have all completed.

NOTE: FanOut allows you to control how many goroutines spawn at a time while WaitGroup will not.

import ""

// Insert 10 items into a cassandra database concurrently
fanOut := wait.NewFanOut(10)

for _, item := range items {
    fanOut.Run(func() error {
        return db.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO tbl (id, field) VALUES (?, ?)",
            item.Id, item.Field)
        return nil

// Wait for any outstanding go routines
// to finish and collect errors if any
err := fanOut.Wait()
if err != nil {

Mailgun History

Several of the packages here are modified versions of libraries used successfully during my time at Mailgun. Some of the original packages can be found here.

Tackle differs from Holster in one specific way, unlike Holster which became a dumping ground for often used libraries and useful tools internal to Mailgun. Tackle is strictly for packages with no external dependencies other than the golang standard library.