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537 lines (347 loc) · 31.3 KB

File metadata and controls

537 lines (347 loc) · 31.3 KB



Release: 14.6.2020


  • Upgrade Sparkle to 1.23.0.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue that caused Phoenix to crash when binding keys with some keyboard layouts (#196).


Release: 24.1.2020


  • Add support to load images from files which can be used as custom icons in modals (#226).
  • Notarise Phoenix with Apple to pass Gatekeeper verification (#241).


  • Upgrade Lodash to 4.17.15 (from 4.17.5).
  • Upgrade Sparkle to 1.22.0.
  • Remove Grunt and use standard scripts to build library.
  • Xcode 11 is now required for building.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue that caused a crash if accessing screens for a space under some circumstances (#231).



  • New: Add support for command, option and control as additional key modifiers. This is purely syntactic sugar representing newer Apple keyboard layouts and they alias the existing cmd, alt and ctrl modifiers in this order (#173).


  • Change: Add key modifiers to mouse events (#216, #217).


  • New: Function fromFile(String path) loads an image from the given path, the path is resolved before attempting to load the image, returns undefined if unsuccessful (#226).


Release: 7.6.2018


  • Upgrade Lodash to 4.17.5 (from 4.17.4).
  • Upgrade Sparkle to 1.19.0.



  • New: Property animationDuration defines the animation duration (in seconds) for showing and closing the modal, if the duration is set to 0 the animation will be disabled, by default 0.2 (#203).


  • Change: Function launch(...) now supports a focus option to focus the app automatically on launch (#211, #212).


Release: 8.4.2018


  • Add support for one-time managed handlers for both keys and events (#201).



  • New: Function once(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for a key that is by default only triggered one time and then disabled, for more control you can explicitly return false from the callback function and the handler will not be disabled until you return something else, for arguments see new Key(...) (#201).


  • New: Function once(String event, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for an event that is by default only triggered one time and then disabled, for more control you can explicitly return false from the callback function and the handler will not be disabled until you return something else, for arguments see new Event(...) (#201).


Release: 25.12.2017


  • Add support for closing windows (#184).


  • Upgrade Sparkle to 1.18.1.
  • Xcode 9 is now required for building.


  • Improve documentation for the behaviour of Window#raise() (#164).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue where PHShebangPreprocessor blocks due to a race condition (reference, #167, #169).
  • Fix an issue that removed Phoenix from the login items on reload when preference was set through the status bar menu (#194).



  • New: Function close() closes the window, returns true if successful (#184).


Release: 22.1.2017


  • If you did not already know, macOS Sierra (10.12) has full support for the ECMAScript 6 standard and you can now use it with Phoenix! Read a quick overview of the new features added to the language.
  • Add support for getting the topmost window at a specified point (#149).
  • Add “Edit configuration” status menu item (#156).
  • Add support for mouse drag events (#159).


  • Lodash is upgraded to 4.17.4 (from 4.17.3).



  • New: Event mouseDidLeftDrag is triggered when the mouse did left drag (#159).
  • New: Event mouseDidRightDrag is triggered when the mouse did right drag (#159).


  • New: Function at(Point point) returns the topmost window at the specified point, can be undefined if no window is present at the given position (#149).


Release: 26.12.2016


  • Breaking: Underscore.js is replaced with Lodash (4.17.3) (#89).
  • Xcode 8 is now required for building.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue that caused inconsistencies with screens and spaces when “Displays have separate Spaces” option was disabled in macOS (#130).
  • Fix an issue that prevented Phoenix from terminating after accessibility prompt (#132).
  • Fix an issue that prevented preferences to be observed on launch (#133).
  • Fix an issue that prevented task callbacks from performing actions on the main thread (#137).



  • Change: Function log(...) now supports multiple arguments (#157).


  • Change: Function run(String path, Array arguments, Function callback) can now be called without a callback (#135).


  • New: Function screens() returns all screens to which the space belongs to (#130).
  • Deprecation: Function screen() is deprecated and will be removed in later versions, use screens() instead (#130).


  • New: Function raise() raises the window so it will be beneath the focused window, returns true if successful (#151).


Release: 6.8.2016


  • Modals have a new improved “vibrant” appearance and can now display icons as well as text. All the new options are described in the API (#126).


  • Callback for key is now called repeatedly when key is held down (#119).
  • Improvements on exception handling. When present, the line and column number are also logged for exceptions.
  • Performance improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue that prevented Window#setFrame(...) to only set the origin for windows that cannot be resized (#124).



  • Change: All mouse events receive the corresponding Point-object as the first argument for the callback function (#125).


  • Change: The callback function receives its handler as the first argument and as the second argument a boolean that indicates if the key was repeated (held down) (#119).


  • New: Function build(Map<String, AnyObject> properties) builds a modal with the specified properties and returns it, origin should be a function that receives the frame for the modal as the only argument and returns a Point-object will be set as the origin for the modal (#126).
  • New: Dynamic property weight defines the weight of the modal (in points), by default 24 (#126).
  • New: Property appearance defines the appearance of the modal (dark|light|transparent), by default dark (#126).
  • New: Dynamic property icon defines the icon displayed in the modal (#126).
  • New: Dynamic property text defines the text displayed in the modal (#126).
  • Change: Origin is now a dynamic property (#126).
  • Deprecation: Property message is deprecated and will be removed in later versions, use text instead (#126).


  • New: Function frame() returns the whole frame for the screen, bottom-left based origin (#128).
  • New: Function visibleFrame() returns the visible frame for the screen subtracting the Dock and Menu from the frame when visible, bottom-left based origin (#128).
  • New: Function currentSpace() returns the current space for the screen (macOS 10.11+, returns undefined otherwise) (#120).
  • Change: Function frameInRectangle() is now flippedFrame() (#128).
  • Change: Function visibleFrameInRectangle() is now flippedVisibleFrame() (#128).
  • Deprecation: Function frameInRectangle() is deprecated and will be removed in later versions, use flippedFrame() instead (#128).
  • Deprecation: Function visibleFrameInRectangle() is deprecated and will be removed in later versions, use flippedVisibleFrame() instead (#128).


  • New: Function icon() returns the icon for the app (#126).


Release: 13.7.2016

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue that prevented Window#others(...) returning the correct windows based on the screen optional (#116).
  • Fix crash when trying to traverse spaces (#117).


Release: 12.7.2016


  • Adds support for mouse events (#90).
  • Phoenix now has a key–value storage that can be used to store values across reloads and reboots as JSON, see Storage (#97).
  • You can now run tasks asynchronously and retrieve their status, standard output and standard error. A new Task-object has been created to construct tasks, access their properties or to terminate the task, see its API (#98).
  • Keys, events and timers are now constructed with relevant constructors instead of creating them through the global Phoenix-object (#109).
  • Add support for British alternatives to the API (#113).


  • Breaking: Global Command-object has been removed, use Task instead as a direct replacement (#98).
  • Breaking: You can now have multiple Keys for a single key combination. However, only one can be enabled at a time. Previously binding would only change the callback for an existing handler if a previously bound key combination was used again. Now, binding a key combination will always return a new unique handler. As before, this new handler is always enabled by default. Subsequently, any previous handler for the key combination will therefor be automatically disabled (#99).
  • Breaking: Name and stylistic changes to the API (#108).
  • Breaking: KeyHandler has been renamed to Key, EventHandler to Event and TimerHandler to Timer (#109).
  • Debug configuration file suffix has changed from -debug.js to .debug.js.


  • Improve API performance when system is under load (#75).
  • Improve start performance (#114).



  • New: Event willTerminate is triggered when Phoenix will terminate, use this event to perform any tasks before the application terminates.
  • New: Event mouseDidMove is triggered when the mouse has moved (#90).
  • New: Event mouseDidLeftClick is triggered when the mouse did left click (#90).
  • New: Event mouseDidRightClick is triggered when the mouse did right click (#90).
  • Change: Event start is now didLaunch.


  • Deprecation: Function bind(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback) has been removed, use constructor new Key(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback) instead (#109).
  • Deprecation: Function on(String event, Function callback) has been removed, use constructor new Event(String event, Function callback) instead (#109).
  • Deprecation: Function after(double interval, Function callback) has been removed, use constructor new Timer(double interval, boolean repeats, Function callback) instead (#109).
  • Deprecation: Function every(double interval, Function callback) has been removed, use constructor new Timer(double interval, boolean repeats, Function callback) instead (#109).


  • Change: Function enable() will disable any previous handler for the same key combination automatically (#99).


  • New: Function disable() disables the event handler.


  • Change: Function mainScreen() is now simply main() (#108).
  • Change: Function screens() is now all() (#108).
  • Change: Function windows() now takes optionals windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) (#108).
  • Deprecation: Function visibleWindows() has been removed, use windows({ visible: true }) instead (#108).


  • Change: Function activeSpace() is now simply active() (#108).
  • Change: Function spaces() is now all() (#108).
  • Change: Function windows() now takes optionals windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) (#108).
  • Deprecation: Function visibleWindows() has been removed, use windows({ visible: true }) instead (#108).


  • Change: Function moveTo() is now simply move() (#108).


  • Change: Function focusedApp() is now simply focused() (#108).
  • Change: Function runningApps() is now all() (#108).
  • Change: Function windows() now takes optionals windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) (#108).
  • Change: Function terminate() now takes optionals terminate(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) (#108).
  • Deprecation: Function visibleWindows() has been removed, use windows({ visible: true }) instead (#108).
  • Deprecation: Function forceTerminate() has been removed, use terminate({ force: true }) instead (#108).


  • New: Function neighbours(String direction) returns windows to the direction (west|east|north|south) of the window (#108).
  • New: Function focusClosestNeighbour(String direction) focuses the closest window to the direction (west|east|north|south) of the window, returns true if successful (#108).
  • Change: Function focusedWindow() is now simply focused() (#108).
  • Change: Function windows() is now all(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) (#108).
  • Change: Function visibleWindowsInOrder() is now recent() (#108).
  • Change: Function otherWindowsOnAllScreens() is now others(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) (#108).
  • Deprecation: Function visibleWindows() has been removed, use all({ visible: true }) instead (#108).
  • Deprecation: Function otherWindowsOnSameScreen() has been removed, use others({ screen: window.screen() }) instead (#108).
  • Deprecation: Functions windowsToWest(), windowsToEast(), windowsToNorth() and windowsToSouth() have been removed, use instead neighbours('west'), neighbours('east'), neighbours('north') and neighbours('south') respectively (#108).
  • Deprecation: Functions focusClosestWindowInWest(), focusClosestWindowInEast(), focusClosestWindowInNorth() and focusClosestWindowInSouth() have been removed, use instead focusClosestNeighbour('west'), focusClosestNeighbour('east'), focusClosestNeighbour('north') and focusClosestNeighbour('south') respectively (#108).


Release: 27.6.2016


  • Phoenix can now manage handlers for you. Instead of Phoenix.bind, Phoenix.on, Phoenix.after or Phoenix.every — use Key.on, Event.on, Timer.after and Timer.every. For more, see the API (#107).


  • Implement setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout and clearInterval. This also adds support for timing related functions from Underscore (#92).
  • Make require throw an error if a file cannot be resolved (#93).
  • Add support for ISO section §-key (#102).

Bug Fixes

  • Disable key handlers immediately to ensure that keys are unregistered before setting up a new context (#94).
  • Fix crash caused by moving or deleting configuration directory while app is running (#105).


Release: 29.4.2016


  • Notify when preprocessing failed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix an issue that prevented preprocessing due to incompatible paths between different shells (#88).


Release: 25.4.2016


  • Phoenix now supports Spaces! These features are only supported on El Capitan (10.11) and upwards. A new global Space-object has been created to control spaces, see the API (#60).
  • Preferences can now be set programmatically through the API (#67).
  • Phoenix can be run completely in the background, this also removes the status bar menu, see the daemon-preference in the API (#68).
  • You can now create timers to achieve delays and timed events. A new TimerHandler-object has been created to control timers, see its API. See the functions Phoenix.after(double interval, Function callback) and Phoenix.every(double interval, Function callback) in the API to create timers (#77).


  • Upgrade Sparkle to 1.14.0. This also fixes the HTTP MITM-vulnerability discovered in Sparkle — though Phoenix was never vulnerable since we use HTTPS to secure updates.


  • Adjust latency of context reloads on configuration file changes to limit race conditions (#83).
  • Objects that implement Iterable can be traversed. Namely, Screen and Space.
  • All handlers now receive their handlers as the last argument for the callback function.
  • Improvements to memory management and other small improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Improve error handling in preprocessing (#65).
  • Fix an issue that prevented an exception raised in a handler callback to be caught and reported (#70).
  • Fix an issue that prevented setting the frame for a window correctly while moving it to a smaller screen (#84).



  • New: Event spaceDidChange is triggered when the active space has changed.


  • New: Function after(double interval, Function callback) creates a timer that fires the callback once after the given interval (in seconds) and returns the handler, you must keep a reference to the handler in order for your callback to get called, the callback function receives its handler as the only argument.
  • New: Function every(double interval, Function callback) creates a timer that fires the callback repeatedly until stopped using the given interval (in seconds) and returns the handler, you must keep a reference to the handler in order for your callback to get called, the callback function receives its handler as the only argument.
  • New: Function set(Map<String, AnyObject> preferences) sets the preferences from the given key–value map, any previously set preferences with the same key will be overridden.
  • Change: The callback for function bind(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback) now receives its handler as the only argument, previously the callback received no arguments.
  • Change: The callback for function on(String event, Function callback) now receives its handler as the last argument.


  • New: Function identifier() returns the UUID for the screen (#79).
  • New: Function spaces() returns all spaces for the screen (OS X 10.11+, returns an empty list otherwise).


  • New: Function isFullScreen() returns true if the window is a full screen window (#60, #80).
  • New: Function spaces() returns the spaces where the window is currently present (OS X 10.11+, returns an empty list otherwise).
  • New: Function setFullScreen(boolean value) sets whether the window is full screen (#60, #80).


Release: 12.12.2015


  • Amend license regarding the Phoenix icon assets contributed by Jason Milkins for not being under the MIT License (#61).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue where Mouse.location() and Mouse.moveTo(Point point) used different coordinate origins. Both now correctly use top-left as the origin (#58).
  • Support shells (e.g. Fish) that do not support -cl option shorthand in preprocessing (#57).


Release: 28.11.2015


  • Phoenix now supports events! See the API. To bind an event to a callback function, you call the on-function for the Phoenix-object.
  • You may now use JavaScript preprocessing and languages such as CoffeeScript to write your Phoenix-configuration (#45). Thanks @shayne!
  • Updates are now delivered and installed through Sparkle (#50).
  • Phoenix now supports additional configuration locations. In addition to ~/.phoenix.js, you may also use ~/Library/Application Support/Phoenix/phoenix.js or ~/.config/phoenix/phoenix.js if you prefer to do so (#52).


  • Phoenix has been rewritten and refactored from the ground up. This also means that Phoenix now requires OS X Yosemite (10.10) or higher. Xcode 7 is now required for building.
  • Supports OS X El Capitan (10.11).
  • Underscore.js is upgraded to 1.8.3 (from 1.5.2). This may change existing behaviour related to Underscore.
  • Global api-object is now called Phoenix.
  • Global MousePosition-object is now called Mouse.
  • Hotkey-object is now called KeyHandler and its properties have changed. See the API.
  • The concept of Alerts has been deprecated. A new global Modal-object has been created to display messages as modals. See the API.
  • A new EventHandler-object has been created to handle events. See the API.
  • A new global Command-object has been created to run UNIX-commands. See the API.


  • A new subtler status item icon.
  • Alerts are now delivered through Notification Center and logged to Console for easier debugging.
  • Now reloading the context gives no alert unless an error is encountered.
  • Objects that implement Identifiable can be identified and compared.

Bug Fixes

  • Support non-unicode keyboards (#34).
  • Support relative requires with symlinks in configuration (#42).



  • New: Function on(String event, Function callback) binds an event to a callback function.
  • New: Function notify(String message) delivers a message to the Notification Center.
  • Change: Function launch(String appName) has moved to the global App-object.
  • Change: Function runCommand(String commandPath, Array arguments) has moved to a new global Command-object and is now called run(String path, Array arguments).
  • Deprecation: Function alert(String message, double durationInSeconds) has been removed, use Modal to display messages as modals.
  • Deprecation: Function cancelAlerts() has been removed, you must keep references to modals yourself to close them.
  • Deprecation: Function setTint(Array<double> red, Array<double> green, Array<double> blue) has been removed with no replacement.


  • New: KeyHandler now implements Identifiable.
  • Change: You must now keep a reference to the handler, otherwise your callback will not get called.
  • Change: Special keys are now camelCased (case sensitive) instead of underscored. See changed keys.
  • Change: Keys for keypad are now prefix with keypad instead of pad.


  • New: Screen now implements Identifiable.
  • New: Function mainScreen() returns the screen containing the window with the keyboard focus.
  • New: Function screens() returns all screens.
  • New: Function windows() returns all windows for the screen.
  • New: Function visibleWindows() returns all visible windows for the screen.
  • Change: For clarity, functions frameIncludingDockAndMenu() and frameWithoutDockOrMenu() are now frameInRectangle() and visibleFrameInRectangle(), respectively.
  • Change: Functions nextScreen() and previousScreen() are now simply next() and previous().


  • New: Function moveTo(Point point) returns a boolean value for determining success.
  • Change: Functions capture() and restore(Point point) are now called location() and moveTo(Point point).


  • New: App now implements Identifiable.
  • New: All actions return a boolean value for determining success.
  • New: Function get(String appName) returns the running app with the given name.
  • New: Function launch(String appName) now returns the launched app if successful.
  • New: Function focusedApp() returns the focused app.
  • New: Function isActive() returns whether the app is currently frontmost.
  • New: Function isTerminated() returns whether the app has been terminated.
  • New: Function mainWindow() returns the main window for the app.
  • New: A new function focus() focuses the app and its windows.
  • Change: Property pid is now a function called processIdentifier().
  • Change: Function title() is now called name().
  • Change: Function allWindows() is now simply windows().
  • Change: Functions kill() and kill9() are now terminate() and forceTerminate(), respectively.


  • New: Window now implements Identifiable.
  • New: All actions return a boolean value for determining success.
  • New: Function isMain() returns whether the window is the main window for its app.
  • New: Function isVisible() returns whether the window is a normal and unminimised window that belongs to an unhidden app.
  • Change: Function allWindows() is now simply windows().
  • Change: Function visibleWindowsMostRecentFirst() is renamed to visibleWindowsInOrder() for clarity.
  • Change: Function isNormalWindow() is now simply isNormal().
  • Change: Function isWindowMinimized() is now simply isMinimized().
  • Change: Function unMinimize() is now unminimize().
  • Change: Function focusWindow() is now focus().
  • Change: Alignment functions windowsToWest(), windowsToEast(), windowsToNorth(), windowsToSouth() now correctly return windows relative to the window and not relative to the focused window. To achieve the previous behaviour you need chain these with the focusedWindow()-accessor. This also affects focusClosestWindowInWest(), focusClosestWindowInEast(), focusClosestWindowInNorth(), focusClosestWindowInSouth()-functions.
  • Change: Functions focusWindowLeft(), focusWindowRight(), focusWindowUp(), focusWindowDown() are now focusClosestWindowInWest(), focusClosestWindowInEast(), focusClosestWindowInNorth(), focusClosestWindowInSouth(), respectively.