I recently moved to a new team that focuses on applying the latest techniques from deep learning research, but have very little experience with deep learning myself. With this book I plan to document my journey in learning applied deep learning. It's currently a work in progress journal of thoughts I had time to write down whilst building intuition about the various topics, but I hope it will develop into a useful resource for others too.
Or, in a sense, the pre-requisites for this book/who this book may be helpful for:
- I had many years experience in general data analysis and Python, mostly in academic research
- I had a few years of software engineering experience
- I'd dabbled in many data science/machine learning methods (e.g. via courses, reading groups and side projects), but I didn't have formal training in them and they'd rarely been the main focus of my job.
- I was fairly comfortable with more classical methods like Linear Regression, (constrained) optimisation, and similar.
- I wasn't as comfortable with statistics, linear algebra, and calculus as I'd like to be despite a lot of exposure to them over the years.