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A PHP library for generating QR codes for PIX payments, including optional transaction descriptions.

PHP Version License

Table of Contents


You can install the library via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require kayon-ariel/pix-php


Step 1: Include the Autoloader

Once installed, include the Composer autoloader in your PHP script:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Step 2: Import the Namespace

Import the PixPhp namespace at the beginning of your PHP file:

use PixPhp\StaticPix;

Step 3: Generate a PIX Code

You can generate a PIX code using the generatePix method. Here's a basic example:

// Generate a PIX code
$pixCode = StaticPix::generatePix('your-pix-key', 'Transaction-ID', 100.00, 'Payment description');

// Display the generated PIX code
echo $pixCode;

Accepted Key Types

In the PixPhp library, the following types of keys are accepted for generating PIX codes:

  1. CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas)

    • Format: 123.456.789-09
    • Description: A Brazilian individual taxpayer identification number. The library accepts CPF numbers with or without formatting.
  2. CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica)

    • Format: 12.345.678/0001-95
    • Description: A Brazilian business taxpayer identification number. The library accepts CNPJ numbers with or without formatting.
  3. Email

    • Format:
    • Description: A valid email address. The library accepts well-formed email addresses as PIX keys.
  4. Phone

    • Format: +55 11 91234-5678
    • Description: A Brazilian phone number including the country code. The library accepts phone numbers with various formatting styles, including spaces and dashes, while retaining the +55 prefix.
  5. Random Key

    • Format: 617ef6be-e18e-427f-919b-6e43bae33400
    • Description: The Pix random key is a 32-character alphanumeric code, randomly generated by the Central Bank to be linked to a single account.

Example Usage

You can pass any of the accepted key types to the generatePix method:

// Using CPF
$pixCodeCpf = StaticPix::generatePix("123.456.789-09", "ID123", 100.00);

// Using CNPJ
$pixCodeCnpj = StaticPix::generatePix("12.345.678/0001-95", "ID456", 250.50);

// Using Email
$pixCodeEmail = StaticPix::generatePix("", "ID789", 50.00);

// Using Phone
$pixCodePhone = StaticPix::generatePix("+55 11 91234-5678", "ID101", 75.00);

// Using Random Key
$pixCodeRandom = StaticPix::generatePix("617ef6be-e18e-427f-919b-6e43bae33400", "ID102", 30.00);