- Added DataCite view tracker to static narrative template.
- UIP-29 Update the Google analytics tracking tag
- Fixed a bug that caused a None comparison error when processing a specific configuration of a KBaseReport (PUBLIC-1411).
- Fixed author url links.
- Add a list_static_narratives function - returns a dictionary mapping from each Static Narrative id to all versions available.
- Fixed duplicate text in template (metadata description).
- Include host in call to initialize Javascript on the page.
- Handle UI links in production better (kbase.us -> narrative.kbase.us)
- Added support for direct html reports.
- Added links out to reports in a separate window.
- Fixed error when trying to parse a data cell that doesn't have a ref key.
- Added support for "upas" key in data cell (handle copy-of-a-copy issues).
- Fixed issue with errors that aren't being propagated properly.
- Added Google Analytics tag to generated Static Narratives.
- Added HTML meta tags with keywords (apps and data types) and description
- Removed unused script codes from the templates.
- Removed notes about how to upgrade running containers in Rancher, since we don't need to anymore!
- Added tabs to header of Static Narrative to flip between the main Narrative, Data, and Citations.
- Changed app cell headers to better handle runtime and final app state.
- Changed UPAs to object names in app cell configs (when they're UPAs and not names).
- Fixed bug where non-public Narratives, or non-admin users could create Static Narratives.
- Added popup overlay with list of data in the Narrative.
- Minor Narrative cell support tweaks.
- Add support for KBase icons font pack.
- Added status function. Returns the status of the service, including running version and hash string for the deployed Git commit.
- Added get_static_narrative_info function. Given a workspace id, return information about the static narrative created from it, if there is any.
- Added create_static_narrative function. Takes in a full Narrative reference (including version) and creates a static version of it, hosted on a KBase server.
- Module created by kb-sdk init