Releases: keesverruijt/BR24radar_pi
Version 1.32
- Correct orientation of own ship symbol in radar-only mode, always point upwards (= head up). To work correctly, this needs an update in OpenCPN. This update is in pull request #621, pending.
- Prevent "swinging heading" when passing heading from radar to OpenCPN. This requires the same update to OpenCPN as above.
- Change update method of control variables on button, update all values every cycle, also if not modified externally. When clicking a command, its value is adjusted immediately, but if the radar does not react on the command, the value on the button would be wrong. Now it will be corrected by the radar in all cases.
- Removal of "remote" with range changes. It is always the radar that dictates the range.
- Better range update, auto range will no longer update the range button (but only send the command) , update of the button is done after response from the radar.
- Clear image after range change, A/B switch and radar-only / overlay. Avoid false alarms after clearing the image by resetting all buffers.
- Add "Filter = ON" to gain button when multi sweep filter is on.
- Option in preferences to enable / disable the use of COG as heading.
- Warning: "Turn off AIS" added to Radar overlay button in Radar-only mode.
- Removed heading_correction completely;
- Adjust bearing alignment through installation menu as before.
- Adjust heading outside the pi.
- Remove Noise Rejection control button for 3G radar, 3G has no Noise Rejection.
Add m for meters to antenna height button
Correction of heading error in radar only
Changes to update all control values after change of channel
Correction for multi sweep filter
Use structures for OpenGL vertices. Save space, may be faster.
Some cleaning
Remove last remains of displaymode dialogue
Fix emulator
Update translations
Version 1.31
Version 1.3
Thanks to @douwefokkema and @Hakansv we have a new release!
- Improved performance (better OpenGL calls)
- Support for dual radar mode (4G only)
- Various improvements to dialogs and radar state
- Various fixes to guard zones
- Multi sweep filter added. This allows a more stable image by averaging over multiple radar scans
- New ''Advanced > Installation'' menu allows control of bearing alignment, antenna height, local interference rejection and side lob suppression
- Radar-only support without GPS or heading
- Hot switching between radar chart overlay and radar only display
- Radar controls (such as gain, sea state, etc.) now reflect actual radar settings instead of desired value from plugin. This allows cooperation between multiple OpenCPN installs and/or one or more chart plotters
Release v1.1
This is the second production release of the plugin.
It is intended for use with OpenCPN 3.3 beta (now 4.0.0 production).
The following bugs have been fixed:
#61 - GuardZone does not activate on dialog close (OSX)
#60 - OS X: cannot bind to port 6680
#59 - Linux: BR24RadarControl; Screen position and Radar type label.
#58 - Darwin package does not contain the library file
#57 - RadarAlertAudioFile; Load to config file and sound not working in Ubuntu
#56 - Dialogue box buttons. Second line is missing in O beta 3.3.2330
#55 - Guard zone alarm is repeated even if both guard zones are set to off
#54 - Double BR24Radar_pi icons on certain conditions.