- Download the release version and put it where you want it, open a command line and go to the directory where the file sorter is, unzip it, delete the zip file, and go to the sorter directory.
cd <path to where you want to go>
unzip <your platform>.zip
rm -rf <your platform>.zip
cd <your platform>/
- Run the file sorter using the command:
./sorter &
- but for future use:
cd <path to where you want to go>/<your platform>/
./sorter &
Download the release version and put it where you want it, open a command line and go to the directory where the file sorter is, unzip it, delete the zip file, and go to the sorter directory.
Run the file sorter
❗ In this version, it must be run in the directory where the ❗
this sorter can sort files by category, and if there is a recurring file, it will add its number to it in parentheses
To configure the file sorter, open the config.toml file with a text editor and edit it according to your needs. For each directory you want to sort, create a corresponding section in the config.toml file.
For example:
extensions = ["txt", "pdf"]
this means that files with the extensions "txt" and "pdf" will be moved to the "extensions" directory.
add background mode to work when something is changed in the directory
1.1.0 - add multiple files (this is when several files have the same name and not to overwrite the file just add the number at the end as Texte(number).txt)
1.2.0 - add crossplatform for Winduos
1.3.0 - add background mode to work when something is changed in the directory
1.4.0 - add it to be able to sort files where it's needed and it doesn't matter where it is