This application is used to plot one or more neutron fluence spectra on a single set of axes.
- This file contains the neutron fluence spectra to be plotted.
- The accepted format is the same as the CSV output file of
- The first line contains the energy bins [MeV]
- The second line contains a fluence spectrum [neutrons cm-2 s-1]
- The third line contains the lower uncertainty.
- The fourth line contains the upper uncertainty.
- Subsequent lines add more spectra and their uncertainties.
- File is set via the
- This file contains all of the user-configurable settings for the application.
- Input file:
- The description of each setting is provided in the Settings Table below.
- Default values are indicated where applicable.
- To use default values, do not delete settings, simply leave the value blank.
- This file contains the plotted output generated by the application.
- File is set via the
setting.- Include the desired file output type (e.g.
, etc.)
- Include the desired file output type (e.g.
Name | Default value | description |
border_width | 5 |
Line width of plot border. |
color_error | #333333,#E79A9F,#6B8EF0, #69CF77,#ad4ace,#e2a56f, #69c6db |
Specify color of uncertainy region around spectra using comma-delimited list of HEX color values. Pattern repeats if there are more series than colors specified. |
color_series | #000000,#C63822,#607FD5, #55A961,#75298e,#ce884a, #33889b |
Specify color of spectra using comma-delimited list of HEX color values. Pattern repeats if there are more series than colors specified. |
duration | N/A | If plot_per_mu=1 , use this to specify the duration of exposure per moderator configuration. |
error_fill_style | 3001 |
The fill pattern to use in the uncertainty region. See Root docs. |
error_style | E2 |
The visual style with which uncertainties are displayed. See Root docs. |
font_size | 1 |
Scaling factor applied to all text in the figure. e.g. font_size = 2 makes text twice as large. Use element-specific settings when necessary. |
font_size_axis_labels | 1 |
Scaling factor applied to axis labels (titles). e.g. font_size = 2 makes text twice as large. |
font_size_axis_tick_labels | 1 |
Scaling factor applied to axis tick labels. e.g. font_size = 2 makes text twice as large. |
font_size_legend | 1 |
Scaling factor applied to legend entries. e.g. font_size = 2 makes text twice as large. |
font_size_textbox | 1 |
Scaling factor applied to the textbox. e.g. font_size = 2 makes text twice as large. |
font_size_title | 1 |
Scaling factor applied to the plot title. e.g. font_size = 2 makes text twice as large. |
grayscale | 0 |
If grayscale=0 : plot in color. If grayscale=1 : plot in grayscale. |
legend | 1 |
If legend=1 : show legend. If legend=0 : no legend. |
legend_coords | 0.15,0.75,0.365,0.85 |
Comma-delimited coordinates of the legend (format: lower x, lower y, upper x, upper y). Rule of thumb: add 0.05 between upper and lower y for each data series. |
legend_entries | row headers in input file | Comma-delimited spectra names. e.g: spectrum 1,spectrum 2,spectrum 3 |
line_style | 1 |
Comma-delimited list of spectra line styles. See Root docs. If only a single value, apply to all spectra. |
line_width | 5 |
Comma-delimited list of spectra line widths. See Root docs. If only a single value, apply to all spectra. |
margin_bottom | 0.1 |
Whitespace margin to add to bottom of plot area, as a fractional percent of the canvas. |
margin_left | 0.1 |
Whitespace margin to add to left of plot area, as a fractional percent of the canvas. |
margin_right | 0.1 |
Whitespace margin to add to right of plot area, as a fractional percent of the canvas. |
margin_top | 0.1 |
Whitespace margin to add to top of plot area, as a fractional percent of the canvas. |
normalize | 0 |
If normalize=0 : plot absolute spectral values. If normalize=1 : plot spectra normalized to max value of 1. |
number_mu | N/A | If plot_per_mu=1 , use this to specify the # of MU delivered per moderator configuration. |
path_input_data | output/output_spectra.csv |
Pathname to input CSV spectra file. |
path_output_figure | output/output_spectra.png |
Pathname to ouput figure file. |
plot_per_mu | 0 |
If plot_per_mu=0 : plot spectra in default units. If plot_per_mu=1 : plot spectra per MU. |
rows_per_spectrum | 3 |
Number of rows attributed to a single spectrum and its uncertainties in input CSV spectra file. |
show_error | 1 |
Comma-delimited list of 1s or 0s indicating whether uncertainty should be displayed for each spectrum. If only a single value, apply to all spectra. |
textbox | 0 |
If textbox=1 : include a textbox. If textbox=0 : no textbox. |
textbox_coords | 0.15,0.4,0.4,0.6 |
Comma-delimited coordinates of the textbox (format: lower x, lower y, upper x, upper y). |
textbox_text | N/A | Comma-delimited text to include in text box. Commas delineate new lines. |
title | N/A | Title of the plot. |
x_label | Energy (MeV) |
X-axis label. |
x_label_offset | 1.4 |
Double value to shift the x-axis label up or down. Changing by 0.1 adjusts position by 10 percent |
x_max | max energy in input file | Max x-axis value. |
x_min | min energy in input file | Min x-axis value. |
x_res | 3200 |
Horizontal resolution (dimension). Only applicable to rasterized image formats (e.g. PNG not EPS). |
y_digits_max | 3 |
Max number of digits allowed on the y axis labels before scientific notation is used. |
y_label | Fluence (n #upoint cm^{-2} s^{-1}) |
Y-axis label |
y_label_offset | 1.4 |
Double value to shift the y-axis label left or right. Changing by 0.1 adjusts position by 10 percent |
y_max | 1.25x max spectral value in input file | Max y-axis value. |
y_min | 0 |
Min y-axis value. |
y_num_divs | N/A | 3 digit number that specifies number of major and minor divisions (tick marks). See Root docs. |
y_res | 2400 |
Vertical resolution (dimension). Only applicable to rasterized image formats (e.g. PNG not EPS). |