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Instructions for unfold_trend.exe

This application is used to unfold measurements obtained with a Nested Neutron Spectrometer and record the value of a parameter of interest at each MLEM iteration. Example usage is to output the average relative error between measured values and MLEM-reconstructed values at each iteration to a CSV file. These data can then be plotted using plot_lines.exe.

Table of Contents

Input files

Measurements file

  • This file contains the measured NNS data to be unfolded.
  • Default file: input/measurements.txt
  • Can specify an alternative measurements file within the settings file via the path_measurements parameter (described below).
  • The required format of the file is shown in input/template_measurements.txt.
    • Start with 4 header lines to: (1) describe the measurements, (2) specify delivered dose per moderator shell [MU], (3) specify dose rate used [MU/min], (4) specify the irradiation duration [seconds]
    • Structure of the data portion is such that measured data can be readily copy/pasted from Google Sheets.
  • Input values should already have noise and photon contamination removed.
  • If multiple measurements were obtained for the same moderator shell, input them sequentially on subsequent lines and adjust the num_mes_per_shell setting accordingly.

Settings file

  • This file contains all of the user-configurable settings for the application.
  • Default file: input/unfold_trend.cfg
  • Can specify alternative settings file at runtime via:
./unfold_trend.exe --configuration <file_name>
  • The description of each setting is provided in the Settings Table below.
  • Default values are indicated where applicable.
    • To use default values, do not delete settings, simply leave the value blank.

Energy bins

  • This file contains the energies over which the NNS response functions are defined, and thus the energy bins at which unfolded neutron fluence spectra are quantified.
  • Units: [MeV]
  • The first value is the lowest energy.
  • Values are placed on subsequent lines (no commas).
  • File is set via the path_energy_bins setting.

NNS response functions

  • This file contains the values of the NNS response functions for all eight moderator configurations over the energy range specified in the energy bins file.
  • The response of a given moderator is presented on a single line, with values separated by commas and from low to high energy.
  • Units: [cm2]
  • The response of the bare detector is on the first line.
  • Subsequent lines have the response for the next moderator configuration.
  • File is set via the path_system_response setting.

Guess spectrum

  • This file contains a guess neutron fluence spectrum used as the starting point of MLEM unfolding, defined over the energy range specified in the energy bins file.
  • Units: [neutrons cm-2 s-1]
  • The first value corresponds to the lowest energy bin.
  • Values are placed on subsequent lines (no commas).
  • File is set via the path_input_spectrum setting.

Output files

Trend file

  • This CSV file contains the output of the application.
  • The format of the file varies with the algorithm used:
    • If algorithm=mlem:
      • The first line specifies the iteration indices at which the parameter_of_interest was calculated.
      • The second line contains the comma-separated values of the parameter_of_interest.
      • If the application is ran multiple times using the same output file, the output data will be appended on new lines to the existing file.
    • If algorithm=correction_factors:
      • The first line specifies the energy bins.
      • The first column specifies the iteration indices.
      • The remaining cells comprise a 2D matrix of the spectral correction factors.
    • If algorithm=trend:
      • The first line specifies the # of moderators.
      • The first column specifies the iteration indices.
      • The remaining cells comprise a 2D matrix of the ratios between the MLEM reconstructed and measured values.
  • File is set via the path_output_trend parameter.


Name Default value description
algorithm mlem Specify which unfolding algorithm to use.
mlem: Calculate parameter_of_interest at specified iteration intervals.
map: Calculate parameter_of_interest at specified iteration and beta intervals.
correction_factors: Calculate correction factors applied to every spectral value at specified iteration intervals.
trend: Calculate ratio between MLEM-reconstructed values and measurements at specified iteration intervals.
beta_max 1E-8 Applicable if algorithm=map. Use in conjunction with beta_min to specify range of beta values over which to calculate parameter_of_interest. Log-10 intervals are used between min and max values.
beta_min 1E-10 Applicable if algorithm=map. Use in conjunction with beta_max to specify range of beta values over which to calculate parameter_of_interest. Log-10 intervals are used between min and max values.
derivatives 0 When using algorithm=mlem, set derivatives=1 if want to calculate the rate of change of change (derivative) of the parameter_of_interest.
f_factor 7.2 Conversion coefficient between neutron current and CPS for NNS [fA/cps].
iteration_increment 100 Use in conjuction with iteration_min and iteration_max to specify the range and intervals of MLEM iterations at which to calculate parameter of interest. E.g. start at 100 iterations, calculate every 100 iterations, and stop at 10,000 iterations. Value must evenly divide the difference between min and max.
iteration_max 10000 See iteration_increment.
iteration_min 100 See iteration_increment.
meas_units nc Specify units of measured values {nc,cps}.
nns_normalization 1.14 NNS-dependent normalization factor.
num_meas_per_shell 1 # of measured values input per moderator shell.
parameter_of_interest total_fluence Parameter to be calculated at specified iterations. {avg_mlem_ratio,chi_squared_g,j_factor,j_factor2,max_mlem_ratio,noise,nrmsd,reduced_chi_squared,rms,total_dose,total_fluence}
path_energy_bins input/energy_bins.csv Pathname to energy bins file.
path_icrp_factors input/
Pathname to file containing ambient dose equivalent conversion coefficients [pSv cm^2].
path_input_spectrum input/spectrum_step.csv Pathname to input (guess) spectrum file.
path_measurements input/measurements.txt Pathname to NNS measurements file.
path_output_trend output/output_trend.csv Pathname to CSV file to store output trend.
path_ref_spectrum N/A Pathname to a spectrum file to be used as ground-truth reference spectrum when parameter_of_interest=rms.
path_system_response input/response_nns_he3.csv Pathname to NNS response functions file.
prior mrp Type of prior calculation to be done if algorithm=map.
quadratic: smoothing, no edge preservation.
mrp: median root prior; preserves edges by not penalizing regions of monotonic increase or decrease.
medianrp: mean root prior; custom written; similar to mrp but based on mean of neighbours.
trend_type cps Use if algorithm=trend. Defines how first output row containing measured values appears.
ratio: all will be 1 (ratio with itself).
cps: output the measured values in CPS.