The docker-compose configuration present in this directory allows for a user to quickly setup all of chainlink's services to perform actions like integration tests, acceptance tests, and development across multiple services.
Inside the chainlink/tools/docker
directory, there is a helper script that is included which should cover all cases of integration / acceptance / development needs acroos multiple services. To see a list of available commands, perform the following:
cd tools/docker
./compose help
Acceptance can be accomplished by using the acceptance
./compose acceptance
- The explorer can be reached at
- The chainlink node can be reached at
Credentials for logging into the operator-ui can be found here
Doing quick, iterative changes on the core codebase can still be achieved within the compose setup with the cld
or cldo
The cld
command will bring up the services that a chainlink node needs to connect to (explorer, parity/geth, postgres), and then attach the users terminal to a docker container containing the host's chainlink repository bind-mounted inside the container at /usr/local/src/chainlink
. What this means is that any changes made within the host's repository will be synchronized to the container, and vice versa for changes made within the container at /usr/local/src/chainlink
This enables a user to make quick changes on either the container or the host, run cldev
within the attached container, check the new behaviour of the re-built node, and repeat this process until the desired results are achieved.
./compose cld
# Now you are inside the container
cldev # cldev without the "core" postfix simply calls the core node cli
# main - CLI for Chainlink
# main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
# unset@unset
# admin Commands for remotely taking admin related actions
# bridges Commands for Bridges communicating with External Adapters
# config Commands for the node's configuration
# jobs Commands for managing Jobs
# node, local Commands for admin actions that must be run locally
# runs Commands for managing Runs
# txs Commands for handling Ethereum transactions
# agreements, agree Commands for handling service agreements
# attempts, txas Commands for managing Ethereum Transaction Attempts
# createextrakey Create a key in the node's keystore alongside the existing key; to create an original key, just run the node
# initiators Commands for managing External Initiators
# help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
# --json, -j json output as opposed to table
# --help, -h show help
# --version, -v print the version
cldev core # import our testing key and api credentials, then start the node
# ** Importing default key 0x9ca9d2d5e04012c9ed24c0e513c9bfaa4a2dd77f
# 2019-12-11T20:31:18Z [INFO] Locking postgres for exclusive access with 500ms timeout orm/orm.go:74 #
# 2019-12-11T20:31:18Z [WARN] pq: relation "migrations" does not exist migrations/migrate.go:149
# ** Running node
# 2019-12-11T20:31:20Z [INFO] Starting Chainlink Node 0.7.0 at commit 7324e9c476ed6b5c0a08d5a38779d4a6bfbb3880 cmd/local_client.go:27
# ...
# ...
allows the user to perform the same actions above, but also applied to the operator-ui codebase and the core codebase. The operator-ui will be hosted in hot-reload/development mode at http://localhost//3000
. To see the build progress of operator-ui, we can open another terminal to watch its output while we can mess around with the core node in the original terminal.
In the first terminal:
./compose cldo
# Now you are inside the container
cldev # cldev without the "core" postfix simply calls the core node cli
# main - CLI for Chainlink
# main [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
# unset@unset
# admin Commands for remotely taking admin related actions
# bridges Commands for Bridges communicating with External Adapters
# config Commands for the node's configuration
# jobs Commands for managing Jobs
# node, local Commands for admin actions that must be run locally
# runs Commands for managing Runs
# txs Commands for handling Ethereum transactions
# agreements, agree Commands for handling service agreements
# attempts, txas Commands for managing Ethereum Transaction Attempts
# createextrakey Create a key in the node's keystore alongside the existing key; to create an original key, just run the node
# initiators Commands for managing External Initiators
# help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
# --json, -j json output as opposed to table
# --help, -h show help
# --version, -v print the version
cldev core # import our testing key and api credentials, then start the node
# ** Importing default key 0x9ca9d2d5e04012c9ed24c0e513c9bfaa4a2dd77f
# 2019-12-11T20:31:18Z [INFO] Locking postgres for exclusive access with 500ms timeout orm/orm.go:74 #
# 2019-12-11T20:31:18Z [WARN] pq: relation "migrations" does not exist migrations/migrate.go:149
# ** Running node
# 2019-12-11T20:31:20Z [INFO] Starting Chainlink Node 0.7.0 at commit 7324e9c476ed6b5c0a08d5a38779d4a6bfbb3880 cmd/local_client.go:27
# ...
# ...
In a new terminal:
docker logs operator-ui -f
You'll now have two terminals, one with the core node, one with operator-ui, with both being able to react to code changes without rebuilding their respective images.
The integration test suite will run against a parity node by default. You can run the integration test suite with the following command:
./compose test
If you want to run the test suite against a geth node, you can set the GETH_MODE
environment variable.
GETH_MODE=true ./compose test
If we want to quickly test new changes we make to integration/
or tools/ci/ethereum_test
without re-building our images, we can use the test:dev
command which will reflect those changes from the host file system without rebuilding those containers.
./compose test:dev
Still a work in progress, you can run the tests in typescript (instead of bash) by using
./compose test:ts
# or
./compose test:ts:dev
Eventually, these tests should replace the bash tests entirely
See the README within the integration folder.
To remove any containers, volumes, and networks related to our docker-compose setup, we can run the clean
./compose clean
Individual clean commands are included for CI purposes when matrix jobs are being executed.
./compose test:down
./compose test:ts:down
The following commands allow you do just about anything:
./compose <subcommand>
./compose integration <subcommand> # or ./compose i
./compose dev:integration <subcommand> # or ./compose di
./compose dev <subcommand>
For example, to see what our compose configuration looks like:
./compose config # base config
./compose dev:integration # development integration test config
Or, to run just an ethereum node:
./compose up devnet # start a parity devnet node
GETH_MODE=true ./compose up devnet # start a geth devnet node
For more information regarding environment variables, the docker documentation explains it in great detail.
All of the environment variables listed under the environment
key in each service contains a default entry under the .env
file of this directory. Additional environment variables can be added by using the chainlink-variables.env
file. Both files are further expanded upon below.
The existing variables listed under the environment
key in each service can be overridden by setting a shell environment variable of the same key. For example, referring to ETH_CHAIN_ID
variable under the node
service, the default value of ETH_CHAIN_ID
in .env
is 34055
. If we wanted to change this to 1337
, we could set a shell variable to override this value.
export ETH_CHAIN_ID=1337
./compose acceptance # ETH_CHAIN_ID now has the value of 1337, instead of the default value of 34055
What if we want to add new environment variables that are not listed under the environment
key of a service? docker-compose
provides us with a way to pass our own variables that are not defined under the environment
key by using an env_file. We can see from our docker-compose.yaml
file that there is an env file under the name of chainlink-variables.env
. In this file, you can specify any extra environment variables that you'd like to pass to the associated container.
For example, lets say we want to pass the variable ALLOW_ORIGINS
defined in store/orm/schema.go
, so that we can serve our api from a different port without getting CORS errors. We can't pass this in as a shell variable, as the variable is not defined under the environment
key under the node
service. What we can do though, is specify ALLOW_ORIGINS
in chainlink-variables.env
, which will get passed to the container.
# assuming that we're in the tools/docker directory
# Add our custom environment variable
echo "ALLOW_ORIGINS=http://localhost:1337" > chainlink-variables.env
# now the node will allow requests from the origin of http://localhost:1337 rather than the default value of http://localhost:3000,http://localhost:6688
./compose acceptance
The logs
command will allow you to follow the logs of any running service. For example:
./compose up node # starts the node service and all it's dependencies, including devnet, explorer, the DB...
./compose logs devnet # shows the blockchain logs
# ^C to exit
./compose logs # shows the combined logs of all running services
docker system prune
The default configuration tries to build everything in parallel. You can avoid this by clearing the Docker Compose build options.
# Use docker compose's default build configuration
Logging from a container is hidden
Sometimes docker-compose does not show logging from some docker containers. This can be solved by using the docker command directly.
# List docker instances
docker ps
# 41410c9d79d8 smartcontract/chainlink "chainlink node star…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>6688/tcp chainlink-node
# f7e657e101d8 smartcontract/devnet "/bin/parity --confi…" 47 hours ago Up 2 minutes 5001/tcp, 8080/tcp, 8082-8083/tcp, 8180/tcp, 8546/tcp, 30303/tcp,>8545/tcp, 30303/udp parity
# Follow logs using name of container
docker logs -f chainlink-node
This is most likely due to the (Allow Origins access policy]( Make sure you are using 'http://localhost' (not, or try disabling ALLOW_ORIGINS.
# Disable ALLOW_ORIGINS for testing
echo "ALLOW_ORIGINS=*" >> chainlink-variables.env
The dockerized development environment provides an alternative development and testing environment to the docker-compose setup as described above. The goals for this environment are to:
- create a development environment that is easily configured by interview candidates, potential contributors, etc.
- contain all dependencies in a single docker image
- contain sensible, pre-configured defaults
The entire chainlink repo is bind-mounted so any changes will take effect immediately - this makes the env good for TDD. Node modules are also bind-mounted, so you shouldn't have to install many deps after launching the container. Go deps are not bind-mounted, so you will have to install those after starting the container. You should only need to do this once, as long as you re-use the container.
The docker env contains direnv, so whatever changes you make locally to your (bind-mounted) .envrc
will be reflected in the docker container. The container is built with a default ENV that should require minimal changes for basic testing and development.
# build the image and tag it as chainlink-develop
docker build ./tools/docker/ -t chainlink-develop:latest -f ./tools/docker/develop.Dockerfile
# create the image
docker container create -v /home/ryan/chainlink/chainlink:/root/chainlink --name chainlink-dev chainlink-develop:latest
# if you want to access the db, chain, node, or explorer from the host... expose the relevant ports
# This could also be used in case you want to run some services in the container, and others directly
# on the host
docker container create -v /home/ryan/chainlink/chainlink:/root/chainlink --name chainlink-dev -p 5432:5432 -p 6688:6688 -p 6689:6689 -p 3000:3000 -p 3001:3001 -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 chainlink-develop:latest
# start the container (this will run in the background until you stop it)
docker start chainlink-dev
# connect to the container by opening bash prompts - you can open as many as you'd like
docker exec -ti chainlink-dev bash
$ --> inside container bash prompt
This is nothing new, just a demonstration that you should be able to run all the commands/tests/services you normally do for development/testing, but now inside of the docker container. As mentioned above, if you want access to these services on the host machine, you will have to expose their ports.
# install deps and chainlink
$ make install
# run go tests
$ go run ./core/main.go local db preparetest
$ go test ./...
# run evm/explorer/operatorUI tests
$ yarn workspace @chainlink/contracts test
$ yarn workspace @chainlink/explorer test
$ yarn workspace @chainlink/operator-ui test
# start geth
$ geth --dev --datadir ./tools/gethnet/datadir --mine --ipcdisable --dev.period 2 --unlock 0x9ca9d2d5e04012c9ed24c0e513c9bfaa4a2dd77f --password ./tools/clroot/password.txt --config ./tools/gethnet/config.toml
# run chainlink node (will require changing env vars from defaults)
$ chainlink local node -a ./tools/secrets/apicredentials -p ./tools/secrets/password.txt
This image contains the following additional tools:
- geth, openethereum, ganache
- delve, gofuzz
- slither, echidna