Notifications from PyMongo to subscribers.
To run the application at local you need to run these commands and should have python 3.6.1 in the system or in virtual environment.
Open terminal 1, cd to the folder and type the following commands to start virtual environment and celery worker.
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
export MAIL_USERNAME="your_email_id"
export MAIL_PASSWORD="password"
celery worker -A app.celery --loglevel=debug
Open Terminal 2, cd to the folder and type the following command for running Redis server.
sudo chmod 755 (if you don't have permission to run the script.)
Open Terminal 3, cd to the folder and type the following commands to run the application
and open the browser and paste in the address bar.
Thanks to MLab which provides 500MB free data upon signup which is perfect for such small experimental projects.
After signup mlab provides a uri to connect then add these to the file.
mongo_dbname = ""
mongo_uri = ""
- Unsubscribe from the mails.
Run the method to send the mails in a task scheduler like celery.- Email validation.