Math Homework
Students have been assigned a series of math problems that have points associated with them. Given a
sorted points array, minimize the number of problems a student needs to solve based on the criteria
- They must always solve the first problem, index /= 0.
- After solving the ith problem, they have a choice: solve the next problem (i + 1) or skip ahead and work the (i + 2) problem.
- Students must keep solving problems until the difference between the maximum points and the minimum points questions solved so far meets or exceeds a specified threshold.
- If the student cannot meet or exceed the threshold, they must work all the problems.
Return the minimum number of problems a student needs to solve.
Shortest Palindrome
A palindrome is defined as a word that reads the same forward as it does backward. For example, the as) * The function is expected to return an INTEGER. The word "tacocat" is a palindrome, but the words "taco" and "cat" are not.
Determine the minimum number of characters that must be inserted into a string to make it a palindrome.
For example, the string s = “abcda"can be made a palindrome by performing the sequence:
abcda -> abdcda -> abdcdba
So the answer of this test case is 2.
This file is created by Kiranpal Singh
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