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Releases: kivattt/kivaserverutils


12 Jan 18:57
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This fixes an item duplication bug when water flows into a protected region, acting as if blocks like torches, flowers etc. were broken, causing them to be dropped as items.


04 Jan 13:30
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Multiple homes update

You can now have multiple homes
Set the max amount of homes per player with /maxhomes <number> (Default: 10)
Delete homes with /delhome <optional name>
Backwards compatible with the old format (seamless update)
/homewhere has been renamed /homes

  • /kivashowconfig now shows all the available config values instead of only those that have been previously set

  • Cleaned up duplicate msgs due to already being broadcast


20 Dec 19:40
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  • Adds sign text logging


06 Dec 19:04
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  • Adds the /falldamagedisabled <true or false> command, pretty self-explanatory


03 Dec 15:30
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  • You can now /tpa to nicknames
  • Cross-dimension support for /tpa, /home and /spawn
  • Fixed "An internal error happened..." message on /tpaccept
  • /*list commands have been replaced with /*listall. /*list commands now only show players currently in the server
  • Added missing green color for /namecolor, colors are now sorted and have better names
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't change the capitalization of your own nickname
  • Added /nameof <nickname> command to lookup username from nickname
  • OPs now have the same restrictions for nicknames as everyone else
  • Added broadcast messages for /nickset & /nick
  • Disconnecting now automatically revokes the players tpa requests
  • Fixed up color/text formatting in /pronouns, /nick and others
  • Other small text changes


23 Nov 00:02
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  • Prevent /tpa across dimensions
  • Some color formatting fixes in /tpa commands


21 Nov 19:52
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  • Fixes /tpa capitalization related bugs
  • Usernames in /tpa commands are now case-insensitive


20 Nov 09:02
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The player teleports update

  • Adds teleport request commands /tpa <player>, /tpaccept <optional player>, /tpdeny <optional player>, /tprevoke aswell as /tpacommandsdisabled <true or false> for toggling the feature
  • Adds alternative spelling aliases /namecolour and /namecolourreset (color & colour)
  • Improved region protection, sticky torches can't be placed and stuff like trees can't grow into protected regions anymore
  • Region protection tutorial video is now linked in the + small fixes


16 Nov 02:53
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The region protection update


09 Nov 21:31
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The moderation update

  • Adds the ability to mute players, preventing them from chatting with /mute
  • Adds "restrictive mode", and the ability to have it on by default (/restrictbydefault <true or false>) to prevent griefing by new players. Exclude individual players from this with /restrictexclude <player>!
  • Adds a reassuring message to explain all the exceptions that will occur on a first-time execution of the mod
  • Some commands now broadcast responses to everyone (e.g. /spawnset, /mute, /mobcapdisabled, /explosionsbreakchests)
  • Some commands now broadcast responses to all OPs (e.g. /nickset, /pronounsreset)

The command list in the README now has collapsible sections, check out the new commands there!