Learn more about the Inspector Disguise...
The Kluzo\Disguise
class is what actually you are interacting with when you
work with the library.
It is a static proxy that wraps the Inspector object, and hosts
the list of Inspector Tricks. There is a class alias created for
called kluzo
and this is what you are going to be using
most of the time:
kluzo::log('discounts', $discountValue, $originalPrice);
kluzo::json('logs', $payload);
The static proxy will make it easier to call Kluzo from wherever within your code.
You can get the current Inspector by calling Kluzo\Disguise::getInspector()
kluzo::getInspector()->closeCase(); // ends up Kluzo's work prematurely
It will not happen often (if any), but you can swap your Inspector objects using
use App\MyOwnInspector;
kluzo::setInspector( new MyOwnInspector );
There is an Inspector class declared by default, Kluzo\Inspector\ChiefInspector
It comes with few pockets, such as "Request", "Session", "Server" and "Files".
It goes without saying that that Kluzo should stay silened on live production
environments. To do this, use kluzo::mute()
(this is actually
). What this does is it will replace the current
inspector with an "Imposter" (Kluzo\Inspector\ImposterInspector
) that
ignores your commands and at the end of the script will not produce a report.
if (!app()->environment('local', 'staging'))
To get the list of Inspector Tricks, you can call kluzo::getTricks()
(that is actually Kluzo\Disguise::getTricks()
Here is the same stupid example as used in the Tricks documentation:
kluzo::getTricks()->learnTrick('fool', function($pocketName, ...$things)
$things[] = 'You Fool!';
return $this->log($pocketName, ...$things);