Some instructions from:
Install Git:
sudo apt-get install git
Configure GitHub:
git config --global "user_name" git config --global "email_id"
Local repositoriy:
git init repository_name cd repository_name
Create repository on GitHub:
- go to web-site and create repository
- copy the URL
git remote add origin https:... (URL of repository)
Add repository files to index:
git add README git add all_files_that_you_have_created or git add .
Commit changes:
git commit -m "message"
Push files to GitHub repository:
git push origin master/name_of_branch
Pull from GitHub:
git pull origin master (or a branch)
Create a new branch:
git checkout -b name_of_branch
Commit changes on branch:
git commit -m "message"
Switch between branches or branch and master:
git checkout name_of_branch_you_want_to_switch_to
Merge branch with master:
git checkout master git merge name_of_branch
Delete branch that you don't need anymore:
git branch -d name_of_branch
Delete directory:
git rm -r directory_name