The OpenTok SDK Wrapper provides a wrapper around the OpenTok.js Client Library. The sdk-wrapper
exposes the same functionality and a (near) identical API as the client library with the added benefit of built-in state management. Invoking the state()
method of the sdk-wrapper
returns an object containing:
streams => All current streams
streamMap => The map of stream ids to publisher/subscriber ids
publishers => All current publishers
subscribers => All current subscribers
meta => The count of all current publishers and subscribers by type
const OpenTokSDK = require('opentok-accelerator-core').OpenTokSDK;
const credentials = {
const otSDK = new OpenTokSDK(credentials);
Click here for a sample which demonstrates how to use the sdk-wrapper
within a React application.
Connect to the OpenTok session
eventListeners: Array | Object
An object (or array of objects) with
eventName/callback k/v pairs
Returns: Promise => <resolve: empty, reject: Error>
Disconnect from the OpenTok session
Enable or disable local publisher audio
enable: Boolean
Enable or disable local publisher audio
Enable or disable local publisher video
enable: Boolean
Enable or disable local publisher video
Enable or disable local subscriber audio
streamId: String
Enable or disable local subscriber audio
enable: Boolean
Enable or disable local subscriber audio
Enable or disable local subscriber video
streamId: String
Enable or disable local subscriber video
enable: Boolean
Enable or disable local subscriber video
Force a remote connection to leave the session
connection: Object
Force a remote connection to leave the session
Returns: Promise => <resolve: empty, reject: Error>
Force the publisher of a stream to stop publishing the stream
stream: Object
Force the publisher of a stream to stop publishing the stream
Returns: Promise => <resolve: empty, reject: Error>
Determines if a connection object is my local connection
connection: Object
An OpenTok connection object
Returns: Boolean
Remove a callback for a specific event. If no parameters are passed, all callbacks for the session will be removed.
events: String
, The name of the events
callback: Function
Register a callback for a specific event, pass an object with event => callback key/values (or an array of objects) to register callbacks for multiple events.
events: String | Object | Array
The name of the events
callback: Function
Create and publish a stream
element: String | Object
The target element
properties: Object
The publisher properties
eventListeners: Array | Object
An object (or array of objects) with
eventName/callback k/v pairs
preview: Boolean
Create a publisher without publishing to the session
Returns: Promise => <resolve: Object, reject: Error>
Publish a 'preview' stream to the session
publisher: Object
An OpenTok publisher object
Returns: Promise => resolve: empty, reject: Error>
Send a signal using the OpenTok Signaling API
type: String
Send a signal using the OpenTok signaling apiKey
signalData: *
Send a signal using the OpenTok signaling apiKey
to: Object
An OpenTok connection object
Returns: Promise => <resolve: empty, reject: Error>
Return the state of the OpenTok session
Returns: Object
Streams, publishers, subscribers, stream map, and meta data
Subscribe to stream
stream: Object
, Subscribe to stream
container: String | Object
The id of the container or a reference to the element
properties: Object
Subscribe to stream
eventListeners: Array | Object
An object (or array of objects) with
eventName/callback k/v pairs
Returns: Promise => <resolve: empty, reject: Error>
Stop publishing a stream
publisher: Object
An OpenTok publisher object
Unsubscribe from a stream and update the state
subscriber: Object
An OpenTok subscriber object
Returns: Promise => <resolve: empty>