The preprocessor uses cosmiconfig, which means you can place configuration options in EG. .cypress-cucumber-preprocessorrc.json
or package.json
, with corresponding examples shown below.
// .cypress-cucumber-preprocessorrc.json
"json": {
"enabled": true
// package.json
"dependencies": {
"@badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": "latest"
"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": {
"json": {
"enabled": true
Configuration options can be overriden using (Cypress-) environment variable. The filterSpecs
options (described in docs/ can for instance be overriden by running Cypress like shown below.
$ cypress run -e filterSpecs=true
Cypress environment variables can also be configured through ordinary environment variables, like shown below.
$ CYPRESS_filterSpecs=true cypress run
Every configuration option has a similar key which can be use to override it, shown in the table below.
JSON path | Environment key | Example(s) |
stepDefinitions |
stepDefinitions |
[filepath].{js,ts} |
messages.enabled |
messagesEnabled |
true , false |
messages.output |
messagesOutput |
cucumber-messages.ndjson |
json.enabled |
jsonEnabled |
true , false |
json.formatter |
jsonFormatter |
/usr/bin/cucumber-json-formatter |
json.output |
jsonOutput |
cucumber-report.json |
filterSpecs |
filterSpecs |
true , false |
omitFiltered |
omitFiltered |
true , false |
Some of Cypress' configuration options can be overridden per-test, Test configuration.