Releases: konstructio/kubefirst
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
What's Changed
- fix: akamai by @jokestax in #2266
- fix: reference to konstruct by @jokestax in #2267
- fix:add restart function for argo by @jokestax in #2269
- replace kubefirst refs with konstructio by @jarededwards in #2270
Full Changelog: v2.4.17...v2.5.0
What's Changed
- fix: kubefirst pro flag validation by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/kubefirst-api#403
- fix,feat: argo restart for k3d and argo upgrade by @jokestax in konstructio/kubefirst-api#413
Full Changelog: konstructio/kubefirst-api@v0.101.0...v0.102.0
What's Changed
- chore: add support for editorconfig by @mrsimonemms in konstructio/console#481
- feat: subscription updates by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/console#505
- adopting automation for mgmt24 publish by @johndietz in konstructio/console#509
Full Changelog: konstructio/console@2.55.0...v2.56.0
Full Changelog: konstructio/gitops-template@v2.4.17...v2.5.0
Full Changelog: konstructio/kubefirst-api-ee@v1.0.0...v1.1.0
What's Changed
kubefirst/kubefirst repo:
What's ChangedL
- docs: update the local testing to reflect latest changes in the process by @fharper in #2263
Full Changelog: v2.4.16...v2.4.17
kubefirst/console repo:
What's Changed:
fix: add iam doc link to aws prerequisites by @mrsimonemms in konstructio/console#480
Full Changelog: konstructio/console@2.52.0...2.55.0
kubefirst/kubefirst-api repo
0.98.0 Latest
What's Changed:
Vultr fix by @jokestax in konstructio/kubefirst-api#397
fix: Token header by @jokestax in konstructio/kubefirst-api#398
Full Changelog: konstructio/kubefirst-api@0.97.0...0.98.0
kubefirst/charts repo
What's Changed:
reset macro chart for a 2.4.16 patch release by @johndietz in konstructio/charts#246
chart rc bump by @johndietz in konstructio/charts#247
Full Changelog: konstructio/charts@v2.4.16...v2.4.17
What's Changed
- chore: add devcontainer for local development by @mrsimonemms in #2258
Full Changelog: v2.4.15...v2.4.16
What's Changed
- feat: console remote url by @CristhianF7 in #2249
- feat: ignore launch up install when debug is on by @CristhianF7 in #2250
- Run Go tests on commits by @patrickdappollonio in #2251
- Apply gofmt, golangci-lint. by @patrickdappollonio in #2253
- chore: add support for editorconfig by @mrsimonemms in #2242
New Contributors
- @patrickdappollonio made their first contribution in #2251
- @mrsimonemms made their first contribution in #2242
Full Changelog: v2.4.13...v2.4.15
What's Changed
- feat: runtime migration to kubefirst-api by @CristhianF7 in #2246
- fix: a missing break by @fharper in #2247
- feat: install kubefirst pro flag by @CristhianF7 in #2236
- fix: remove vertical scrollbars on clouds cards by @fharper in konstructio/console#474
- fix a small typo by @fharper in konstructio/console#475
- fix: autocomplete indicator by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/console#476
- remove unused environment variables by @fharper in konstructio/console#478
- feat: disable joyride tour by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/console#479
- ♻️ chore: changed default cluster type from virtual to physical and fixed some warnings by @futjesus in konstructio/console#482
- ✅ test: test for the button were added by @futjesus in konstructio/console#483
- ✅ test: test for the popover were added by @futjesus in konstructio/console#484
- feat: kubefirst pro flag by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/console#485
Kubefirst API
- fix: pass SSH private key content as environment variable for K3s by @DrummyFloyd in konstructio/kubefirst-api#353
- fix: DigitalOcean name by @fharper in konstructio/kubefirst-api#354
- fix: JSON example. by @fharper in konstructio/kubefirst-api#355
- ci: add a GitHub workflow to validate Markdown files by @fharper in konstructio/kubefirst-api#356
- bump chart for new version by @fharper in konstructio/kubefirst-api#357
- Revert "Revert "feat: remove virtual clusters"" by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/kubefirst-api#359
- feat: runtime migration by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/kubefirst-api#365
- chore: bump gitops template version by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/kubefirst-api#366
- fix : timeout issue for argocd and vault for public clouds by @jokestax in konstructio/kubefirst-api#363
- feat: runtime migration by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/kubefirst-api#368
- fix: environments by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/kubefirst-api#370
- feat: enterprise runtime migration by @jokestax in konstructio/kubefirst-api#371
- feat: kubefirst pro by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/kubefirst-api#364
GitOps Template
- Add k3s GitHub by @DrummyFloyd in konstructio/gitops-template#758
- feat: metaphor management by @CristhianF7 in konstructio/gitops-template#777
Full Changelog: v2.4.12...v2.4.13
What's Changed
- chore: bump runtime version by @CristhianF7 in #2237
- chore: bump launch up version by @CristhianF7 in #2244
Full Changelog: v2.4.11...v2.4.12
What's Changed
- added bubbletea quit method instead of os exit by @jokestax in #2220
- chore: bump launch up version by @CristhianF7 in #2223
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.10...v2.4.11
What's Changed
- bump runtime and kubefirst-api to latest in kubefirst cli by @jarededwards in #2197
- pinning cli kubefist chart to 2.4.10 by @johndietz in #2198
Full Changelog: v2.4.9...v2.4.10
What's Changed
- fix: close GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS file by @testwill in #2179
- feat: akamai estimated time by @CristhianF7 in #2117
- docs: add a thank you for our contributors & a special note for Drummy by @fharper in #2185
- docs: fix a typo by @fharper in #2186
- add the docs links for Akamai + K3s by @fharper in #2183
- adopting v2.4.9 in cli by @johndietz in #2194
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.4.8...v2.4.9