- MD5 |
+ android |
+ FFI bindings for android native APIs and Java Native Interface (JNI). |
+ apps.filemanager.filemanagerbookinfo |
+ This module provides a way to display book information (filename and book metadata) |
+ apps.filemanager.filemanagerconverter |
+ This module is responsible for converting files. |
+ apps.filemanager.filemanagerutil |
+ This module contains miscellaneous helper functions for FileManager |
+ apps.filemanager.lib.md |
+ Stream Utils |
+ apps.reader.modules.readerlink |
+ ReaderLink is an abstraction for document-specific link interfaces. |
+ apps.reader.modules.readerview |
+ ReaderView module handles all the screen painting for document browsing. |
+ apps.reader.readerui |
+ |
+ baseexporter |
+ Base for highlight exporters. |
+ cache |
+ An LRU cache, based on https://github.com/starius/lua-lru |
+ cacheitem |
+ NOTE: As far as size estimations go, the assumption is that a key, value pair should roughly take two words,
+and the most common items we cache are Geom-like tables (i.e., 4 key-value pairs).
+ |
+ cachesqlite |
+ An SQLite-based cache implementation, with an interface similar to Cache. |
+ datetime |
+ This module contains date translations and helper functions for the KOReader frontend. |
+ dbg |
+ This module provides development-only asserts and other debug guards. |
+ depgraph |
+ DepGraph module. |
+ device.generic.device |
+ Generic device abstraction. |
+ device.gesturedetector |
+ This module detects gestures. |
+ device.input |
+ An interface to get input events. |
+ device.kindle.mockrtc |
+ Checks if the alarm we set matches the current time. |
+ device.kobo.nickel_conf |
+ Access and modify values in Kobo eReader.conf used by Nickel. |
+ device.sysfs_light |
+ |
+ device.wakeupmgr |
+ RTC wakeup interface. |
+ dispatcher |
+ This module is responsible for dispatching events. |
+ docsettings |
+ This module is responsible for reading and writing metadata.lua files
+in the so-called sidecar directory
+(Wikipedia definition). |
+ document.doccache |
+ ...otherwise, effectively disable the cache by making it single slot... |
+ document.documentregistry |
+ This is a registry for document providers |
+ document.koptinterface |
+ Interface to k2pdfoptlib backend. |
+ dump |
+ A simple serialization function which won't do uservalues, functions, or loops. |
+ ffi.blitbuffer |
+ Generic blitbuffer/GFX stuff that works on memory buffers |
+ ffi.crypto |
+ LuaJIT FFI wrapper for libcrypto (OpenSSL). |
+ ffi.framebuffer |
+ Framebuffer API. |
+ ffi.freetype |
+ Freetype library interface (text rendering) |
+ ffi.jpeg |
+ Module for JPEG decoding/encoding. |
+ ffi.koptcontext |
+ Leptonica cheatsheet:
+ |
+ ffi.loadlib |
+ Helper for loading native libraries. |
+ ffi.md5 |
MD5 hash library. |
+ ffi.mupdf |
+ This is a FFI wrapper for what was a Lua-based API in the past
+Some kind of C wrapper is needed for muPDF since muPDF uses
+a setjmp/longjmp based approach to error/exception handling. |
+ ffi.png |
+ Module for PNG decoding/encoding. |
+ ffi.rtc |
+ Module for interfacing with the RTC (real time clock). |
+ ffi.sdl2_0 |
+ Module for interfacing SDL 2.0 video/input facilities |
+ ffi.utf8proc |
+ Module for utf8 string operations. |
+ ffi.util |
+ Module for various utility functions. |
+ ffi.webp |
+ Module for WebP decoding. |
+ ffi.zipwriter |
+ Zip packing workflow & code from luarocks' zip.lua :
+ https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/blob/master/src/luarocks/tools/zip.lua
+ Modified to not require lua-zlib (we can wrap zlib with ffi)
+ cf: http://luajit.org/extffitutorial.html, which uses zlib as an example !
+ Simplified to take filename and content from strings and not from disk |
+ ffi.zlib |
+ LuaJIT FFI wrapper for zlib. |
+ ffi.zstd |
+ LuaJIT FFI wrapper for ZSTD. |
+ gettext |
+ A pure Lua implementation of a gettext subset. |
+ koplugin.HelloWorld |
+ This is a debug plugin to test Plugin functionality. |
+ koplugin.QRClipboard |
+ This plugin generates a QR code from clipboard content. |
+ koplugin.autodim |
+ Plugin for automatic dimming of the frontlight after an idle period. |
+ koplugin.autowarmth |
+ Plugin for setting screen warmth based on the sun position and/or a time schedule |
+ koplugin.calibre.metadata |
+ This module implements functions for loading, saving and editing calibre metadata files. |
+ koplugin.coverimage |
+ |
+ koplugin.exporter |
+ Export highlights to different targets. |
+ koplugin.japanese |
+ Japanese language support for KOReader, modelled after Yomichan. |
+ koplugin.japanese.deinflector |
+ Yomichan deinflector implementation in pure Lua. |
+ koplugin.terminal |
+ This plugin provides a terminal emulator (VT52 (+some ANSI and some VT100)) |
+ koplugin.terminal.terminputtext |
+ module used for terminal emulator to override InputText |
+ koplugin.vocabbuilder |
+ This plugin processes dictionary word lookups and uses spaced repetition to help you remember new words. |
+ koplugin.wallabag |
+ This plugin downloads a set number of the newest arcticles in your Wallabag "Unread" list. |
+ languagesupport |
+ Language-specific handling module. |
+ logger |
+ Logger module. |
+ luadata |
+ Handles append-mostly data such as KOReader's bookmarks and dictionary search history. |
+ luadefaults |
+ Subclass of LuaSettings dedicated to handling the legacy global constants. |
+ luasettings |
+ This module handles generic settings as well as KOReader's global settings system. |
optmath |
Simple math helper functions |
+ provider |
+ Registers an implementation of a feature. |
+ random |
+ A set of functions to extend math.random and math.randomseed. |
+ socketutil |
+ This module contains miscellaneous helper functions specific to our usage of LuaSocket/LuaSec. |
+ sort |
+ This module contains a collection of comparison functions (or factories for comparison functions) for table.sort. |
+ suntime |
+ -- Author: Martin Zwicknagl (zwim)
+-- Date: 2021-10-29
+-- The current source code of this file can be found on https://github.com/zwim/suntime. |
+ time |
+ A runtime optimized module to compare and do simple arithmetic with fixed point time values (which are called fts in here). |
+ ui.bidi |
+ Bidirectional text and UI mirroring setup and helpers. |
+ ui.data.css_tweaks |
+ CSS tweaks must have the following attributes:
+ - id: unique ID identifying this tweak, to be stored in settings
+ - title: menu item title (must not be too long)
+ - css: stylesheet text to append to external stylesheet
+They may have the following optional attributes:
+ - description: text displayed when holding on menu item
+ - priority: higher numbers are appended after lower numbers
+ (if not specified, default to 0)
+ - conflictswith: a string with the id of another tweak that should be
+ disabled when this tweak is enabled, or an array/table of tweaks ids,
+ or a function(otherid) return true for ids conflicting. |
+ ui.data.keyboardlayouts.generic_ime |
+ Generic input method engine -- |
+ ui.data.keyboardlayouts.ja_keyboard |
+ Japanese 12-key flick keyboard layout, modelled after Android's flick
+ keyboard. |
+ ui.data.keyboardlayouts.ja_keyboard_keys |
+ |
+ ui.data.keyboardlayouts.ko_KR_helper |
+ |
+ ui.data.keyboardlayouts.zh_keyboard |
+ Chinese stroke-based input method for Lua/KOReader. |
+ ui.data.optionsutil |
+ This module contains miscellaneous helper functions for the creoptions and koptoptions. |
+ ui.downloadmgr |
+ This module displays a PathChooser widget to choose a download directory. |
+ ui.event |
+ Events are messages that are passed through the widget tree. |
ui.font |
Font module. |
+ ui.geometry |
+ Utilities for 2D geometry. |
+ ui.hook_container |
+ HookContainer allows listeners to register and unregister a hook for speakers to execute. |
+ ui.menusorter |
+ This module is responsible for constructing the KOReader menu based on a list of
+menu_items and a separate menu order. |
+ ui.network.wpa_supplicant |
+ WPA client helper for Kobo. |
+ ui.otamanager |
+ Checks for updates on the specified nightly build server. |
+ ui.plugin.background_task_plugin |
+ BackgroundTaskPlugin creates a plugin with a switch to enable or disable it and executes a
+background task. |
+ ui.plugin.switch_plugin |
+ SwitchPlugin creates a plugin with a switch to enable or disable it. |
+ ui.quickstart |
+ This module is responsible for generating the quickstart guide. |
+ ui.renderimage |
+ Image rendering module. |
ui.rendertext |
Text rendering module. |
- ui.widget.closebutton |
- Button widget that shows an "×" and handles closing window when tapped |
+ ui.size |
+ This module provides a standardized set of sizes for use in widgets. |
+ ui.translator |
+ This module translates text using Google Translate. |
+ ui.trapper |
+ Trapper module: provides methods for simple interaction with UI,
+without the need for explicit callbacks, for use by linear jobs
+between their steps. |
+ ui.uimanager |
+ This module manages widgets. |
+ ui.viewhtml |
+ This module shows HTML code and CSS content from crengine documents. |
+ ui.widget.bboxwidget |
+ BBoxWidget shows a bbox for page cropping. |
+ ui.widget.button |
+ A button widget that shows text or an icon and handles callback when tapped. |
+ ui.widget.buttondialog |
+ A button dialog widget that shows a grid of buttons. |
+ ui.widget.checkbutton |
+ Button widget that shows a checkmark (✓ ) when checked and an empty box (□ )
+when unchecked. |
+ ui.widget.checkmark |
+ Widget that shows a checkmark (✓ ), an empty box (□ )
+or nothing of the same size. |
+ ui.widget.confirmbox |
+ Widget that shows a confirmation alert with a message and Cancel/OK buttons. |
+ ui.widget.container.alphacontainer |
+ AlphaContainer will paint its content (a single widget) at the specified opacity level (0..1) |
+ ui.widget.container.bottomcontainer |
+ BottomContainer contains its content (1 widget) at the bottom of its own
+dimensions |
+ ui.widget.container.centercontainer |
+ CenterContainer centers its content (1 widget) within its own dimensions |
+ ui.widget.container.framecontainer |
+ A FrameContainer is some graphics content (1 widget) that is surrounded by a
+frame |
+ ui.widget.container.inputcontainer |
+ An InputContainer is a WidgetContainer that handles user input events including multi touches and key presses. |
+ ui.widget.container.leftcontainer |
+ LeftContainer aligns its content (1 widget) at the left of its own dimensions |
+ ui.widget.container.movablecontainer |
+ A MovableContainer can have its content moved on screen
+with Swipe/Hold/Pan. |
+ ui.widget.container.rightcontainer |
+ RightContainer aligns its content (1 widget) at the right of its own dimensions |
+ ui.widget.container.scrollablecontainer |
+ ScrollableContainer allows scrolling its content (1 widget) within its own dimensions
+ This scrollable container needs to be known as widget.cropping_widget in
+the widget using it that is passed to UIManager:show() for UIManager to
+ensure proper interception of inner widget self-repainting/invert (mostly
+used when flashing for UI feedback that we want to limit to the cropped
+area). |
+ ui.widget.container.topcontainer |
+ TopContainer contains its content (1 widget) at the top of its own dimensions |
+ ui.widget.container.underlinecontainer |
+ An UnderlineContainer is a WidgetContainer that is able to paint
+a line under its child node. |
+ ui.widget.container.widgetcontainer |
+ WidgetContainer is a container for one or multiple Widgets. |
+ ui.widget.datetimewidget |
+ Widget for setting the date or time. |
+ ui.widget.eventlistener |
+ The EventListener is an interface that handles events. |
+ ui.widget.horizontalgroup |
+ A layout widget that puts objects besides each other. |
+ ui.widget.htmlboxwidget |
+ HTML widget (without scroll bars). |
+ ui.widget.iconbutton |
+ Button with a big icon image! Designed for touch devices. |
+ ui.widget.iconwidget |
+ |
+ ui.widget.imageviewer |
+ ImageViewer displays an image with some simple manipulation options. |
+ ui.widget.imagewidget |
+ ImageWidget shows an image from a file or memory. |
+ ui.widget.infomessage |
+ Widget that displays an informational message. |
+ ui.widget.inputdialog |
+ Widget for taking user input. |
+ ui.widget.keyboardlayoutdialog |
+ This widget displays a keyboard layout dialog. |
ui.widget.keyvaluepage |
Widget that presents a multi-page to show key value pairs. |
+ ui.widget.linewidget |
+ Widget that displays a line. |
+ ui.widget.listview |
+ Widget component that handles pagination for a list of items. |
+ ui.widget.multiconfirmbox |
+ Widget that shows a message and cancel/choice1/choice2 buttons |
+ ui.widget.multiinputdialog |
+ Widget for taking multiple user inputs. |
+ ui.widget.networksetting |
+ Network setting widget. |
+ ui.widget.notification |
+ Widget that displays a tiny notification at the top of the screen. |
+ ui.widget.numberpickerwidget |
+ A customizable number picker. |
+ ui.widget.openwithdialog |
+ This widget displays an open with dialog. |
+ ui.widget.overlapgroup |
+ A layout widget that puts objects above each other. |
+ ui.widget.progresswidget |
+ Widget for displaying progress bar. |
+ ui.widget.qrmessage |
+ Widget that displays a qr code. |
+ ui.widget.radiobuttontable |
+ A button table to be used in dialogs and widgets. |
+ ui.widget.radiobuttonwidget |
+ Widget that allows selecting an entry from a RadioButton list. |
+ ui.widget.scrollhtmlwidget |
+ HTML widget with vertical scroll bar. |
+ ui.widget.scrolltextwidget |
+ Text widget with vertical scroll bar. |
+ ui.widget.textboxwidget |
+ A TextWidget that handles long text wrapping |
+ ui.widget.textviewer |
+ Displays some text in a scrollable view. |
+ ui.widget.textwidget |
+ A TextWidget puts a string on a single line. |
+ ui.widget.toggleswitch |
+ Displays a button that toggles between states. |
+ ui.widget.touchmenu |
+ TouchMenu widget for hierarchical menus. |
+ ui.widget.trapwidget |
+ Invisible full screen widget for catching UI events. |
+ ui.widget.verticalgroup |
+ A layout widget that puts objects under each other. |
+ ui.widget.widget |
+ This is a generic Widget interface, which is the base class for all other widgets. |
+ userpatch |
+ Allows applying developer patches while running KOReader. |
util |
- Miscellaneous helper functions for KOReader frontend. |
+ This module contains miscellaneous helper functions for the KOReader frontend. |
+ version |
+ This module helps with retrieving version information. |