We are still getting a pretty manageable number of PRs to be able to merge them all in ourselves, but we do want to give each PR a bit more of a code review. As we're pretty busy we want to turn this into a *community effort*. So if you want to help out merging PRs into our challenges branch, become a moderator (and mentor!), you can volunteer [on Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/pybites/shared_invite/enQtNDAxODc0MjEyODM2LTNiZjljNTI2NGJiNWI0MTRkNjY4YzQ1ZWU4MmQzNWQyN2Q4ZTQzMTk0NzkyZTRmMThlNmQzYTk5Y2Y5ZDM4NDU).
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