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textovka API

PHP REST API text-based game engine

API testing endpoint:


The easiest way to deploy this app is using Docker. This repo is automatically synced with Docker Cloud Build and the stable image is put on

Pull from Docker hub

To run a container, just type following into you server running Docker (app is ported locally to :8080):

# the image is pulled automatically by docker
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name textovka-api krustowski/textovka-api

The API endpoint is then located on http://localhost:8080.

Using Dockerfile

git clone ~/textovka-api/
docker build ~/textovka-api --tag=textovka-api-build
docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name textovka-api textovka-api-build


To run this API properly, you need PHP 7.3+ with php-fpm (PHP processor for proxy, voluntarily) and php-json (JSON processor) packages installed. Then I recommend using nginx as proxy, as it is very easy to set up.

A raw step-by-step solution can be observed in Dockerfile.

Structure of the repo


An index file executed while endpoint is opened.


The engine file.

A bash script used for a rapid update of the repo on the production server (frank) – a whole data structure there is removed and newely untared (data/ directory is flushed).


A JSON file with the server-side map. The required format is described in detail below. Otherwise, an API exception could be raised.


A file containing the server-side log with the following format:

timestamp / nickname / action / IP


A directory where players' data are stored as JSON files.


For valid HTTPS communication cURL tool can be used. The registration is performed via GET request:


curl -sSL "$ENDPOINT/?register=user_name"

API key (apikey) can be extracted using jq tool:

APIKEY=$(curl -sSL "$ENDPOINT/?register=user_name" | jq '.api.apikey')

New user is "registred" as a new JSON file data/$HASH.json. The map is assigned randomly from maps/ directory. For the further playing, the apikey has to be included in the query string:

curl -sSL "$ENDPOINT/?apikey=$APIKEY&action=go-north"

Player variables and structure

variable desc range default
nickname user nickname 32 chars max
hp health level 0-100 100
inventary JSON array of picked items JSON array []
room current room start_room defined in map
time_registred self-explanatory current UNIX timestamp
time_ended self-explanatory game ended UNIX timestamp
game_ended self-explanatory boolean false
map randomly assigned map maps/demo.json

User JSON structure example (map part trimmed):

  "nickname": "krusty",
  "hp": 86,
  "inventary": [
  "room": "gg",
  "time_registred": 1586542166,
  "time_ended": 1586542238,
  "game_ended": true,
  "map": {

Map structure

Maps are stored in maps/ directory. The default one is demo.json and is very simple. Each map has rooms. These are stored in the room object with their proper names (0001, well, aa, ly etc). Each room should have its description - shown as message to the user when entered. Furthermore, directions (north, south, east, west) should be defined as other room names; but it is not neccessary (trap rooms). Objects and items are listed in arrays objects and items. Actions can be enumerated in actions array. If so, effects array HAS to be filled properly too, otherwise the API will throw an exception (Invalid map). Each room-defined action can execute an hidden effects (description is overwitten, new direction is unlocked etc).

variable purpose required
name pointer for other rooms yes
description used as message for user when entered no, but strongly recommended
directions defines further paths from such room no (in case of the trap room)
items list of items (for pick for example) no if not defined in effects as required-item
objects list of room objects (water, fire etc) no if not required in effects as object
actions list of room defined actions no (transit room, blank room)
effects specifications of room actions yes if actions are listed! (otherwise results in Invalid map exception)
hidden defines room variables to be overwriten by an action no if not defined in effects as show-hidden

Simple map example (only one room):

   "room": {
      "0001": {
         "description": "A very dark room",
         "north": "0010",
         "south": "0100",
         "west":  "0011",
         "items": [
         "objects": [
         "actions": [
         "effects": {
            "pick-water": {
               "type": "fill",
               "required-item": "bucket",
               "object": "water",
               "show-hidden": true,
               "damage-hp": [
                  0, 5
         "hidden": {
            "description": "The very same room, but the water level is lower now.",
            "east":  "0101"

Log structure

The main game log in stored in root directory as game.log.

variable purpose
timestamp UNIX timestamp (API response timestamp)
name user nickname
action action sent by the user to API
IP IP address of the user

Trimmed example of the log:

1586542166 / krusty / register / IP
1586542166 / krusty / none / IP
1586542169 / krusty / go-south / IP
1586542170 / krusty / pick-bucket / IP
1586542171 / krusty / go-north / IP
1586542172 / krusty / go-north / IP
1586542173 / krusty / pick-water / IP
1586542174 / krusty / go-south / IP
1586542175 / krusty / go-east / IP
1586542177 / krusty / quench-fire / IP
1586542200 / krusty / go-east / IP


By default, each room has four actions (directions): go-north, go-south, go-east, go-west. It is on the map designer, whether these are going to be implemented in such room.

Room-defined action types:

type desc
pick used for picking items in room (those have to be listed in items)
dismiss self-explanatory, used for fire quenching for example
fill used to fill other objects in invetary (bucket with water etc)
fight to be implemented in v2
* generic action (door unlocking etc)


Python3 npyscreen TUI:

Version 2 (v2) ideas

  • fights with NPCs (used item defines its damage)
  • basic multiplayer support (shared maps, paired map solving, fighting etc)
  • map choosing @ registration (list given before registration, optional argument in GET request)
  • player's password (hashed in JSON, prolly sha512)
  • locking oneself at their house (flats/blocks in the map)
  • possibility of killing others inside rooms/blocks/flats (how the defend oneself?)
  • API returns other room names @ its directions -> can be projected directly to TUI
  • queue of requests, or map locks (shared map is being overwritten, or compare/diff players' maps)
  • dockerfile + nginx simple config (simple install)
  • return "room_visited": true/false in room array
  • assign engine_build to player @ registration -> 'new API version' notification
  • map API logs to docker logs