Quick tips are short, 1-2 minute videos answering common questions about Kumu. Click play below to watch the videos and use the menu in the upper right of the player to switch to a different topic or specific question.
{% embed url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLsVcVdCluYH4lKRb-9gebpBEG8g7VZCWk" %}
Click on the playlist in the upper right corner of the Youtube embed above to access the videos listed below:
- How do I link to a specific element in the map?
- How can I use the spreadsheet to wipe the existing map content?
- What's the difference between Personal (Basic) and Organization (Pro) accounts?
- How do I add a filter dropdown to my map?
- How do I add a field with a list of values to pick from?
- How do I change what is included in my element labels?
- How do I re-use existing elements when clustering?
- How do I calculate how many connections an element has?
- How do I build a presentation?
- How do I scale elements or connections based on field data?
- How can I include a list of elements in my map overview?
- How can I crowdsource data using Google Sheets?
- What are some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts?
- How do I upload images?
- How can I add unique IDs to my import?
- How do I share my map with others?
- How can I save different results for the same metric?
- How can I use Table to quickly build out my map?
- How can I add descriptive labels to my map?
- How can I import data with dates?
- How do I get the perfect screenshot?
- How do I color code elements?
- What are traversals, and how do I use them?
- How do I create geographic maps?
- What are controls, and how do I use them?
- What are underlays, and how do I use them?
- How do I size my elements?
- What is a view?
- What are the building blocks of Kumu?
- How can I make my network map more readable?
- How can my readers easily switch between views?
- What is a "profile" in Kumu?
- How can I quickly show basic info about an element, connection, or loop?