The article talks through a deployment of Azure VNet (Virtual Network) with IPv6 by ARM template. An overview of network diagram is shown below.
The configuration is based on:
- the Azure VNets are configured in dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6
- configuration is based on three VNets: one hub VNet and two spoke VNets
- an Azure hub VNet with IPv4 and IPv6 ace:cab:deca::/48 address space. In the hub VNet are configured three subnets subnet1, subnet2, subnet3
- an Azure Spoke1 VNet with IPv4 and IPv6 ace:cab:deca::/48 address space
- an Azure Spoke2 VNet with IPv4 and IPv6 ace:cab:deca::/48 address space
- a Spoke1 VNet is in peering with hub VNet
- a Spoke2 VNet is in peering with hub VNet
- the VNets are all deployed in different Azure regions
- all the VMs run un dual stack IPv4 and IPv6
- two VMs h11, h12 connected to the subnet1 run with Windows 2019 and IIS
- in the hub VNet is configured an external basic load balancer with frontend IPv6 and IPv4 and a backend pool associated with the NIC of h11, h12
- an nva VM is connected to the subnet3, configured with IPv6 forwarder
- two UDRs RT-subnet1, RT-subnet2 are applied respectively to the subnet1 and subnet2 to enforce the IPv6 traffic to transit through the nva
- a UDR RT-spoke1 is applied to the spoke1 VNet to force the traffic to trasit through the nva VM
- a UDR RT-spoke2 is applied to the spoke2 VNet to force the traffic to trasit through the nva VM
- an NSG is applied to each subnet to filter the traffic in ingress
- the ARM template ipv6.json creates hub, spoke1 and spoke2 VNets with all Azure VMs
- the ARM template ipv6.json use custom script extensions to make some VM setup at boostrap. In particular, a bash script is invoked after the boostrap of nva VM to enable the ipv6 forwarding.
- the ARM template ipv6-standaloneVM.json creates a VNet5 with single standone VM The ARM template ipv6.json installs the VMs with the following OS:
- h11, h12: Windows Server 2019
- h2, nva, s1, s2: CentOS 7.6
In the ARM template ipv6.json two arrays vmArraywithLB and vmArray define the specs of the VMs:
- the vmArraywithLB array contains the specs of the VMs with NIC associated to the backend pool of Azure load balancer.
- the vmArray array contains the specs of the VMs not associated with the Azure load balacer A customization with different OS can be done by changing the values of variables: "imagePublisher", "imageOffer", "OSVersion" in the ARM template. After running the ARM template, some further steps are required to complete the setup.
A network diagram with IPv6 UDRs is shown underneath:
Example of traffic in transit through the nva:
Effective routes in the NIC of s1 and h2 VMs:
IPv6 traffic through the external load balacer:
How to use TCPdump to track the transit of iperf traffic through the nva:
yum -y update
rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm
yum -y install mysql-server
yum -y update
systemctl enable mysqld
systemctl start mysqld
- Get your generated random root rassword:
grep 'A temporary password is generated for root@localhost' /var/log/mysqld.log |tail -1
Securing the MySQL server deployment.
Enter password for user root:
The existing password for the user account root has expired. Please set a new password.
New password:
Using existing password for root.
Estimated strength of the password: 100
Change the password for root ? No
Remove anonymous users? Y
Disallow root login remotely? Y
Remove test database and access to it? No
Reload privilege tables now? Y
All done!
- Check you are able to login in mysql:
mysql -u root -p
When you omit the ENGINE option, the default storage engine is used. In MySQL 8.0 the default engine is InnoDB. The command to set the storage engine is NOT required: set storage_engine = InnoDB;
- Create a text file (i.e. myfile.sql) with SQL instructions to create table and load data in the tables.
mysql> source myfile.sql
Login in mysql: mysql -u root -p
check login in mysql through IPv6:
mysql -u root -p --bind-address=abc:abc:abc:abc::5
- create a user and add GRANT privilege:
mysql> CREATE USER 'New_Username_mysql'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'Password_for_New_Username';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'New_Username_mysql'@'%' WITH GRANT OPTION;
New_Username_mysql: it is the new username to access remolty to mysql Password_for_New_Username: it is the password associated with the new user New_Username_mysql
- check the login with the new account 'New_Username_mysql'
mysql -u New_Username_mysql -p
password: Password_for_New_Username
yum -y update
rpm -ivh mysql80-community-release-el7-3.noarch.rpm
yum -y install mysql
yum -y update
- check the remote login from s2 to mysql in s1:
mysql --host=abc:abc:abc:abc::5 --user=New_Username_mysql --password=Password_for_New_Username
- show connection information:
mysql> STATUS
- check the transit of communication between mysql server and mysql client through nva:
tcpdump -i eth0 -nn -qq 'ip6 and net abc:abc:abc:abc::/64 and net cab:cab:cab:cab::/64'