The powershell script is based on the Get-Counter command, to capture a list of windows system counters. The system parameters samples are stored in a single array:
$params = @("\Processor(_total)\% Processor Time",
"\Processor(_total)\% User Time",
"\Processor(_total)\% Privileged Time",
"\Processor(_total)\% DPC Time",
"\Processor(_total)\DPCs Queued/sec",
"\Processor(_total)\% Idle Time",
"\Processor(_total)\% Interrupt Time",
"\Memory\Page Faults/sec",
"\Memory\Available Bytes",
"\Memory\Committed Bytes",
"\Memory\Commit Limit",
"\Memory\Available MBytes",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\Current Disk Queue Length",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\% Disk Time",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\Avg. Disk Read Queue Length",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\Avg. Disk Write Queue Length",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\Avg. Disk sec/Transfer",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\Avg. Disk sec/Read",
"\PhysicalDisk(_total)\Avg. Disk sec/Write")
the $params can be changed based on type of counters you want to pick up.
The Get-Counter command:
Get-Counter -ComputerName $hostIPAddress -Counter $params -SampleInterval $delay -MaxSamples $count
provides the sampling interval ($delay) and the number of sampling values for every system counter.
Before running the script specify the list of target hosts in the array $hosts. $hosts is an array of string containing the list of target hosts (hostname, IP Address, local folder to store counters logs)
Useful powershell commands to track the jobs:
- List of jobs : PS> Get-Job
- Receive the job output: PS> Receive-job -Id <Id_Number> -Keep
- Remove all the jobs : PS> Get-Job | Remove-Job -force
- To verify the the script on a local host only, set the value of IP addresses of the hosts to the loopback interface (
- the script can be used to get system counters on a list of Azure VMs; in this case the collector VMs, the administration credential are required to run on the target VMs.
- the script has been tested successfully in Azure jumpbox VM, attached to the same VNet of Azure Scale Set deployment.