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Provision clusters through Gardener

This tutorial shows how to provision clusters with Kyma Runtimes on Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and OpenStack using Gardener.


  • Existing project on GCP
  • Existing project on Gardener
  • Service account for GCP with the following roles:
    • Service Account Admin
    • Service Account Token Creator
    • Service Account User
    • Compute Admin
  • Key generated for your service account, downloaded in the JSON format
  • Gardener service account configuration (kubeconfig.yaml) downloaded
  • Compass
  • Kyma Control Plane with configured Runtime Provisioner and the following overrides set up:
    • Kubeconfig (provisioner.gardener.kubeconfig)
    • Gardener project name (provisioner.gardener.project)
  • Existing project on Gardener
  • Valid Azure subscription with the Contributor role and the subscription ID
  • Existing App registration on Azure with the following credentials:
    • Application ID (Client ID)
    • Directory ID (Tenant ID)
    • Client secret (application password)
  • Gardener service account configuration (kubeconfig.yaml) downloaded
  • Compass
  • Kyma Control Plane with configured Runtime Provisioner and the following overrides set up:
    • Kubeconfig (provisioner.gardener.kubeconfig)
    • Gardener project name (provisioner.gardener.project)
  • Existing project on Gardener
  • AWS account with added AWS IAM policy for Gardener
  • Access key created for your AWS user with the following credentials:
    • Secrete Access Key
    • Access Key ID
  • Gardener service account configuration (kubeconfig.yaml) downloaded
  • Compass
  • Kyma Control Plane with configured Runtime Provisioner and the following overrides set up:
    • Kubeconfig (provisioner.gardener.kubeconfig)
    • Gardener project name (provisioner.gardener.project)

NOTE: To get the AWS IAM policy, access your project on Gardener, navigate to the Secrets tab, click on the help icon on the AWS card, and copy the JSON policy.

  • Existing project on Gardener
  • OpenStack project with technical user available to create, modify, and delete Virtual Machines (VMs)
  • Gardener service account configuration (kubeconfig.yaml) downloaded
  • Compass
  • Kyma Control Plane with configured Runtime Provisioner and the following overrides set up:
    • Kubeconfig (provisioner.gardener.kubeconfig)
    • Gardener project name (provisioner.gardener.project)

NOTE: To access Runtime Provisioner, forward the port on which the GraphQL server is listening.



To provision Kyma Runtime on GCP, follow these steps:

  1. Access your project on Gardener.

  2. In the Secrets tab, add a new Google Secret for GCP. Use the JSON file with the service account key you downloaded from GCP.

  3. In the Members tab, create a service account for Gardener.

  4. Make a call to Runtime Provisioner with a tenant header to create a cluster on GCP.

    NOTE: The Runtime Agent component (compass-runtime-agent) in the Kyma configuration is mandatory and the order of the components matters.

     mutation {
         config: {
           runtimeInput: {
             name: "{RUNTIME_NAME}"
             description: "{RUNTIME_DESCRIPTION}"
             labels: {RUNTIME_LABELS}
           clusterConfig: {
             gardenerConfig: {
               name: "c-85b56ba",
               kubernetesVersion: "1.15.11"
               diskType: "pd-standard"
               volumeSizeGB: 30
               machineType: "n1-standard-4"
               region: "europe-west4"
               provider: "gcp"
               purpose: "testing" # Possible values: "development", "evaluation", "production", "testing"; default value: "evaluation"
               targetSecret: "{GARDENER_GCP_SECRET_NAME}"
               workerCidr: ""
               autoScalerMin: 2
               autoScalerMax: 4
               maxSurge: 4
               maxUnavailable: 1
               exposureClassName: "" # Default value set by Gardener. Provide only if you know the exact name of the Exposure Class you want to use.
               providerSpecificConfig: { gcpConfig: { zones: ["europe-west4-a"] } }
           kymaConfig: { # Optional; if you don't provide it, a cluster without Kyma is provisioned
             version: "1.24.5"
             profile: "Evaluation" # Optional resources profile; possible values: "Evaluation", "Production"
             components: [
               { component: "compass-runtime-agent", namespace: "compass-system" }
                 component: "{KYMA_COMPONENT_NAME}"
                 namespace: "{NAMESPACE_TO_INSTALL_COMPONENT_TO}"
                 configuration: [
                   { key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                     value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                     secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
                 sourceURL: "{CUSTOM_COMPONENT_SOURCE_URL}"
                 conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for component overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
             configuration: [
                 key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                 value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                 secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
             conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for global overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
       ) {

    A successful call returns the operation status:

        "data": {
          "provisionRuntime": {
            "runtimeID": "{RUNTIME_ID}",
            "id": "{OPERATION_ID}"

To provision Kyma Runtime on Azure, follow these steps:

  1. Access your project on Gardener.

  2. In the Secrets tab, add a new Azure Secret. Use the credentials you got from Azure.

  3. In the Members tab, create a service account for Gardener.

  4. Make a call to Runtime Provisioner with a tenant header to create a cluster on Azure.

    NOTE: The Runtime Agent component (compass-runtime-agent) in the Kyma configuration is mandatory and the order of the components matters.

    mutation {
        config: {
          runtimeInput: {
            name: "{RUNTIME_NAME}"
            description: "{RUNTIME_DESCRIPTION}"
            labels: {RUNTIME_LABELS}
          clusterConfig: {
            gardenerConfig: {
              name: "c-85b56ba",
              kubernetesVersion: "1.15.11"
              diskType: "Standard_LRS"
              volumeSizeGB: 35
              machineType: "Standard_D2_v3"
              region: "westeurope"
              provider: "azure"
              purpose: "testing" # possible values: "development", "evaluation", "production", "testing"; default value: "evaluation"
              targetSecret: "{GARDENER_AZURE_SECRET_NAME}"
              workerCidr: ""
              autoScalerMin: 2
              autoScalerMax: 4
              maxSurge: 4
              maxUnavailable: 1
              exposureClassName: "" # Default value set by Gardener. Provide only if you know the exact name of the Exposure Class you want to use.
              providerSpecificConfig: { azureConfig: { vnetCidr: "", zones: ["1", "2"] } }
          kymaConfig: { # Optional; if you don't provide it, a cluster without Kyma is provisioned
            version: "1.24.5"
            profile: "Evaluation" # Optional resources profile; possible values: "Evaluation", "Production"
            components: [
              { component: "compass-runtime-agent", namespace: "compass-system" }
                component: "{KYMA_COMPONENT_NAME}"
                namespace: "{NAMESPACE_TO_INSTALL_COMPONENT_TO}"
                configuration: [
                  { key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                    value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                    secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
                sourceURL: "{CUSTOM_COMPONENT_SOURCE_URL}"
                conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for component overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
            configuration: [
                key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
            conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for global overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
      ) {

    A successful call returns the operation status:

      "data": {
        "provisionRuntime": {
          "runtimeID": "{RUNTIME_ID}",
          "id": "{OPERATION_ID}"

To provision Kyma Runtime on AWS, follow these steps:

  1. Access your project on Gardener.

  2. In the Secrets tab, add a new AWS Secret. Use the credentials you got from AWS.

  3. In the Members tab, create a service account for Gardener.

  4. Make a call to Runtime Provisioner with a tenant header to create a cluster on AWS.

    NOTE: The Runtime Agent component (compass-runtime-agent) in the Kyma configuration is mandatory and the order of the components matters.

    mutation {
        config: {
          runtimeInput: {
            name: "{RUNTIME_NAME}"
            description: "{RUNTIME_DESCRIPTION}"
            labels: {RUNTIME_LABELS}
          clusterConfig: {
            gardenerConfig: {
              name: "c-85b56ba",
              kubernetesVersion: "1.15.11"
              diskType: "gp2"
              volumeSizeGB: 35
              machineType: "m5.2xlarge"
              region: "eu-west-1"
              provider: "aws"
              purpose: "testing" # possible values: "development", "evaluation", "production", "testing"; default value: "evaluation"
              targetSecret: "{GARDENER_AWS_SECRET_NAME}"
              workerCidr: ""
              autoScalerMin: 2
              autoScalerMax: 4
              maxSurge: 4
              maxUnavailable: 1
              exposureClassName: "" # Default value set by Gardener. Provide only if you know the exact name of the Exposure Class you want to use.
              providerSpecificConfig: { 
                awsConfig: {
                  publicCidr: ""
                  vpcCidr: ""
                  internalCidr: ""
                  awsZones: [
                      name: "eu-west-1b", 
                      publicCidr: "{PUBLIC_SUBNET_CIDR}", 
                      internalCidr: "{PRIVATE_SUBNET_CIDR}", 
                      workerCidr: "{CIDR_RANGE_FOR_THE_NODES}"
          kymaConfig: { # Optional; if you don't provide it, a cluster without Kyma is provisioned
            version: "1.24.5"
            profile: "Evaluation" # Optional resources profile; possible values: "Evaluation", "Production"
            components: [
              { component: "compass-runtime-agent", namespace: "compass-system" }
                component: "{KYMA_COMPONENT_NAME}"
                namespace: "{NAMESPACE_TO_INSTALL_COMPONENT_TO}"
                configuration: [
                  { key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                    value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                    secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
                sourceURL: "{CUSTOM_COMPONENT_SOURCE_URL}"
                conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for component overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
            configuration: [
                key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
            conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for global overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
      ) {

    A successful call returns the operation status:

      "data": {
        "provisionRuntime": {
          "runtimeID": "{RUNTIME_ID}",
          "id": "{OPERATION_ID}"

To provision Kyma Runtime on OpenStack, follow these steps:

  1. Access your project on Gardener.

  2. In the Secrets tab, add a new OpenStack Secret.

  3. In the Members tab, create a service account for Gardener.

  4. Make a call to Runtime Provisioner with a tenant header to create a cluster on OpenStack.

    NOTE: The Runtime Agent component (compass-runtime-agent) in the Kyma configuration is mandatory and the order of the components matters.

     mutation {
         config: {
           runtimeInput: {
             name: "{RUNTIME_NAME}"
             description: "{RUNTIME_DESCRIPTION}"
             labels: {RUNTIME_LABELS}
           clusterConfig: {
             gardenerConfig: {
               name: "c-85b56ba",
               kubernetesVersion: "1.15.11"
               machineType: "m1.large"
               region: "eu-de-1"
               provider: "openstack"
               purpose: "testing" # Possible values: "development", "evaluation", "production", "testing"; default value: "evaluation"
               targetSecret: "{GARDENER_OPENSTACK_SECRET_NAME}"
               workerCidr: ""
               autoScalerMin: 2
               autoScalerMax: 4
               maxSurge: 4
               maxUnavailable: 1
               exposureClassName: "" # Default value set by Gardener. Provide only if you know the exact name of the Exposure Class you want to use.
               providerSpecificConfig: { 
                 openStackConfig: {
                    zones: ["eu-de-1a"],
                    floatingPoolName: "FloatingIP-external-cp"
                    cloudProfileName: "converged-cloud-cp"
                    loadBalancerProvider: "f5"
           kymaConfig: { # Optional; if you don't provide it, a cluster without Kyma is provisioned
             version: "1.24.5"
             profile: "Evaluation" # Optional resources profile; possible values: "Evaluation", "Production"
             components: [
               { component: "compass-runtime-agent", namespace: "compass-system" }
                 component: "{KYMA_COMPONENT_NAME}"
                 namespace: "{NAMESPACE_TO_INSTALL_COMPONENT_TO}"
                 configuration: [
                   { key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                     value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                     secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
                 sourceURL: "{CUSTOM_COMPONENT_SOURCE_URL}"
                 conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for component overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
             configuration: [
                 key: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_KEY}"
                 value: "{CONFIG_PROPERTY_VALUE}"
                 secret: true|false # Specifies if the property is confidential
             conflictStrategy: "Merge" # Defines merging strategy if conflicts occur for global overrides; possible values: "Merge", "Replace"; default value: "Merge"
       ) {

    A successful call returns the operation status:

        "data": {
          "provisionRuntime": {
            "runtimeID": "{RUNTIME_ID}",
            "id": "{OPERATION_ID}"

The operation of provisioning is asynchronous. The operation of provisioning returns the Runtime Operation Status containing the Runtime ID (provisionRuntime.runtimeID) and the operation ID ( Use the Runtime ID to check the Runtime Status. Use the provisioning operation ID to check the Runtime Operation Status and verify that the provisioning was successful.

NOTE: To see how to provide the labels, see this document. To see an example of label usage, go here.