It is possible for the Director to return empty defaultURL
property for the Application eventing configuration in the following circumstances:
- Application does not have a Scenario assigned.
- Application has a Scenario assigned, but the Scenario does not have any Runtimes assigned.
- Default Runtime determined by the assignment is not fully provisioned or connected to Compass.
- Runtime does not have the label for event service URL assigned or the label value is empty.
Whenever the Application eventing configuration returns the empty defaultURL
, check the following:
- Verify the Application.
The following GraphQL snippet queries the Application by its ID. The response contains Application id
, name
, labels
collection, and defaultURL
for eventing. Ensure that the Application belongs to at least one Scenario which also has a Runtime assigned.
query {
application(id: "{APPLICATION_ID}") {
eventingConfiguration {
- Verify the default Runtime assigned for Application eventing configuration.
The following GraphQL snippet queries the Runtimes using the label filter to return the Runtimes with the {APPLICATION_ID}_defaultEventing
label. There should be only one Runtime returned. The eventing configuration for the Runtime should return the defaultURL
property with the URL pointing to the Runtime. If the defaultURL
property is empty, ensure that the Runtime is fully provisioned and connected to Compass.
query {
runtimes(filter: { key: "{APPLICATION_ID}_defaultEventing"}) {
data {
eventingConfiguration {
- Verify that the Application Scenarios have Runtimes assigned.
The following GraphQL snippet queries the Runtimes using the label filter for a given Scenario. The response contains the list of Runtimes returning id
, name
, and defaultURL
for eventing.
query {
runtimes(filter: { key: "scenarios", query: "$[*] ? (@ == \"{SCENARIO}\")"}) {
data {
eventingConfiguration {