This directory contains a number of tools written specifically for run64.
They include:
- kmon - command line interpreter
- pip - file maintainance utility
- patch64 - copy ROMs to RAM and apply patches, so it will run
- patch128 - run c64 OS in c128 mode (broken)
- kmon run batch files
- kmon startup batch file
- kmon aliases
- kmon n(ew) command
- kmon o(ld) command
- kmon m(emory) command
- kmon c(hdir) command
- kmon editor contexts
- pip CLI options ✓
- pip file copying
- pip ASCII/ANSI mode ✓
- pip file load address + size
- pip hex mode
- pip pause mode
- pip as engine for help (show only part of file)
* pip has interactive mode
* pip can convert from ASCII/ANSI (use /a option)
* build c128 binary pip.128
* kmon no longer installs BRK handler by default
* bootsect.128 init $800 area for BRK
* kmon j(ump) and g(o) commands work better
* kmon memory command > works