We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our Great War is a spiritual war. Our great depression is our lives.
Intermediate C++
Smart Contracts
Computer Hardware
- smart contracts
- collateralized loans and liquidations
- raw bytecode on Alephium transactions
- gamefi
ALPHaga NFT Marketplace ~ built the smart contracts for the first NFT marketplace built on Alephium supporting offers and designed to be feature rich.
ALPHpacas ~ nft project / defi project that I am working on to make DEFI great again on Alephium
Bachelors and Associates in Computer Science ~ Majoring in Software Development; most of my academic studies focused on Finance and Blockchain
Epic Bridges Certified ~ Certified in Epic Bridges where my current role is being an Epic Applications Analyst
- Full Stack Python ~ with the intent to build something with htmx
- HTMX ~ I sort of dislike the complexity associated with JS/TS frameworks and enjoyed the PHP work I was doing at University
- Clean Code
- Uniswap V4 Protocol Documentation
- https://aave.com/docs/primitives/reserve