All PHP contributions must adhere to PSR-1 and PSR-2 specifications.
In addition:
- All documentation blocks must adhere to the PHPDoc format and syntax.
- All PHP files MUST contain the following documentation block immediately after the opening
* Webpack Encore Twig Integration
* @link
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021 Louis Charette
* @license (MIT License)
- All classes MUST be prefaced with a documentation block containing a description and the author(s) of that class. You SHOULD add other descriptive properties as well.
- All class members and methods MUST be prefaced with a documentation block. Any parameters and return values MUST be documented, unless return value is
. - The contents of a class should be organized in the following order: constants, member variables, constructor, other magic methods, public methods, protected methods, private methods, and finally, deprecated methods (of any type or visibility).
- Setter methods SHOULD return the parent object.
- All class member variables and local variables MUST be declared in
- Array keys MUST be defined using
PHP-CS-Fixer can be used to automatically fix PHP code styling. A project specific configuration file (.php-cs-fixer.php
) with a set of rules reflecting theses style guidelines. This tool should be used before submitting any code change to assure the style guidelines are met.
PHP-CS-Fixer is automatically loaded by Composer and can be used from the project root directory :
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix