After slientruss3d v1.2.x, you could use
module to do member type selection optimization
conveniencely with Genetic Algorithm (GA)
! Just simply define the topology of the truss and what member types you want to use, and then you could start the optimization.
A gene in slientruss3d is a list of integers. Each integer is a index of the member type in the member type list input by the user. And the length of a gene is equal to Truss.nMember
[0, 3, 1, 8, 9, 15, 0, 3]
The following is the default
fitness function:
The following is the default
crossover policy:
The following is the default
mutation policy:
The following is the default
evolution policy (only for one step):
Where p
is probability.
The following is the example code of GA:
from slientruss3d.truss import Truss
from slientruss3d.type import MemberType
from import GA
import random
def TestGA():
# Allowable stress and displacement:
# Type the member types you want to use here:
MEMBER_TYPE_LIST = [MemberType(inch, random.uniform(1e7, 3e7), random.uniform(0.1, 1.0)) for inch in range(1, 21)]
# GA settings:
MAX_ITERATION = None # When [MAX_ITERATION] is None, do infinite iteration until convergence (reach [PATIENCE_ITERATION]).
# Truss object:
truss = Truss(3)
# Do GA:
minGene, (fitness, isInternalAllowed, isDisplaceAllowed), finalPop, bestFitnessHistory = ga.Evolve()
# Translate optimal gene to member types:
# Save result:
(Not every method or property is listed here)
GA(truss, memberTypeList, allowStress=30000., allowDisplace=10., nIteration=None, nPatience=50, nPop=200, nElite=50, pCrossover=0.7, pMutate=0.1, pOrigin=0.1, isCheckWorst=False) -> None
: Truss object.memberTypeList
: A list which contains what member type you want to use as the options to be optimized.allowStress
: Allowable stress.allowDisplace
: Allowable displacement.nIteration
: Maximum number of iterations for updating the population (When it's None, GA will do infinite iteration until convergence ( no more improvement fornPatience
: Maximun number of iterations for no improvement.nPop
: Number of individuals in the population.nElite
: Individuals whose fitness value are ranked lastnElite
will be selected as elites for crossover or mutation.pCrossover
: Probability to crossover.pMutate
: Probability to mutate.pOrigin
: Probability to do neither crossover nor mutate.isCheckWorst
: Whether to check the two worst cases (assign maxcross-sectional area
(A) and maxcross-sectional area * Young's modulus
(EA) to all members) both do not violate the allowable stress and allowable displacement before executing GA.
GA.Evolve(isPrintMessage=True) -> tuple[list[int], tuple[int, bool, bool], list[list[int]], list[float]]
: Whether to print optimization messages in the screen or not. -
Return: (1., 2. is the same output as GA.GetBestFeasibleGene.)
Best and *feasible* gene
- Tuple(
Fitness corresponding to i.
,Is all internal stresses allowed ?
,Is all displacements allowed ?
) Final population
History of best fitness value at each iteration
GA.TranslateGene(gene) -> dict[int, MemberType]
: Gene, which is a list of integers. -
A dictionary whose key is
member ID
and value isMemberType object
GA.SetMemberTypesByGene(gene, truss) -> Truss
: Gene, which is a list of integers. -
: Truss object.This method is equivalent to
The reference of the output truss is the same as the input truss.
GA.GetBestFeasibleGene(pop) -> tuple[list[int], tuple[int, bool, bool]
: Population, which is a list of genes.If there is no feasible gene, this method will return the
None, (inf, False, False)
GA.GetRandomGene() -> list[int]
As long as you comply with the function signiture and the meaning of every input, output variable, it's possible to customize your own generic algorithm by inheriting
class GA in slientruss3d. The following are the methods you could perhaps override them to make your own custom GA.
class CustomGA(GA):
def GetFitness(self, gene: list[int]) -> tuple[float, bool, bool]:
## ...... something to do ...... ##
return fitness, isInternalAllowed, isDisplaceAllowed
def Initialize(self) -> list[list[int]]:
## ...... something to do ...... ##
return pop
def Select(self, pop: list[list[int]]) -> tuple[list[list[int]], float]:
## ...... something to do ...... ##
return elitePop, bestFitness
def Crossover(self, gene0: list[int], gene1: list[int]) -> list[int]:
## ...... something to do ...... ##
return newGene
def Mutate(self, gene: list[int]) -> list[int]:
## ...... something to do ...... ##
return newGene
def UpdatePop(self, pop: list[list[int]], elitePop: list[list[int]]) -> list[list[int]]:
## ...... something to do ...... ##
return newPop
Here is an example:
from import GA
class CustomGA(GA):
def GetFitness(self, gene):
truss = self.SetMemberTypesByGene(gene, self.truss)
isInternalAllowed, internalViolation = truss.IsInternalStressAllowed(self.allowStress, True)
isDisplaceAllowed, displaceViolation = truss.IsDisplacementAllowed(self.allowDisplace, True)
fitness = truss.weight
if not isInternalAllowed: fitness += internalViolation / self.allowStress * 1e3
if not isDisplaceAllowed: fitness += displaceViolation / self.allowDisplace * 1e3
return fitness, isInternalAllowed, isDisplaceAllowed
This example shows that if you don't want to use default fitness function, you can customize it by overriding the origin method GetFitness
. The new fitness function just adjusts the penalty weights
for the sum of exceeding quantities of stresses and displacements (1e5 -> 1e3).