1.2.0 (2017-05-16)
Closed issues:
- Further improvements on compile time - disable inlining of functions used in asserts #70
- Improve runtime performance - lazy stringification, more inlining, no statics on the hot path, move semantics for classes such as doctest::String which are used by value, etc. #69
- Add option to show duration of test case execution and add a timeout(seconds) decorator - marking them as failed if they exceed it #68
- Add support for test case decorators - label, description, skip, may_fail, should_fail, expected_failures, etc. #67
- Integrate static analysis into the CI builds #66
- Print the test suite name on test case failure #65
- Add signal handlers to handle crashes (and use SEH under Windows) - report which test case failed #63
- Add support to Approx for strong typedefs of double #62
- [question] Is there a way to always have 0 as the exit code regardless of test results? #59
- Add support for un-parenthesized expressions containing commas in asserts #58
- Add ability to filter subcases with filters #57
- Add option to query if code is being ran inside of a test - doctest::isRunningInTest() #56
- Ability for a binary (executable / shared object) to use the test runner implementation of another binary - with exported symbols - so tests end up in a single registry #55
- How to force the use of colors in the terminal? #54
- How can I mix production code with the Unit Tests? #53
- add <= and >= operators to Approx (and also maybe < and >) #52
- Add ability to capture variables from test scope #48
- !!! BREAKING CHANGE !!! - Make TEST_SUITE work with blocks and add TEST_SUITE_BEGIN #41
- Add option to print which test suites/cases are run #39
- Add support for templated test cases - parameterized by type #38
- Add custom failure messages with lazy stringification #23
- Add an exception translation mechanism + the ability for users to extend it with custom exception types #12
- Add API for reporting failures #9
Merged pull requests:
- Update doctest to work with ARM DS5-compiler #64 (tomasnilefrost)
1.1.4 (2017-02-18)
Closed issues:
- Add option --force-colors - for when a tty is not detected for stdout #51
- Issue with using lambdas in tests in gcc #49
- Add the include file to releases #47
Merged pull requests:
- Add translation of std::exception for exceptions that terminate a test case #46 (eliaskosunen)
1.1.3 (2016-11-15)
Closed issues:
- Exception handlers cause warnings when exceptions are disabled #44
1.1.2 (2016-10-10)
Closed issues:
1.1.1 (2016-09-22)
1.1.0 (2016-09-21)
Closed issues:
- char* comparison uses the contents, not the pointer #36
- add configuration preprocessor identifier for passing by value in assertions instead of by reference #35
- restrict expressions in assertion macros to binary comparisons at most with a static assert #34
- Add clearFilters() to doctest::Context #33
- A way to refrain from polluting “#define” space for users of tested code? #32
- drop VC++6 support #31
- False positive test #30
- Turn off coloring after tests are finished? #28
- C++11 nullptr #27
- Only one SUBCASE per line is executed #25
- creative formatting of chars #24
- Tests inside a static library #21
- Add example how to remove doctest options from the command line for the program after the tests run #20
- Single-letter options active even without leading '-' (dash) #19
- pointer stringification not working for compilers different from MSVC #18
- Tests that accompany code run and produce output at default #17
- GCC 5.3.1 Compiler warning: sign compare #16
- Slower than Catch in realistic test cases #14
- Rename doctest::detail::Result res; in DOCTEST_ASSERT_IMPLEMENT #10
- No red when all tests pass #7
- UNIX line feedings on GitHub please #6
Merged pull requests:
- dont show green when tests fail #26 (ferkulat)
- Include "program code" in example #15 (martinmoene)
1.0.0 (2016-05-22)
Merged pull requests:
- Reduce the header size for test users #3 (zah)
- Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md #1 (gitter-badger)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator