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const e = (() => {if ("undefined" == typeof self) return !1;if ("top" in self && self !== top) try {top.window.document._ = 0;} catch (e) {return !1;}return "showOpenFilePicker" in self;})(),t = e ? Promise.resolve().then(function () {return l;}) : Promise.resolve().then(function () {return v;});async function n(...e) {return (await t).default(...e);}const r = e ? Promise.resolve().then(function () {return y;}) : Promise.resolve().then(function () {return b;});async function i(...e) {return (await r).default(...e);}const a = e ? Promise.resolve().then(function () {return m;}) : Promise.resolve().then(function () {return k;});async function o(...e) {return (await a).default(...e);}const s = async e => {const t = await e.getFile();return t.handle = e, t;};var c = async (e = [{}]) => {Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]);const t = [];e.forEach((e, n) => {t[n] = { description: e.description || "Files", accept: {} }, e.mimeTypes ? e.mimeTypes.map(r => {t[n].accept[r] = e.extensions || [];}) : t[n].accept["*/*"] = e.extensions || [];});const n = await window.showOpenFilePicker({ id: e[0].id, startIn: e[0].startIn, types: t, multiple: e[0].multiple || !1, excludeAcceptAllOption: e[0].excludeAcceptAllOption || !1 }),r = await Promise.all(n.map(s));return e[0].multiple ? r : r[0];},l = { __proto__: null, default: c };function u(e) {function t(e) {if (Object(e) !== e) return Promise.reject(new TypeError(e + " is not an object."));var t = e.done;return Promise.resolve(e.value).then(function (e) {return { value: e, done: t };});}return u = function (e) {this.s = e, this.n = e.next;}, u.prototype = { s: null, n: null, next: function () {return t(this.n.apply(this.s, arguments));}, return: function (e) {var n = this.s.return;return void 0 === n ? Promise.resolve({ value: e, done: !0 }) : t(n.apply(this.s, arguments));}, throw: function (e) {var n = this.s.return;return void 0 === n ? Promise.reject(e) : t(n.apply(this.s, arguments));} }, new u(e);}const p = async (e, t, n = e.name, r) => {const i = [],a = [];var o,s = !1,c = !1;try {for (var l, d = function (e) {var t,n,r,i = 2;for ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && (n = Symbol.asyncIterator, r = Symbol.iterator); i--;) {if (n && null != (t = e[n])) return t.call(e);if (r && null != (t = e[r])) return new u(t.call(e));n = "@@asyncIterator", r = "@@iterator";}throw new TypeError("Object is not async iterable");}(e.values()); s = !(l = await d.next()).done; s = !1) {const o = l.value,s = `${n}/${o.name}`;"file" === o.kind ? a.push(o.getFile().then(t => (t.directoryHandle = e, t.handle = o, Object.defineProperty(t, "webkitRelativePath", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: () => s })))) : "directory" !== o.kind || !t || r && r(o) || i.push(p(o, t, s, r));}} catch (e) {c = !0, o = e;} finally {try {s && null != d.return && (await d.return());} finally {if (c) throw o;}}return [...(await Promise.all(i)).flat(), ...(await Promise.all(a))];};var d = async (e = {}) => {e.recursive = e.recursive || !1, e.mode = e.mode || "read";const t = await window.showDirectoryPicker({ id: e.id, startIn: e.startIn, mode: e.mode });return (await (await t.values()).next()).done ? [t] : p(t, e.recursive, void 0, e.skipDirectory);},y = { __proto__: null, default: d },f = async (e, t = [{}], n = null, r = !1, i = null) => {Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), t[0].fileName = t[0].fileName || "Untitled";const a = [];let o = null;if (e instanceof Blob && e.type ? o = e.type : e.headers && e.headers.get("content-type") && (o = e.headers.get("content-type")), t.forEach((e, t) => {a[t] = { description: e.description || "Files", accept: {} }, e.mimeTypes ? (0 === t && o && e.mimeTypes.push(o), e.mimeTypes.map(n => {a[t].accept[n] = e.extensions || [];})) : o ? a[t].accept[o] = e.extensions || [] : a[t].accept["*/*"] = e.extensions || [];}), n) try {await n.getFile();} catch (e) {if (n = null, r) throw e;}const s = n || (await window.showSaveFilePicker({ suggestedName: t[0].fileName, id: t[0].id, startIn: t[0].startIn, types: a, excludeAcceptAllOption: t[0].excludeAcceptAllOption || !1 }));!n && i && i(s);const c = await s.createWritable();if ("stream" in e) {const t = e.stream();return await t.pipeTo(c), s;}return "body" in e ? (await e.body.pipeTo(c), s) : (await c.write((await e)), await c.close(), s);},m = { __proto__: null, default: f },w = async (e = [{}]) => (Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]), new Promise((t, n) => {const r = document.createElement("input");r.type = "file";const i = [...e.map(e => e.mimeTypes || []), ...e.map(e => e.extensions || [])].join();r.multiple = e[0].multiple || !1, r.accept = i || "", r.style.display = "none", document.body.append(r);const a = e => {"function" == typeof o && o(), t(e);},o = e[0].legacySetup && e[0].legacySetup(a, () => o(n), r),s = () => {window.removeEventListener("focus", s), r.remove();};r.addEventListener("click", () => {window.addEventListener("focus", s);}), r.addEventListener("change", () => {window.removeEventListener("focus", s), r.remove(), a(r.multiple ? Array.from(r.files) : r.files[0]);}), "showPicker" in HTMLInputElement.prototype ? r.showPicker() : r.click();})),v = { __proto__: null, default: w },h = async (e = [{}]) => (Array.isArray(e) || (e = [e]), e[0].recursive = e[0].recursive || !1, new Promise((t, n) => {const r = document.createElement("input");r.type = "file", r.webkitdirectory = !0;const i = e => {"function" == typeof a && a(), t(e);},a = e[0].legacySetup && e[0].legacySetup(i, () => a(n), r);r.addEventListener("change", () => {let t = Array.from(r.files);e[0].recursive ? e[0].recursive && e[0].skipDirectory && (t = t.filter(t => t.webkitRelativePath.split("/").every(t => !e[0].skipDirectory({ name: t, kind: "directory" })))) : t = t.filter(e => 2 === e.webkitRelativePath.split("/").length), i(t);}), "showPicker" in HTMLInputElement.prototype ? r.showPicker() : r.click();})),b = { __proto__: null, default: h },P = async (e, t = {}) => {Array.isArray(t) && (t = t[0]);const n = document.createElement("a");let r = e;"body" in e && (r = await async function (e, t) {const n = e.getReader(),r = new ReadableStream({ start: e => async function t() {return n.read().then(({ done: n, value: r }) => {if (!n) return e.enqueue(r), t();e.close();});}() }),i = new Response(r),a = await i.blob();return n.releaseLock(), new Blob([a], { type: t });}(e.body, e.headers.get("content-type"))), n.download = t.fileName || "Untitled", n.href = URL.createObjectURL((await r));const i = () => {"function" == typeof a && a();},a = t.legacySetup && t.legacySetup(i, () => a(), n);return n.addEventListener("click", () => {setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(n.href), 3e4), i();}), n.click(), null;},k = { __proto__: null, default: P };export { i as directoryOpen, h as directoryOpenLegacy, d as directoryOpenModern, n as fileOpen, w as fileOpenLegacy, c as fileOpenModern, o as fileSave, P as fileSaveLegacy, f as fileSaveModern, e as supported };