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Releases: libraryaddict/LibsDisguises

Release 11.0.2

10 Mar 09:02
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This is a hotfix for a few issues that popped up. Among which

  • Fixed entities disguised as vehicles incorrectly appearing to be controllable as if they were vehicles, which resulted in a client server desync
  • Added "TEXT_DISPLAY" setting for nametags, which may perform better for some users. ARMORSTANDS remains the recommended

This is also a hotfix for 11.0.1 in which modified names would behave unexpectedly for multiline names

Release 11.0.1

10 Mar 08:24
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This is a hotfix for a few issues that popped up. Among which

  • Fixed entities disguised as vehicles incorrectly appearing to be controllable as if they were vehicles, which resulted in a client server desync
  • Added "TEXT_DISPLAY" setting for nametags, which may perform better for some users. ARMORSTANDS remains the recommended

Release 11.0.0

08 Mar 04:20
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Before we start, Lib's Disguises premium is currently on sale for just a little longer before it will go back to full price.
If you would like to support this plugin's development you can grab it here:
A review of this plugin would also be appreciated!

So with the new Minecraft update I'm pleased to announce that- wait. What do you mean that was over a year ago?

Well then. This is awkward.
It's been a while hasn't it!

In that period Lib's Disguises has gone a huge rewrite in its internals as it has changed from using ProtocolLib to PacketEvents for packet manipulation!
During this period there have been numerous bugs found and squashed, along with MineSkin unfortunately breaking in older versions of Lib's Disguises.

Unfortunately with the large amount of work done and long period of time, some of the changes made will be overlooked for this changelog.

Among the changes, the most important would be the way some APIs have changed, from dropping ProtocolLib support to having a few methods renamed.
This should hopefully be painless for the majority of plugins, though old legacy plugins may still break.

The most important change for developers to note would be the change in how Lib's Disguises identifies itself in Maven & Gradle.

The maven/gradle group & artifact have changed from both group and artifact being "LibsDisguises" which is unorthodox, to the modern naming of group "me.libraryaddict.disguises" and artifact "libsdisguises"
For gradle, you would see this go from "LibsDisguises:LibsDisguises" to "me.libraryaddict.disguises:libsdisguises"

A brief overall of some other notable changes are

  • Scaling support in 1.20.6+, and oversized disguises will now first attempt to scale down for self disguises instead of just being hidden
  • Config cleanup, renamed and resorted so its less confusing
  • Bug fixes, of course
  • Updated MineSkin API to its new modern API
  • Lots and lots of performance boosts, especially in modern Minecraft! Fast startup times!
  • Fixed compatibility with older versions of Minecraft
  • Added javadocs
  • Fixed disguise arguments not parsing properly
  • Some saved disguises fixes for certain plugins that handle it (skbee)
  • Placeholder API support
  • Fix future disguise support being broken (DisguiseAPI.addFutureDisguise is used to disguise an entity that hasn't spawned yet, but will be spawned immediately after. This means the client never sees the real entity)
  • More performance boosts
  • Start nagging users of outdated Minecrafts to update to the latest minor version. Aka, if you're using 1.21.3 and not 1.21.4, this is you. You should ponder updating! PacketEvents doesn't support all minor versions.

Release 10.0.44

10 Apr 02:16
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This is a small bugfix build, interesting how issues always crop up just after a release.

  • Fixed /undisguise not working correctly for 1.16 and older
  • Fixed error occuring if a minecraft skin did not exist when doing a lookup
  • Saved disguises should now persist better on server crash
  • Fixed bisect hosting not enabling premium properly
  • When warning about possible malware, note how many extra files

Release 10.0.43

05 Apr 05:45
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Hello world!

This is a minor release with small bug fixes

  • Amended warning about modified jar
  • Fixed spectator camera not working on a fresh disguise
  • Fixed wolf disguise setAngry for versions older than 1.16
  • Cleaned up some nms and code, removed legacy comments
  • Added warning for modded servers (Lib's Disguises doesn't support em)
  • Added a message to startup to help people be aware about tall self disguises hiding by default

Release 10.0.42

28 Jan 12:29
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Another release? Wow!

  • Added basic malware check for Lib's Disguises
  • Fixed old versions of Minecraft not displaying player disguises properly
  • Fixed some inheritance of dependencies for other plugins which was annoying them
  • Added support for a future change in paper which breaks nms

Release 10.0.41

17 Jan 10:29
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Welcome to the super not late release of 10.0.41
I really should bump that version number to a major one sometime...

This introduces 1.20.4 and a few bugfixes.

  • Fixed an issue where notify bar wasn't displayed as per user preference
  • Fixed disguise parsing not working on a newly added custom disguise
  • Fixed an error when using viaversion with player disguises
  • Switched logs uploading from pastebin to finally..
  • Scoreboards has been disabled for now on 1.20.4 for health bars of the disguise itself, this only means it doesn't update. If you don't notice, you're good.
  • Fixed authlib update breaking Lib's Disguises across a few versions of Minecraft
  • More verbose reason for PL update is now logged
  • Partially fixed llama spit disappearing when in non-solid block, however a full fix is impossible due to how spit works (It's not supposed to stick around)

Release 10.0.40

15 Nov 07:33
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Fixed an issue with permissions for custom disguises and console

Released 10.0.39

13 Nov 08:51
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  • Improves on startup times
  • Fixed disabled methods not being lowercased
  • Hidden a packet error when joining on 1.20.2

Release 10.0.38

06 Oct 01:53
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This release is all bugfixes and 1.20.2 support.
I will note that you may need to update ProtocolLib yourself,
However, Lib's Disguises should update the plugin. But you'll likely need to restart the server for it to take effect as it cannot do a live update.

Here's the changelog!

  • Fixed a minor issue with unexpected missing server setting
  • Fixed a small issue in skript with entity destroy packet
  • Fixed extended names in scoreboards not properly unregistering, and thus spamming the scoreboards with teams
  • Fixed nametag serialization adding the chatcolor white when it shouldn't have
  • Added all the newer entity poses, most of them probably won't do anything
  • Fixed player skins not updating on a live player disguise
  • Added 1.20.2 support
  • Made ProtocolLib updating smarter