- Built-in Aggregate functions in Grid component: AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM
- Option to create custom aggregate functions for each column
- Group panel now contains Add Button fromw here you can create new groups dynamically
- Each group of rows in Grid component now has a summary footer
- Sorting of groups is available from group panel
- Group Expand/Collapse per level from group panel
- Expand/Collapse and Sorting for each group is optional from group panel
- Built-in Column Menu in Grid and TreeGrid
- Sorting index is added for each column when multi-column sorting is enabled
- Customizable Column Aggregations
- TreeLIst now adds Separator with text (alignment: left, center and right)
- scrollPosChanged event data now includes the maximum scrolling position
- Touch Scroll is now supported in TreeList
- Fixed the issue that prevented manual opening of ContextMenu when left-mouse button is clicked
- Fixed the issue within TreeList component that prevented navigation using tourch
- Dynamic Drag and Drop now also works without animations in ListBox and TreeView
- menuClick event is now fired also when using Touch
- Other minor bug fixes
- FontSize and FontStyle custom properties for all components
- ListBox have built-in CheckBox for items
- ListBox have built-in RadioButton
- Items can appear as separators in ListBox
- Add and remove event data in List components now include the item index and parent
- sizeChanged event from SidePanel is fired during animated resize
- updateComplete event is added to the SideBar, fires when layolut update completes
- Fixed the issue that prevented additional add/remove processes when it is canceled within itemAdding or itemRemoving event
- Fixed the issue with inserting new items at position that is outside of current list range
- Block size is now correctly set within TreeList size when added as a child to SidePanel
- Fixed the issue with items in TreeList to appear as grayed when disabled
- Drag Drop Multiple items in ListBox now correctly preserves their order
- RadioButtons in List components no longer become unchecked when clicked twice
- Change of RadioButton value is now working also with touch
- Text-align custom property setting for all components, by default is set to left
- Fixed the issue with right-click on TreeList header that moves back the list when header click event is handled
- TreeList scrollTo method no includes the header height when scrolling
- Icons in Calendar are now rendered correctly before ResourcePath is set
- Showing a check box in root context menu no longer throws an error 'resource not found'
- Changing Tab Orientation during run-time in TabStrip now correctly aligns tabs
- Deep child menus no longer remain open when root menu is opened again or a different menu opens
- Other minor bug fixes
- Fully animated ListBox and TreeView with asynchronous animations during: Initialization, Add/Remove/Clear, Expand/Collapse, Drag Drop, Auto-Size
- Moving item(s) from one position to another
- Option to add or remove multiple items at once
- scrollPosChanged event now includes the maximum scroll position in event data
- Dynamic grouping in ListBox: groups are created on the fly based on specified item field
- Menu items can have check boxes
- Menu items can have radio buttons in multiple radio groups
- Option to create custom menu templates where you can add HTML elements in different layouts
- A new event fired when checkbox or radio button checked value changes
- Templates for rows and items in Grid and List components now includes the order number
- Panel now has Auto-Size with animation
- updateComplete event for SideBar
- New samples available
- Data Validation in Grid with Form Editing, the invalid message now appears at correct position when main window is scrolled
- Window is now not movable in maximized state
- Fixed the issue that caused moving items up/down outside the list range to cause them to be removed
- Fixed the issue that prevented closing of menu when option is clicked
- Fixed the issue with calendar layout when opened from DatePicker
- Update of layout on resize in ListBox and TreeView
- SizeChanged is now correctly called during TreeView resize with auto-size enabled
- Fixed the issue that caused items in List components to appear stacked at 0 position
- TreeView during initialization no longer flickers
- Fixed the issue that prevented moving an item to last position in the List
- Fixed the issue that caused scrollbar to hide and reset its position when component is disabled
- Fixed the issue that caused scrollPosChanged event to fire twice when using the mouse wheel
- Sorting in List components (ListBox, ListView and TreeView) no longer changes the item order in original list, instead a copy is used
- When sorting is enabled in ListBox, groups are now correctly sorted
- Drag and Drop items over groups in ListBox are now correctly placed in target group
- Other minor bug fixes
- Data validation in Grid and TreeGrid with following rules: Compare, Required, Numeric, Range, StringLength and Custom
- Option to enable data validation for all editing modes: Batch, Form and Inline
- A new dataInvalid event that occurs when data change is invalid
- Option to set your own custom conditions for data validation
- Option to customize data validation message and display position
- Improved Sorting: Single and Multi-Column Sorting in Grid and TreeGrid
- Sorting is available on general or individual level for each column separately
- Animated appearance of sorting button when sorting order changes
- Menus can have shortcuts
- Improved animations during expand/collapse, selection and hovering of menus
- Menu Separator can have a Label
- Option to create a vertical menu
- Panel component can have Static and Dynamic scrolling
- Horizontal and vertical alignment of panel content
- Improved appearance and animations during opening and closing of PopOver component
- PopOver content can appear with animated transition depending on position
- Prefix for custom properties in all component styles is changed to '--iui-'
- Fixed the appearance of sidebar header when Dark color scheme is in use
- Change of color scheme from parent radio group to radio buttons is now applied
- Text in column header is now trimmed for Grid and TreeGrid
- Fixed changes to checked and checkState values for CheckBox component when used in React
- Fixed the issue that caused non required data change to horizontal scroll position during keyboard navigation when using SHIFT+TAB
- The appearance of PopOver when Dark color scheme is applied is now updated
- animation property in TabStrip is replaced with contentAnimation
- Other minor bug fixes
- New components: Loading and SidePanel
- Loading - Use of asynchronous animations during loading progression
- SidePanel - Allows you to add custom content panel that appears by sliding from page side
- Dynamic Drag and Drop with smooth animations that show target drop position for ListBox, ListView and TreeView
- TypeScript definitions files for each component
- SideBar now allows you to create content layouts divided with expandable and sizeable panels during run-time
- Auto hide ability for SideBar that allows you to change whether side bar content pops out on top of the parent container or pushes its content to the side when opening
- Dynamic appearance of scrollbar
- Improved overall appearance of Tooltips
- Option o place tabs in SideBar on each side with customizable alignment
- Expand/Collapse of groups in TreeList no longer changes the scroll position
- Scrolling the ListBar content is now working when using the mouse wheel
- Reaching the end of scrolling in TabStrip shows scroll buttons in grey color
- Mouse wheel now correctly scrolls tabs in TabStrip
- New and improved samples
- Other minor bug fixes
- New component: DropDownFilter that allows you to add a dropdown list with different filter operations
- TabStrip can now align tabs to appear on top-left, middle or bottom-right side
- Tabs can have vertical orientation
- TabStrip can show tabs in multiple lines
- TabStrip auto-updates its layout on dynamic resize
- Tabs in different colors with option to set animated inline styles
- TreeView items can accept inline styles for each state: disabled, normal, hovered or selected
- Change of item appearance in TreeView on demand using custom styles
- TreeView with auto-size ability where tree structure is shown on full without virtualization
- Option to add radio buttons to TreeView
- New samples for TabStrip and TreeView components
- Fixed the issue with disappearance of scroll buttons when scroll mode is changed in TabStrip
- Fixed the issue with updating the layout of ProgressBar component when included as child of other web components
- Selected Tab on Left, Right and Bottom placement border is now correctly shown without a line
- When TabStrip Animation is None, the tab content is now appearing correctly
- Other minor bug fixes
- New component: SplitImage - allows you to visually compare differences between two images or custom HTML elements
- SlideBar component now has two display modes: Stream and Carousel
- Mouse Wheel has five speeds in Grid, TreeGrid and PivotGrid components: VerySlow, Slow, Normal, Fast and Veryfast
- Horizontal Scrolling is now available when Shift is pressed and Mouse Wheel is in use
- loadData method in Grid and TreeGrid now have option to load columns and rows at the same time
- loadData method now supports incremental data loading
- Export data from TreeList and Breadcrumb as tree hierarchy or flat list in JSON format
- ProgressBar has an option to show or hide a label displaying its current value
- The type of editor and its settings used in Grid and TreeGrid columns is now also determined from parent column
- List component has option to add items as separators
- z-index as custom property is now available for all components
- New CSS Custom Properties for Grid, TreeGrid and PivotGrid
- Text editor in Grid cells now occupies the cell space in whole
- TreeList component now has an option to scroll to specific item
- Improved dynamic styling for all components
- Option to prevent resizing of WIndow component
- Internal reference to Button element is now correctly applied when component is refreshed
- Animations for Radio buttons in Grid and TreeGrid cells are now suppressed during scrolling
- DropDown list when shown near grid bottom now opens upwards
- When DropDown Calendar or List appears the page is no longer scrolled back to the top
- Losing the input focus on DatePicker when changing dates with a keyboard is prevented
- Fixed the issue that caused DropDown editors (Calendar, DropDownList) and Text editor, they now appear when using touch
- Fixed the flickering issue in TreeList caused by Office theme during selection and hovering
- Fixed Auto-Expanding in TreeView when dragging item from one treeview to another
- Swap icon now correctly appears in Dark style for SplitContainer
- Using mouse wheel to scroll to the end now correctly updates the scroll thumb position
- The label of Radio button is now correctly aligned relative to the button box
- Other minor bug fixes
- New components: Label and Toaster
- Label is fully customizable with different alignments relative to attached input element
- Toaster allows you to display notification messages (Toasts) with different alert levels
- Improved appearance with animations for RadioButton and ProgressBar components
- RadioButton now supports vector scaling with animations and CSS customization of shape and colors
- Option to change ProgressBar appearance on demand during run-time using inline style
- Option to show Slider Editor in Grid and TreeGrid as ProgressBar
- ProgressBar can now display value label in different alignments and value change is animated
- Grid and TreeGrid component now supports new editor type: RadioButton
- Option to have different groups of radio buttons within the Grid
- ProgressBar in Grid, TreeGrid and PivotGrid cells can now show label for current progress value
- Showing custom content like a toolbar when row is hovered or selected is now corrected and improved
- Option to show/hide horizontal or vertical scrollbars in Grid, TreeGrid and PivotGrid components on demand
- Option to select which RadioButton is checked from its parent group
- Applying CSS classes and inline styles on demand for Grid and TreeGrid columns, rows and cells
- Option to create alert like animations for buttons or grid cells on demand
- EditorSettings inheritance of child column from parent column
- Updating the dropdown list from within selection changing events is now available
- Pencil icon for editing now also appears when grid row is hovered
- When scrolling using mouse wheel in Grid and TreeGrid now correctly closes any open dropdown windows
- Fixed the issue that prevented changing the check box value using touch in Grid and TreeGrid cells
- dataChanging and dataChanged events in Grid for Inline and Form editing now carries a single object instead of an array
- Fixed the issue that caused Rating component within grid cells to always have fixed height
- Fixed the issue with auto-sizing columns when auto-size is enabled
- Fixed the issue that expands or collapses a row when it is disabled
- The error that appears when returning null in item template for List components is now fixed
- Fixed the issue with total grid space when columns are auto-sized and there are fixed columns
- Visible area in grid is now correctly updated when scrolled to max and grid resized
- When column maxWidth is set and autoSizeColumns is active, the overall width of columns is no longer reduced during resizing
- Closing of DropDown Calendar or DropDown List in Grid components when mouse button is pressed and released is now fixed
- Fixed the problem with setting ProgressBar value outside of range
- When grid cell with slider is resized, now correctly updates the slider position
- Other minor bug fixes
- New components: Card, DockPanel, Panel and Window
- Card - a flip card with two sides
- DockPanel - create dynamic layouts with docking panels
- Panel - generic container with option for content alignment
- Window - movable and sizable windows
- Option to use Cards in ListView
- Dynamic grouping In ListBox where you can drag and drop items between groups
- Option to set maximum number pages that helps with server side pagination in Grid and TreeGrid
- Option to export specific Data from Grid and TreeGrid components
- Improve Editing in Grid and TreeGrid
- Batch Editing - edit multiple rows and cells at the same time
- Form Editing - edit grid data using a built-in Form
- Inline Editing - edit rows with inline cell editors
- Custom Editing - create your own editing process
- Option to choose color scheme for all components
- Option to prevent or allow keyboard focus for editing components
- Option to localize names that appear in built-in Buttons used in Grid and TreeGrid
- Sorting indicator now appears when custom template is used for column header
- Fixed re-applying of inline filter when it is saved in local storage
- Fixed the issue that causes cell focus marker in Grid to appear incorrectly when scrolling
- Fixed keyboard navigation between grid cells when moving focus away from the grid
- Midnight theme is replaced by Dark color scheme
- Other minor bug fixes
- Built-in Inline Filter in Grid and TreeGrid for Date, Numeric and String values
- Built-in Inline Editor for Grid and TreeGrid components
- Breadrumb now updates its content automatically when size changes
- Change components CSS styles on demand from code
- Loading icon for all data components
- Option to prevent update of component layout
- Custom item templates for TreeList
- Option to add items as separators to TreeList component
- Option to customize the drag and drop functionality with wait and resolve methods in data components
- Option to select a date using keyboard in DatePicker
- Option to change item or row visibility on demand in data components
- AutoComplete header now contains a clear selection button
- Export to JSON now supports exporting specific objects from data components
- Changes to check value of parent and child items in TreeView is now updated automatically whenever tree layout updates
- Fixed the locales settings not appearing for Calendar in DatePicker
- Fixed the issue with resizing of Columns in Grid components when view is horizontally scrolled
- Fixed the issues with appearance of resize cursor for columns when view is scrolled
- Fixed the issue that prevented change of cell value from a droplist editor
- Appearance of previously hovered tab is now correctly reset when a new tab is selected
- Fixed the issue with that sorts the grid on column click when column is also resizing
- Pressing down key in Autocomplete to open the dropdown list no longer scrolls the page
- Editor Text is now correctly updated when using Midnight Themes
- Click on Breadcrumb item (not the arrow), now sets that item as selected
- When drag drop between two TreeViews, hovering over items in the first tree view now works after drop
- If column is fixed, the resize cursor no longer appears
- Context Menu style is now applied also to submenus
- Other minor bug fixes
- New CSS custom properties for all web components
- TreeView now includes built-in check boxes
- Option to import templates from a file
- Option to get a list of current virtual items in TreeView
- Option to add expandable groups to TreeList
- Methods that allow asynchronous load on demand in TreeList
- CellTouched event available in Grid
- Display an icon from an url in all list components: ListBox, ListView, TreeList and TreeView
- Hovering over Tabs now shows grayed line
- SelectedIndexChanged event available for Select component
- Custom style settings for drag and drop component that can be changed on demand
- Option to get a list of all checked items in TreeView
- Fixed the issue that caused rendering error when starting drag and drop in TreeView
- Calling updateLayout in TreeView when hovering item is clicked now correctly sets the position of hovering toolbar
- Fixed the issue that causes Calendar to throw an error if provided date value is undefined
- Selecting a new tab now correclty resets the state of previously hovered tab to normal
- Fixed the appearance of hovered and selected template when Partial display mode is enabled in TreeView
- Fixed the appearance of scroll corner when both horizontal and vertical scrollbars appear in TreeView
- The width of scrolling view in TreeView is now correctly shown
- Other minor bug fixes
- New component: PivotGrid
- Improved performance during data load and update
- PivotGrid includes advanced filtering options for labels and values
- Sorting of columns, rows and data values is available
- Export data from PivotGrid to Excel CSV and JSON format
- Custom templates for column and row cells in PivotGrid
- Support for standard numeric and date formats in PivotGrid
- Multi-level headers with option to expand/collapse columns
- PivotGrid comes in light and dark theme
- Option to set header and footer height from code in Grid components
- CommonService now provides support for conversion of numbers, dates and strings in standard formats
- Scrolling using Touch in Grid and TreeGrid is now fully functional
- findItembyId and findItemByText methods added to TreeList
- Expand/Collapse of group items in TreeList now properly updates the view
- Header is now correctly set on selection when TreeList has groups
- Fixed the issue that prevented selecting Breadcrumb items from top line
- Fixed the issue that caused incorrect subheader titles during horizontal scrolling in Grid and TreeGrid
- Sort order indicator is now displayed also when column is sorted, regardless whether it is selected or not
- Fixed the bug that caused incorrect sorting column when there are multi-level headers
- IntegralUI Web now includes 40+ native Web Components that you can use in Angular, React, Vue or any other framework
- New Web Components: Grid, TreeGrid and DropDownButton
- Data Formatting: Support for standard Numeric and Date formats including localization
- 9 different built-in editors ready to use in Grid and TreeGrid components: Button, CheckBox, Date, DropList, Numeric, Progress, Rating, Slider and Text
- Improved Drag and Drop using special grid column
- Dynamic Grouping with custom aggregation functions
- Customizable Keyboard Navigation with Editing
- Improved Sorting and Filtering
- New samples available in Angular, AngularJS, JavaScript and React
- Minor bug fixes
- Compatible with Angular 10
- Improved performance for all components
- New events during expand/collapse of SideBar component
- Option to show/hide the splitter on demand
- Vertical Scroll for TreeList
- Fixed the CSS issue that caused clicks below expand button in SideBar to not pass to the side bar content
- Fixed the Issue that fires the splitterMoved event on mouse up when splitter is not moved
- If SideBar size is not specified, it is now determined by CSS settings
- Fixed the issue that caused throwing of ExpressionChanged... error from Breadcrumb on initialization
- Fixed change of values in Slider component using Touch
- When selectedItem property is set in TreeList, moving back to the parent list is now fixed
- Mouseup changes to selection when mousedown is clicked outside of the TreeView is now fixed
- Compatible with Angular 9
- Reduced overall bundle size
- Option to add a Toolbar on left and right side of the TabStrip
- New TabStrip animations: Fade and Slide
- TabStrip display modes for tabs: AutoSized, Compressed and Justified
- Scroll buttons in TabStrip components now can appear on demand
- Improved animations in Grid and TreeGrid for dropdown editors: Date and List
- In Resize directive change detection on attached element is improved
- Option to set animation speed in editors: DatePicker and DropList
- TreeList component now shows a scrollbar on demand
- Option to add items in groups in TreeList and customize the group appearance
- TreeList items with children can expand horizontally or vertically
- New Theme: Midnight
- Content from Hover and Select templates now remains visible when TreeView layout is updated manually from code
- Fixed the issue in Breadcrumb that caused flickering during resize
- Fixed the issue that caused popup editors like DropList and DatePicker to not appear when multi-level headers are in use
- Fixed the issue with horizontal scrollbar appearance during expand/collapse of TreeView items when hover and/or select templates are in use
- The horizontal scrolling in TreeView now correctly shows the longest item in full
- On Initialization of ColorPicker if click is made outside the component, with pre-selected color and without opening the dropdown panel, the selected color becomes empty
- Fixed the issue of showing content in TreeView items in multiple lines not aligned with expand box, when display mode is set to Full
- Interference of tab selection and drag start in TabStrip when scroll mode is set OutBound
- Fixed the issue that causes flickering of toolbar in TreeView
- Other small improvements
- Breadcrumb is now optimized. Flickering no longer appears
- Breadcrumb now clears the path when there is no selected item
- Frame directive fires a new event sizeChanging before the element size is changed
- Option to choose whether Frame directive resizes only width, height or both
- TreeView item is now correctly rendered in full width when horizontal scrollbar is present
- Reduced overall bundle size
- Fixed the issue with horizontal scrollbar appearance during expand/collapse of TreeView items when hover and/or select templates are in use
- The horizontal scrolling in TreeView now correctly shows the longest item in full
- iurResize directive change detection on attached element is improved
- Fixed the issue in Breadcrumb that caused flickering during resize
- Fixed the type error with IntegralUIContentVisibility enumeration
New components: ColorPicker and SideBar
Option to use a Color Picker as Editor in Grid and TreeGrid
Multi-level headers in Grid and TreeGrid
Custom content when rows are hovered or selected in Grid, ListBox, TreeGrid and TreeView
Option to determine when custom content appears for items or rows: None, Hover, Select or Both
Reorder multi-level columns from code using the moveColumn method
Option to manually set the scrolling position of tabs and handle the scrolling event in TabStrip
New and updated samples
Fixed the issue that caused menu item clicks to open the dropdown editor In Grid and TreeGrid when menu is opened over grid cells
Fixed the issue that caused editor to open on mouseUp if mouse button is released over editor cell during scrolling
selectionChanged event is now fired when selected item or row is removed from list or grid component
Whenever data source is changed and component updated, the current selection is also updated and selection events are fired
When selecting items or rows from code, the previous selected items are now cleared
Fixed the issue that caused hover content to remain visible when item is no longer hovered
Fixed the issue that prevented scrolling using touch in Grid and TreeGrid
Fixed the issue in DropDown directive that prevented opening the dropdown list using touch
Selecting items using touch from DropList editor is now fixed
Calendar is updated to work with touch when included as part of DatePicker editor
Fixed the issue that caused group panel to disappear during reordering of groups when only one group is present
Appearance of resize cursor on left in first column when auto-sized is now fixed
Cell Editor is now active on click in Grid and TreeGrid
Changes to the page size in TreeGrid pagination now correctly updates the grid view
Compatible with Angular 8
Reduced bundle size for all individual component modules
Option to choose whether you want the dropdown to appear downwards or upwards
Tooltips can now appear without animation
Option to reorder tabs through code using the moveTab method accompanied with change event
Option to scroll to specified tab
Option to change the drag drop position in user code and display the correct icon
Option to set drag drop action to copy or move in code
Drop mark icon for ListView changes to left/right in vertical mode
Option to show expanded boxes in TreeView only on hover, in normal mode
Editors now open only on left mouse click or touch
Option to change calendar style from DatePicker controlStyle property
Breadcrumb now adjust visible items based on its size and provides a root dropdown menu
Samples are updated to work on Angular 8
Space between ListBox items that appears under IE is now corrected
In drop event in user code, selection of items now can be cleared
Fixed the issue that caused getValue for DropList in ToolItem to thrown a style error exception
Fixed the issue that shows previous item from where dragging starts to appear as hovered, after drag and drop completes
The image of dragged item is now correctly shown in FireFox and appears the same in all browsers
When TabStrip is scrolled, the empty space position is now correctly set during drag and drop
Fixed the issue that caused tab headers view to reset its position when tab is drag and dropped when OutBound scrolling mode is active
Calendar and dropdown list in Toolbar now appear only on left mouse click
Fixed the issue that prevented loading icon from appearing during load on demand in TreeView
Changes to the data field names in Breadcrumb is now correctly applied
Fixed the issue that caused style error to be thrown when Breadcrumb is initialized
Other minor bug fixes
Fixed columns on left and right in Grid and TreeGrid
Option to show custom content like command buttons, when row is hovered in Grid and TreeGrid
A new event is added named dragDropComplete, which is fired after drag drop finishes and grid layout is updated. This event is present in Grid, ListBox, ListView, TreeGrid and TreeView components
Sorting and Filtering icon improvements
New theme Office (animations are added on hovering, selection etc. for most components)
Option to show expand boxes only on hover in TreeGrid
Option to set header and footer height from code
New and updated samples
Improve performance on grid update (internal data size scalling based on columns and rows)
While dragging a row close to top or bottom grid border, the view is scrolled vertically is now corrected
Vertical scrolling is now correctly updated during drag drop in Grid and TreeGrid
Vertical scrollbar doesn't appear when row is expanded in the TreeGrid with only one row
Fixed the issue that caused horizontal scrollbar to appear incorrectly in TreeView
Fixed the issue that caused dropdown list editor to appear for cells that has it set to hidden
ListPopup now longer causes style error with its position is set in Grid
CalendarPopup and ListPopup are added to the DOM from the Grid only when associated editor is present
With many columns in Grid scrolling speed is now increased when using touch
Fixed the issue of closing the DropDown editors when touch is made outside the editor
Tooltip no longer appears after the attached element is removed
New components: AutoComplete, Breadcrumb, Popover, Toolbar
Compact Mode in TreeView, displays limited set of tree hierarchy based on selected item
Improved overall performance of Grid and TreeGrid components
Option to disable editing from built-in editor in specific cell
Option to show or hide cell editor on demand
Item spacing is now available in ListView
New and updated samples
CSS settings for editors are now moved in separate style sheet
Fixed the issue that incorrectly changes the rating values when division is larger than 1 in Rating component
cellValueChanged event for TextBox now includes the original text
TextBox editor with padding set, no longer causes cropping of the right border in the grid cell
When editor becomes active, the row is auto-selected in Grid and TreeGrid
mousewheel in ListView with horizontal layout now also works when virtual mode is not used
TabStrip layout is now correctly updated on parent resize
tabOrderChanged event now correctly includes the tab object
Fixed the issue that caused the Filter panel in Grid sample to remain open when clicked outside its space
Fixed the issue that causes resize cursor in grids to remain visible after mouse button is released over rows
cellvalueChanging event now correctly carries the new value
The mousedown event is now suspended from bubbling up, when item is selected from dropdown list in ComboBox
Other minor bug fixes
New components: Calendar and DatePicker
Grid and TreeGrid components have built-in editors for: Boolean, Date, Image, List, Numeric, Progress, Rating and Text values
Option to select a different editor for each column cells
Cell editors are fully customizable via CSS
Components now have built-in animations during hovering or selection
All components now have a property that determines whether animations are enabled or not
New events: cellValueChanging and cellValueChanged, fired when cell value changes
A getClientPos method is added to CommonService, which returns the mouse position in client coordinates based on specified element<
New and updated samples
Changes to the value property when common component is disabled is no longer applied
Fixed the issue that caused columnClick event to fire twice when column is clicked in Grid and TreeGrid components
When mouse cursor is moved from side of column border over rows, it no longer remains as resize cursor
Fixed the issue with MultiExtended selection in Grid and TreeGrid that caused deselection when SHIFT key is pressed
When moving an item from one TreeView to another with drag drop, the drop marker from the first tree view is now correctly removed from the DOM
Drop mark now correctly appears over the first row during drag drop operation
Fixed the issue that caused changes to the sorting order twice, when column header is clicked
Themes are updated to reflect component changes
Other minor bug fixes
SplitContainer now have buttons in splitter space to quickly change orientation to vertical or horizontal layout
TabStrip scrolling options: None, InBound and OutBound
Option to reorder columns from code in Grid and TreeGrid, using moveColumn method
Option to reorder items from code in ListBox, ListView and TreeView using moveItem method
Menu opening with or no animation
Click, Right Click and Double Click events for all List and Grid components (item, cell, row, column)
Whenever component enabled state changes, the enabledChanged event is now fired
Option to show or hide navigation buttons in SlideBar component
Option to show or hide command buttons in SplitContainer component
There are five scrolling speed levels to choose from, when using mouse wheel
Option to show or hide the expand box in TreeView, Grid and TreeGrid components
New dragStart and dragEnd events for all Grid and List components
Drag Drop with scrolling in TabStrip
New and updated samples
In SplitContainer, the position of splitter handle in horizontal layout is now correctly set when orientation changes
Expand/Collapse now works with double click in TreeView items in non-virtual mode
Fixed the issue when using Left/Right keys during keyboard navigation in ListView
Changing the scroll mode in ListView component, now resets the scroll position
Cursor icon over scrollbars now remains as the default one
Mapping of data fields in TreeView when not in virtual mode is now correctly set for all item fields
ListBar now correctly sets a group as selected when header is clicked
The clone object during drag drop is now correctly attached with the drag drop data
Fixed the issue that caused interference between dragging a grid row and selecting a new Rating value inside grid cells
Fixed the issue in Rating when displaying large values within small component size
Themes are updated to reflect component changes
Other minor bug fixes
New themes: Office 360, Windows 10, Bootstrap, Blue, Red, Green, Dark
Each group in Grid component can have a different appearance
Create groups that display summary, average values or any result using custom aggregation functions
Reorder tabs in TabStrip component with smooth drag and drop
Option to set component size on demand from code
Hover events for column, row, cell and items are now available
Option to hide expand box in Grid and TreeGrid components
Option to apply inline styles on demand to items in ListBox, ListView and TreeView
Each item in Menu and ContextMenu can have custom inline style, separatelly from other items
New samples
Rating component when included in Grid cells no longer causes flickering
Changes to the controlStyle property of DropDown Button are now applied correctly
The text outside ComboBox header is now hidden
MouseWheel operation in ComboBox no longer bubbles up in parent elements
Frame directlive now correctly resizes the attached element when element has a border
Fixed the issue that caused columnClick event to fire when column resize finishes
Fixed the issue that allowed groups in Grid component to become dragged
Fixed the issue that caused drop mark to remain visible in TreeView component, after item is dropped
Hovering is now disabled when row or item is dragged
Fixed the issue that caused incorrect functionalty of loadData method when flat parameter is not provided
Opening of context menu no longer causes window to scroll
The Splitter size is now correctly calculated and updated when attached panels or parent elements resize
decreaseValue and increaseValue methods in ListScroller are changed to to prevItem, nextItem
When TreeView is in virtual mode, the item width is now correctly set
Other minor bug fixes
- Angular 5 compatible
- 10 new components: Button, CheckBox, Dialog, DropDownButton, ListScroller, Numeric, ProgressBar, RadioButton, Rating, Slider
- Column reordering, allows columns to be reordered during run-time
- dragEnter and dragLeave events for most components
- Pagination is now available for Grid and TreeGrid components
- Touch events support for basic functionalities: scrolling, selection, expand/collapse etc.
- Option to set a style for column, row and cell objects on individual level from code
- Export to JSON for List components: ListBox, ListView and TreeView
- New samples that demonstrates: pagination, functionality of all new components, and more
- Grouping for Grid component, allows dynamic arrangement of data in different groups
- Groups can have custom templates
- Export to JSON, Excel CSV file formats
- Move rows in direction: left, right, top, bottom, up, down and change their level
- Column resize options: allow resize on left, right or both sides
- Option to set minimum and maximum width to each column in Grid and TreeGrid
- Grid and TreeGrid has option to set columns to occupy the whole space, no horizontal scroll
- Menu virtualization
- Multi level Context Menu
- Menu templates, option to add custom HTML elements of Angular components in each menu item
- Option to persists the expand/collapse state of groups
- Group events: groupAdding, groupAdded, groupRemoving, groupRemoved, groupsCleared, groupOrderChanged
- getTopItem for TreeView and getTopRow for Grid and TreeGrid, returns the first visible item or row in the current view
- getList method now can return the current list of all visible items or rows, without children of collapsed items or rows
- Option to change the scrollbar visibility on demand, separately for horizontal and vertical scroll
- expandColumnID a property that sets the column which cells has the expand box
- Option to auto-adjust the position of the Context Menu when close to right or bottom window border
- Cancel option is added in menuOpening event
- canSelect field for columns, rows and items to prevent their selection
- enabled property for all components: appearance and functionality
- New samples that demonstrates: dynamic grouping, export to CSV or JSON, menu templates, multi-level context menu, and more
- Version number changes to correspond with official product release
- Filter service - provides a set of related functions for custom filter operations
- DropDown directive - represents a dropdown window
- IntegralUITemplateOutlet directive - replaces the standard ngTemplateOutlet that solves the problem with memory usage by removing the generated view automatically
- Virtualization for list components: ListBox, ListView and TreeView
- Option to show/hide or enable/disable each item in Menu and Context Menu
- New events for ContextMenu that allows changes to menu content on demand before it appears
- Performance improvements in Grid, TreeGrid and TreeView
- Option to show/hide column, row and items on demand
- Drag Drop Multiple rows and items
- Keyboard navigation for all list and grid components
- keyDown, keyPress, keyUp events for all list and grid components
- All components now have a name property that uniquely identifies the component
- Option to change the distance between parent-child items and rows
- Improve performance by suspending and resuming the component layout
- Option to quickly navigate to specific item or row by showing it in the current view
- Option to auto-expand the parent item or row during drag drop operations
- Filtering is now available for all list and grid components
- New samples that demonstrates: filtering, keyboard navigation, excel like editing and virtualization
- All components are now built on top of Angular 4 framework
- AOT (Ahead Of Time compilation) is now supported
- Sorting is now available for all list and grid components
- Option to create custom header for groups (using selectors)
- New samples available in QuickStart application
- columnSizeChanged event for Grid and TreeGrid components
- clearSelection method for all list and grid components
- Grid and TreeGrid can have cells with a dropdown list
- refresh, clearSelection and collapse/expand methods for Accordion component
- beforeSelect and afterSelect events for Accordion component
- First official version of the product
- Following methods are now available in TreeView: collapse, expand, findItemById, findItemByText, scrollPos and toggle
- Fixed the issue with addItem method when parent argument is ised
- Added two new components: Grid and TreeGrid
- Expand/Collapse events in TreeView are now fired
- Fixed the problem with Angular CLI, the error stating that IntegralUIModule is not recognized no longer appears
- Fixed the problem with CSS relative paths in Angular CLI
- During drag drop when child item is moved and placed as a root item, when there are no child items, the layout is correctly updated and all root items are aligned
v0.7.239 Added two new components: SplitContainer and Splitter
- Initial Release