This is my GitHub repository for the UC Davis Class BIS 15L: Data Science for Biologists. It contains all of the notes, labs, and HW assignments that I did in R with R Studio
The purpose of this class was to introduce high-volume data wrangling, cleaning, and visualizing for biology students.
Week 1: R, Rstudio, and GitHub
Week 2: Data Structures: Vectors Data Matrices, and Data Frames
Week 3: Importing Data and Dplyr: filter()
, pipes %>%
, and mutate()
Week 4: Tidyr: Tidy data and pivot_long()
, pivot_wider()
, summarize()
, and group_by()
Week 5: Dealing with NA's: Naniar and skimr
Week 6: Data Visualization: ggplot
Week 7: Shiny
Week 8: GenBank, BLAST, and phylogenetic trees
Class Project: Cancer Mortalities in Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1950s-1980s
Class Midterm