- Fix iOS 13 - Comptible with Xcode 10 and 11.
- Migrated to Swift 4. [breaking]
- EPOK API support.
- Objective-C support.
- More configuration options.
- More test cases.
- Refactored to support multiple API providers.
- Errors do not include the response and response code anymore. [breaking]
- UI issue in iOS 11.
- Warning on View Controller dismissal.
- Search results now include the district code #1.
- Test case.
- Coordinates bug in search results #1.
- Missing default parameter.
- Search issue.
- Corner case table bug.
- Changelog.
- Limited search to 3 characters or more.
- Issue where certain search terms would crash the app.
- Table scroll bug.
- Lowered target platform to 9.0.
- Bug in view controller.
- Sample data in Moya provider for testing purposes.
- iPad support.
- Cartfile.
- Pre-built binaries for Carthage.
- Improved error handling: USIGNormalizadorError type now includes both status code and response object, if available.