Inside stage
There is two sub-module named one
and two
Each sub-module folder should contains
for auto import.
Inside stage
folder, mkdir
a new stage with name you want.
And create a mininum
with following dict
setup = {
'path': 'path/to/sub-module', # This str will be use in os.path.join(), Do NOT starts with /
'url': '/stage/one/', # index url for stage page. Will be DEPRECATED soon.
'package': '' # Package path to sub-module, use for __import__ function call.
Inside the stage/[stage_name]
folder (such as stage/one
Make sure there is a mininum
And create new file with any name you like ,
But file name show same as function name.
If you wish your lessons can be sort.
Naming these lesson file can use some count such as:
You have a lesson want to called i_love_haruna, and you wish it in place 35
Then you shoud create a file called with a async function like:
async def i_love_haruna(request):
With following code:
import traceback
from sanic.response import json
from utils import fields_generate, concat_code
from utils import file_generate, file_execute
# route: dict for good Sanic route setup and auto import.
# data: dict for present at Frontend
# answer: function is to judge stdout result is correct or wrong.
# This must be manually write in order to judge.
route = {
'function': 'hello_python', # Async def function name below.
'url': '/stage/one/hello_python', # Url for Sanic to set route.
'methods': [ 'GET', 'POST' ]
data = {
'title': 'Hello Python', # Any title would show in Frontend.
# image is optional, suggest use https
'image': '',
'description': [
'Hello there!',
'I see that you are a new face!',
'Try to say Hello to me!'
# code with a array, each blank show with five underline(_),
# fronend will automatically translate to <input> tag.
# remember each line should escape with special character.
'code': [
'fields': []
data['fields'] = fields_generate(data) # NEVER remove this line!!
async def hello_python(request):
if request.method == 'GET':
global data
return json({ 'success': True, 'data': data })
code_data = concat_code(data, request.json)
file_name = file_generate(code_data)
stdout, stderr = file_execute(file_name)
result = answer(stdout, stderr)
return json({ 'success': True, 'data': { 'result': result, 'stdout': stdout, 'stderr': stderr} })
return json({ 'fail': True, 'error': traceback.format_exc() })
def answer(stdout, stderr):
if stderr != []:
return False
return stdout[0].decode() == 'Hello Python\n'
return False