The following document tries to provide solution ideas to all problems of categories [medlelsvår, ganska svår, mycket svår] of a previously finished IMPA round. The purpose of this document is to share solution ideas across all IMPA participants. Some problems in this document may have a red Wanted tag in their title. This means that a solution idea is not yet available and invites readears who know of a solution to contribute by emailing the document administrator. Any contributions will be creadited to the contributor, unless told otherwise by the contributor. Any questions, errors, suggestions, etc. can also be emailed to the document administrator.
Contact: (Lowe Kozak Åslöv)
To calculate the number of paths we may first prune the input by removing all 'S' characters as they have no impact on our final solution. We may tie each IF-ELSE-END_IF statement together by using two stacks, one IF-stack and one ELSE-stack. We go through the strings from first to last, and when we encounter an END_IF statement we pop one element from each of the two stacks and tie them together. Each IF-ELSE-END_IF statement evaluates as follows:
If an IF statement evaluates TRUE, then we move to the line after IF. Otherwise we jump all the way to the line after the corresponding else statement. We may construct a DAG from this. Assume that IF is on index position x, ELSE is on index position y and END_IF on index position z. Then we add the edges:
- x -> x+1 (IF TRUE)
- x -> y+1 (IF FALSE)
- y -> z (IF was TRUE, jump over ELSE)
- z -> z+1 (jump into next IF-ELSE-END_IF statement)
This represents all the ways that we can move forward in our given program. Next we can calculate the number of paths by setting the number of paths to the first index position to 1. We iterate over index positions
For a sequence S, in the eigensequence E(s) each element
There exist data structures that can handle the standard sum,min & max queries fast even in two dimensions (see: 2D segtree). However, it suffice to just iterate with a for loop if you are using cpp, time limits are way to generous.
Strategy optimality proof - "Evaluation Techniques for Storage Hierarchies" av Mattson et. al. 1970
The idea here is to eject the value that will occur last (or never again) of the values currently in the cache must you eject a value. This is a known idea within the theory of caching. Your best approach for finding such a solution is by coding a brute force solution that solves for small test cases that you create yourself, and from there try to see this pattern.
The implementation part is a bit tricky aswell.
One might implement this with the help of the following setup
- next(element,index) -> std::map maps a pair to the next index of that element occurence
- cache(element) -> std::unordered_set true,false if element is currently in the cache
- ejectNext() -> std::set maintains priority queue of next(element,index), of elements currently in the cache.
Then it becomes a matter of dynamically inserting and erasing from the sets.