其他语言版本: 简体中文
git clone https://github.com/AgoraIO-Usecase/eEducation.git
cd education_iOS
pod install
open AgoraEducation.xcworkspace
First, update KeyCenter.m file "agoraAppid" value
+ (NSString *)agoraAppid {
return <#Your Agora App Id#>;
Second, update KeyCenter.m file "agoraRTCToken" value
+ (NSString *)agoraRTCToken {
return <#Your Agora RTC Token#>;
Next, update KeyCenter.m file "agoraRTMToken" value
+ (NSString *)agoraRTMToken {
return <#Your Agora RTM Token#>;
Last, update KeyCenter.m file "whiteBoardToken" value
+ (NSString *)whiteBoardToken {
return <#Your White Token#>;
agoraRTCToken & agoraRTMToken to nil if you have not enabled app certificate before you deploy your own token server, you can easily generate a temp RTC token for dev use at https://dashboard.agora.io note the token generated are allowed to join corresponding room ONLY.
• Xcode 10.0+ • Physical iOS device (iPhone or iPad)
- You can find full API document at Document Center
- You can file bugs about this demo at issue
- You can get Agora Appid at Agora console
- You can get herewhite Token at herewhite console
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.