For those of you who find screenshots of manga but you don't know the sauce ?, this bot will do a reverse image search, then compare it and send it back to you, this bot also index it to Anilist if the title exists.
Invite this bot to your server here 🌵
Make sure you make Environment Variable or File with name:
For discord token bot,
For SauceNao token.
- SauceNao 💄
- Google 🚀
- Ascii2d 🚨
- Iqdb 🚚
- Iqdb3d 🗃️
- TraceMoe 🍱
- E-Henta* 🐼
- Baidu 🐾
- PicImageSearch (Reverse image scrapper) 🖼
- (Disord API python wrapper) 🐍
- ColorThief (Color Picker from image) 🎨
- Kadal (AsyncWrapper for Anilist) 🎡