A simple class to instantiate an input window made with tkinter in Python.
- Jean-François Chauvette (main author) : chauvettejf@gmail.com
Please contact me if you want to contribute.
here is a code example of how to implement the input window for a generic project :
# Import
from inputWindow import inputWindow
# Variable initiliazing
myStringVar = 'something'
myIntegerVar = 999
myChoice = ['Option 1','Option 2','Option 3', 1]
# Window creation
title = 'Project parameters'
instructions = 'Provide the specifc parameters for your program by filling the following fields.'
windowWidth = 375 # Width of the window in pixels
fields = ['String param here','Integer param here','Choice'] # Number of field entries matching the variables that you want a user input for.
defaultVal = [myStringVar, myIntegerVar, myChoice] # Number of default values must fit the number of fields.
radios = ['Choose your project type :','Type 1','Type 2','Type 3'] # the first string is the radio buttons subtile. For no radio buttons, set to None
photo = None#['path\picture.png',100,127] # file path, width, height. If a picture isn't needed, set to None.
smallFields = False; # To reduce the width of the input field, set to True.
myWindow = inputWindow.inputWindow(title,instructions,windowWidth,fields,defaultVal,radios,photo,smallFields) # With this instruction, the window will appear
- Note for combo box : When initializing the values, the index of the item to be selected by default must be appended to the end of the choice list ! For instance : myChoice = ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3', 1]. Here, item indexed at position 1 (item : 'Option 2') will be selected by default.
Then, you may want to convert some values (all returned values are string type) :
# Values assignments if
if myWindow.values:
[myStringVar, myIntegerVar, myChoice] = myWindow.values
projectType = myWindow.radioVal
# All values are output as string and must be converted after depending on the expected type. For example :
myIntegerVar = int(myIntegerVar)
Similarly as the values assignments, you may also detect if the user has clicked the Ok button or Cancel :
if myWindow.values:
# Do something
print('User canceled')